Monday, February 8, 2021

Trust In The Lord

Trusting is not for the weak. But if you love the Lord, it's a requirement and the best display of affection we can give back to the God who has given us all in the name of love.

God Bless.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not unto your own understanding. In all your ways submit to Him, and He will make your paths straight. (Proverbs 3: 5-6) 

Pastor Dennis noticed a sad-faced Aubrey shuffling down the aisle aftr church. “What’s wrong, Aubrey?” asked the pastor. “I don’t feel good,” Aubrey explained. “My throat hurts, I got some fever, and I got a runny nose.” “I’m really sorry about that,” the pastor responded. “Would you like me to pray for you?” “Yes, sir,” Aubrey replied. Sitting down with the boy on the first pew, Pastor Dennis took Aubrey by the hand and prayed an eloquent prayer for his recovery. When they opened their eyes, both were silent for a moment. Then the little fellow looked his pastor squarely in the eye and flatly stated, “I don’t feel NO BETTER!” (True story from KidSpiration: Out of the Mouths of Babes, authored by Judy Denson and me.) We pray like that, don’t we? “Hurry up, God! I need it now! I want it yesterday!” We live our lives in fast gear, and we get cranky when others don’t meet our time requirements. We lay those same expectations on God. It often doesn’t work that way. If everything was granted swiftly, no faith would be required. The development of faith is learning to see in your spirit what your physical eyes have not yet viewed. Faith is choosing to believe in Loving God, even when your circumstances are way less than ideal. Faith is seeing a divine principle in God’s Word, believing it, and acting on it – wherever you are right now. You’ve not yet witnessed the manifestation of the answer to your prayers, but you know that you will in time. A first cousin to faith is trust. In my experience, trust requires a step even beyond faith. 

Trust does not necessarily involve a belief in a certain circumstantial outcome. You trust a PERSON, and that Person is God. Even when you’ve done all you know to do to do the right thing, and it still doesn’t work out. Even when what was never supposed to happen, happens. Even though a human you trusted betrays you. Even when things happen that you just don’t understand. YET you trust GOD, and you know deep down in your knower that He will bring you through. He will always be there for you. No, all the answers don’t come quickly. But God’s Presence is always within the believer, instantly ready to impart strength not your own, breath for the next moment, and wisdom for this day. Live in that assurance today, knowing in faith that there’s hope for tomorrow. God, I trust You. Despite how it looks right now, I trust You. I know that You are at work, and that one day I will see the answers. Right now I don’t, but I trust in You.   

-Author Unknown 

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