Monday, March 25, 2013

Special Time of the Year

Everyone has a time in the year that is meaningful to them. Some would say Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year but let's not forget Thanksgiving and and all that turkey and pumpkin pie.

Others would think New Years Day with all the bowl games on television to be a dream come true and who doesn't like spring and summer? The beach is calling their name indeed. But for me, Easter is very special and this year is no exception.

However, this year has started out with a bang and so much has been thrown at me, I feel a little over whelmed with grief and sorrow, frustration and anger.

I've been betrayed by my daughter, learned my brother has cancer and doesn't seem to want to fight, and my heart has been destroyed by the one person I love more than life itself.

As Easter approaches I find myself needing something of a pick-me-up. Something that will raise me from the dead and bring life back into this heart and soul. What exactly am I looking for? Something only Jesus can bring me. Something that He already has done. A gift so precious that will set all the wrongs back in order and send them back to where they belong.

A gift once open will forever change the course of your life and returns won't be an option. A gift that can be shared with others. A gift having a return on investment bigger than anything the stock market could ever bring your way.

A gift with a promise of ever lasting life giving you the secret to the fountain of youth. A gift that was so graciously given by the King of Kings and The Lord of Lords and all He ask in return is for you to believe on Him and His resurrection and your willingness to give Him a little bit of your time, love, and devotion.

What is this gift? His death and want He accomplished on a cross on Friday afternoon. He gave it all while doing it all for you and for me. I would say it doesn't get any better than this and in a season of time such as this, it would stand to reason Easter should be everyone's special time of the year.

God Bless and Happy Easter.

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