Thursday, January 16, 2020

Praise Him Again

If there is one thing I realize going into 2020, I need to praise the Father of Creation more. 

For it has been proven in my life when I do praise Him in the small trails the trial doesn't last that long and my faith has grown by leaps and bounds not to mention the blessing are above and beyond what I could think. 

So, imagine what my life and your life would be if we kicked our praise up a notch. It's worth thinking about.

God Bless.

Praise Him Again

Why am I discouraged? Why is my heart so sad? I will put my hope in God! I will praise him again— my Savior and my God! (NLT) -Psalm 42:11

Life is full of frustrations, disappointments, and loss.  It’s okay to experience discouragement and sadness.  We should allow ourselves the grace to process our emotions in a healthy way.  What we should not do is live our lives in a place of discouragement.  When you feel yourself stuck in a place of despair, encourage yourself to put your hope in God and begin to praise Him again! 

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