Thursday, February 14, 2013

Every Love Story

I once saw a saying on a back of an IPhone case and I immediately loved it:

Every Love Story is Beautiful,
But Ours is My Favorite
Do you have a love story? Do you have someone in your life that makes everything worth while?
Is there someone in your life giving you a reason to wake up and face the day? Is there someone who you can't stop thinking about or is receiving much of your attention minute after minute? Is there someone who you think you can't live without and if they were to leave, you would just die?
Seeing it is Valentines Day and the world is focused on love, I would like to add my two cents in worth. I have someone who makes my heart stop when he looks at me. I have someone who isn't embarrassed in being seen in public with me. I have that someone special who thinks I'm the most beautiful woman in the world and doesn't think I need to change a thing. I have a prince of a man who comes home to me every night and patiently waits for me to start the adventure of life out with him each morning.
He's become my soul mate and my best friend. No matter what happens around us, I now know I can count on him. I wouldn't change my life with him no matter. It hasn't been the easy but I can now tell you it's been well worth it and we are moving into a time in our lives where we are moving in agreement, friendship, and a greater, deeper love.
The problem: Others. What others think about our relationship. Family members who can't stand one of us. Confidence in our self so we can rise above those who talk and judge us.
Solution: Growing deeper in love and allowing God's love to reign supreme in our relationship. For without the greatest Lover, Friend, Counselor, Companion, and the Savior of all time we would not be celebrating this Valentines Day as a couple.
In fact, we would probably be Divorce Court or the Jerry Springer Show screaming at each other like a banshee. We have had so many ups and downs in our marriage it is indeed a miracle we still like each other.
So, if you are like how we were just a year ago, hating your spouse, disappointed in one another, and the trust has flown out the window, may I suggest you turn to the Greatest Valentine to ever to walk the face of the earth. He's waiting for you to ask Him to come into your love life and change it upside down. Believe me, it will be worth it for in the end, isn't it for He's Glory anyway?
God Bless.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Time Off

There comes a time when you need to take some time off to get your life in perspective. I have to admit, I may have gone a little overboard. I may have been boarding on a deep depression and if I would have allowed myself to go there, I am not sure I would be able to return to the living.

There may have been even times when I allowed myself to pray that God would take my life for I wondered what the point to it was anyway. I can honestly say, I only have myself to blame. I have a dream. But unlike Martin Luther King, I am not willing to lay down my life for it.

I know what I just said before and yes, I have contradicted myself. You see, I was having a pity party and usually when a person has a pity party, they say things they don't really mean. Unlike Martin's version, I am not willing to let go of everything I believe in for my cause.

However, I am willing to get back onto the saddle again, allowing God to take the ropes, start back from where I left off, conquer some fears and misconceptions I have about me. I am now one step closer to not allowing what people think about or say about me bother me.

So I am going to take it one day at a time. Rest when I need to and see where this all takes me.

God Bless.