Friday, September 20, 2019

God Understands When You Feel Overwhelmed

Everyone struggles. It is what we do with our circumstances that set's us apart.
Who are we going to believe in our times of trouble? The living God or some has been devil who is constantly whispering in our ear that God is done with us.
I choose to believe the word of God and it's my hope you will too.
God Bless.
God Understands When you feel overwhelmed or are struggling about something and you just need to vent or get help, you are most likely to call someone who’s “been there”, right? That person will have the empathy and compassion you need for lifting your heart out of a pit of discouragement. Problem is, your friend might not be available – she may be too busy to take a call, which is even more frustrating. But Jesus is already on the line waiting for you. And He’s been through battles and temptations that brought on the very feelings you are struggling with today. He’s “been there” and He “is there”. So next time, call upon Him!
Prayer of the day: Jesus, I am so thankful that I can come to You with my struggles and know that You completely understand and You care. Thank You for being my Savior and my Friend.
-Author Unknown

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