Friday, August 21, 2020

Can You

These words below could not fit better for what is going on today. Despite everything going on, God is indeed speaking.

We just need to have ears to hear it and well, we just need to give Him the credit and the honor He deserves.

God Bless.

Can you hear God's saying something? I live in a big city. Yes, Jakarta is so big with more than 8 million people are busy doing their activities each day. Traffic jams are almost everywhere, and people are rushing to make their agendas met, and most of the times... with complaining attitude - well, that includes me. However, reading part of Psalm 19, makes me wonder about the things I have missed in that "busyness". In this Psalm David's writing, God somehow is saying: Can you see what My hands have made, for you? I have made the clouds to protect you from heat; I have made the sun to shine and give energy, and many more. Can you hear what each day brings to give you opportunity to make a great story? Yet, you complain of the routines? Can you hear the voice of My power protecting you at night and blessing you for a new morning?

I felt somehow David just knew what we, the people of this age, would miss. And God allows him to wrote a reminder to reach us in any places of the earth, of one thing: there is God who is blessing us continually. Many times, God remains anonymous, but I believe that does not mean we don't need to be thankful. Please join me today to give thanks to our God, who sustains our lives and blesses us so abundantly. Whoever finds God, finds life.

-Author Unknown 

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