Thursday, December 10, 2020

God Hunger

We got to ask ourselves, what are we hungry for? Man and everything that comes with it or God and the life more abundantly that He offers.

The choice is clear. We must stay hungry for the things of God.

God Bless.

God Hunger 

 John Piper said, “If you don’t feel strong desires for the manifestation of the glory of God, it is not because you have drunk deeply and are satisfied. It is because you have nibbled so long at the table of the world. Your soul is stuffed with small things, and there is no room for the great.” We all have a spiritual appetite as part of our makeup as human beings. In fact, this yearning for spiritual fulfilment is a constant in our daily life. The question is, where is our hunger being directed? If we are not hungry for the presence and purposes of God, then you can be sure we are hungry for something else. People chase after many things in response to this hunger: financial security, career success, the praise and affirmation of others, relationships, and more. But only Jesus can impart the abundance of life we crave. The more hungry for God we are, the more alive we are. The revivalist John G. Lake said that the most powerful prayer any Christian can pray is, “God, make me hungry for you.” We are all a product of our spiritual appetite and none of us is greater than our prayer life. 

There is a healthy restlessness that each of us should embrace – the restlessness that longs for heaven, for a deeper knowledge of God’s presence; the restlessness that marks us out as nothing more than pilgrims, passing through this temporary place and heading for our true destination. Bill Johnson writes, “Never stop looking for His ‘new thing’. The moment we think we have arrived, we will fall. 

The moment we lose that hunger to travel to find Him, the willingness to wait in line to hear Him, a humility to encounter Him in a package that offends us, we’re in danger of missing His next move. Wise men still travel.” Stay hungry for God!

-Author Unknown 

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