Friday, April 12, 2019

Strong In God's Strength

Good, good insight in the following little devotional.
Just because we think we know what God wants from us, we really find out we don't have a clue.
Let's be humble enough to say, Lord, you know best for my life.
God Bless.
Strong in God’s Strength
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. - Philippians 4:13, NKJV
I was once sitting in an audience when the speaker asked, “What do you think God expects of you?” I mentally ticked off a list of things I thought God expected of me: obedience, faithfulness, holiness, love, service. To my astonishment, the speaker went on to say, “All God ever expects of you is failure!” I wanted to raise my hand and say, “I can do that! I can live up to the expectations of God! I know I can fail!” But then the speaker added, “However, He has given you the Holy Spirit so that you need never fail.” Right! Without Christ I can do nothing, but in Him I can do all things! The difference between strength and weakness, righteousness and wickedness, success and failure, is Jesus – the Holy Spirit – in me.
Ann Graham Lotz
From God's Story

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