Monday, August 12, 2013


Some people have it and some don't. 
Some want it and others wish there was a magical formula so they could have more.
Some think its in the way they dress.
Some think they have to be high and mighty above the rest.
Some want others to bow to them because they seem to reek with it or so they perceive in their own mind while others struggle just to keep their mind in tact where the fact remains if one looks to close to their lives they'd would see all their cracks.
Whether you're young or old, your never to old, 
Short or fat, it's how you react
Rich or poor, 
Your life can be measured by how you lived.
And once you are ready to go home, one thing you should know,
It isn't the work you've done but how you walked without having lukewarmness being your guide. 
So go find it, live it, and remember CONFIDENCE is at the heart of it all.

God Bless.    

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