Monday, February 11, 2013

Time Off

There comes a time when you need to take some time off to get your life in perspective. I have to admit, I may have gone a little overboard. I may have been boarding on a deep depression and if I would have allowed myself to go there, I am not sure I would be able to return to the living.

There may have been even times when I allowed myself to pray that God would take my life for I wondered what the point to it was anyway. I can honestly say, I only have myself to blame. I have a dream. But unlike Martin Luther King, I am not willing to lay down my life for it.

I know what I just said before and yes, I have contradicted myself. You see, I was having a pity party and usually when a person has a pity party, they say things they don't really mean. Unlike Martin's version, I am not willing to let go of everything I believe in for my cause.

However, I am willing to get back onto the saddle again, allowing God to take the ropes, start back from where I left off, conquer some fears and misconceptions I have about me. I am now one step closer to not allowing what people think about or say about me bother me.

So I am going to take it one day at a time. Rest when I need to and see where this all takes me.

God Bless.

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