Sunday, February 28, 2021


A thought broken little devotional below.

And may you find encouragement in it.

God Bless.

Entitled? In the beginning, in the Garden, we were not encumbered by the trap of comparison to others, or by feelings of insignificance, jealousy, envy, vanity or pride. Our focus and attention was fully upon God, our Father, and our glory covering was too thick for us to be aware of our nakedness. We were simply happy to be in a love relationship with our Father and one with another. This freedom is our inheritance in Christ today. But the orphan spirit of Cain still strives to come to the fore, to bring an “offering” better than Abel’s, and is consumed with the murderous thoughts of darkness. Orphans must succeed and prove themselves. Sons and daughters of God, however, stand approved by heaven, enjoying their relationship and working alongside their Father. In Matthew 20:1-16 Jesus told a parable about the master of a house who hired a number of workers for his vineyard. Some labored for several hours and others for a much shorter time, but they all got the same reward at the end. The workers who had toiled for longer immediately rose up with a sense of self-entitlement. “How come we didn’t get paid more than those others?” Jesus infers that it wasn’t that the master didn’t pay them a fair day’s wage, rather they had fallen into the trap of comparing what they’d received with what the others had received. Jesus’ simple, profound summary of this episode is, “So the last will be first, and the first last” (Matthew 20:16) The principle of the parable is that the Christian life is all grace from beginning to end. Jesus is the master in the parable, distributing grace generously to all. The workers who felt cheated received just as much grace as anyone else, but they measured it by worldly standards. We live in an upside down kingdom that makes little sense to the worldly wise. The principles of God’s kingdom have nothing to do with the principles of the world we’ve left behind. We must stop bringing all our “old ideas” to the table. There is nothing so wrong as the spirit which argues, “I have done this, therefore I expect something in return.” God is not a celestial vending machine. We cannot manipulate Him. No matter what we do, we can never argue for our entitlement. Rather, in His presence we receive all the reward we could desire and more. His presence is full of joy, peace and satisfaction. Let’s learn the art of thankfulness!

-Author Unknown 

Thursday, February 25, 2021

Think Thankful

This bares repeating. Stay the course.

God Bless.

Think Thankful

When do we offer thanksgiving? At all times—in every situation, in all things—and by so doing we enter into a victorious life where the devil cannot control us!

Today's Scripture:

Through Him, therefore, let us constantly and at all times offer up to God a sacrifice of praise, which is the fruit of lips that thankfully acknowledge and confess and glorify His name. [Lev. 7:12; Isa. 57:19; Hos. 14:2.] Hebrews 13:15 AMPC



Think about the things you have to be thankful for every day. Thank the Lord for them in prayer, and as you do you will find your heart filling up with life and light.



Thankfulness: The Key to Having the Life You Really Want

If you want victory in your life, all you have to do is adopt one attitude. Read more

Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Grace, Up Close And Personal

Good to know and such an encouraging little devotional. He loves us so...

God Bless.

Grace, Up Close And Personal 

Did we get into God’s kingdom by virtue of our own good works or merely through Jesus? The extent to which we understand our part in this process, I believe, determines the extent to which we will extend grace and mercy, both to ourselves and to those stuck in sin. The more we credit ourselves with inherent goodness, the less grace and mercy has a role to play! But the degree to which we become uninhibited receptors of God’s grace is the degree to which we can and will extend that grace to others. Pope Francis said, “The proclamation of the saving love of God comes before moral and religious imperatives.” In other words, when God looks at a person, He first sees someone whom He loves and wants unconditionally, before He is remotely concerned with their sin. Through the cross of Calvary God endorses, loves and invites every one of His children to heaven, before tripping over their sin, however vile it may be. But even this does not adequately capture Francis’ deeper insight – the priority of the person. This personalist with which God deals with us is one of the most radical aspects of the Christian faith. In every way that matters to God, human beings are completely equal and completely loved. They can’t be reduced to ethical object lessons. Their dignity runs deeper than their failures. They matter more than any cause. They are the cause. Grace is the empowering presence of God to do what only He can do. Grace doesn’t excuse sin – it empowers righteousness. Grace is unmerited favor. Let’s ask ourselves this question: “How much unmerited favor can I afford to pay out today? How deep are my reserves?” If we feel low on grace, we need only to return to the Source and ask to be refilled.

-Author Unknown 

Tuesday, February 23, 2021

The Pressure’s Off

This little devotional may help those of us who like to be in control, along with having trouble not to control others around them, and doesn't like others to put their two cents worth in.

We need to understand what pressure is and how much it can and does contol our lives but this little devotional is meant to help open eyes and then what we do with it, is up to us. Choose life and relax in Him.

God Bless.

The Pressure’s Off 

The pressure to live well isn’t on me or you. Jesus did it all and He lives in us. Grace works as we yield to Him, living in and through us. Religion says, Do … achieve … earn your validation … justify your very existence … the pressure is on you to perform... Jesus says, Done … accepted … validated … justified … the pressure’s off! The daily lot of those driven by religion is striving, anxiety and, ultimately, exhaustion and burn out. The inheritance of the child of God led by Christ’s grace is freedom, joy and peace. Those who fall back on self-reliance and their own resourcefulness to navigate life, who have taken on the principles of the world, unwittingly or otherwise, will know the daily pressure to perform and be dogged by a constant sense of failing to reach an acceptable standard. For those who are dead to self, humbled and dependent, the pressure is off. Yet we so easily succumb to the trap of trying to resume control of our lives. Author Larry Crabb expresses it well: “We need to yield control over what happens in our lives and trust God to do whatever He thinks best … until we develop a taste for God we prefer a better life of blessings from God over a better hope of intimacy with Him … we prefer control over trust … you were saved by grace and you’ll grow by grace … the law imposed the intolerable pressure to live perfectly in order to live well. You now stand in the Law of Liberty. Stand tall. Live as free men and women.” When praying and reflecting upon His ministry in John 17, Jesus said to His Father “You have given me…” twelve times. Jesus’ humble dependence upon His Father is stunning and freeing at the same time. It reminds us that all we receive, we receive only by God’s grace. We live to play a role in God’s story, not He in ours. He is God, we are not. He is central, we are peripheral. It’s all about Him, not about us. There is freedom in this truth. The pressure is off!

-Author Unknown 

Monday, February 22, 2021

It's Laid Up For You

This is good little devotional to keep you fighting the good fight of faith.

Be encouraged and start speaking life and change over it.

God Bless.

It’s Laid Up for You!  

by Gloria Copeland 

 “He who by charging excessive interest and who by unjust efforts to get gain increases his material possession gathers it for him [to spend] who is kind and generous to the poor.” Proverbs 28:8, The Amplified Bible 

As I’ve studied the subject of prosperity, one point is always clear: God is a God of justice as well as mercy. He is fair in all His dealings. His mercy is evident by His giving us the handbook—His Word—on how to live a godly life, which is the foundation for prosperity. When we are obedient to follow His commands, He takes care of us and blesses us. His justice is evident in the outcome for those who don’t live according to His Word: “The Lord delights in justice and forsakes not His saints; they are preserved for ever, but the offspring of the wicked [in time] shall be cut off” (Psalm 37:28, The Amplified Bible). Now, some people may feel that God is neither just nor merciful in taking a long time to fulfill some of His promises. But He’s actually both! “The Lord does not delay and is not tardy or slow about what He promises, according to some people’s conception of slowness, but He is long-suffering (extraordinarily patient) toward you, not desiring that any should perish, but that all should turn to repentance” (2 Peter 3:9, The Amplified Bible). God is giving the unrighteous plenty of time to repent; however, He is well aware of what they are doing in the meantime (Proverbs 5:21, 15:3). They may appear to prosper through evildoing, but their success will be short-lived (James 5:1-4; Psalm 37:7-9). 

The Word of God indicates that in the last days, there will be a transfer of wealth from the hands of the wicked to the hands of the just (Proverbs 13:22). The sinners actually have the job of storing up wealth for the righteous (Ecclesiastes 2:26). That wealth will be transferred into the kingdom of God in different ways. Those who become believers will bring their resources with them. For those who already are believers, they’ll increase in faith and the Word of God operating in their lives—such as through the hundredfold return. People who increase their giving will see ever-increasing returns. The reservoirs that have held riches from unjust gain will be tapped by their faith. The wicked rich who refuse to obey God will begin to see their wealth dwindle. And the riches will be placed into the hands of the givers. I’m determined to be one of those givers. I’m ready to receive the riches of the wicked in my hands, to be used to reach souls and change lives. I’m ready for more prosperity. You need to be ready too. Get your words in line with God’s Word. Believe for the hundredfold return. Release your faith. Learn to give. And watch for the wealth of the wicked to come into your hands, because it’s laid up for you! 

Speak the Word “The wealth of the sinner is laid up for me. It finds its way into my hands.” —Proverbs 13:22, The Amplified Bible 

Need prayer? Call 817-852-6000. We’re here for you, 24/7! Also, visit to receive a free gift from Kenneth and Gloria Copeland.

Sunday, February 21, 2021

Jesus Christ Is The Same

We should stop what we are doing and begin to praise Jesus for being the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow and Hw will come through for us.

God Bless.

Hebrews 13:8
Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever. 

Jesus Christ is both God and man in full.  Consider that Jesus Christ is the kind of man, and the kind of God, that would suffer and die on a cross so that you would be made free.  That Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever.  Jesus Christ rose from the dead and is now seated at the right hand of God.  His hope is still that you would be saved; a path made possible by Him alone.  He is the same God today, and offers the same promise of eternal life to all who will believe in Him.  Praise Jesus for He is worthy!

Verse/Commentary courtesy of 'Verse-A-Day' android app.

Thursday, February 18, 2021


This world could use a little bit of kindness. But the question is, how are you going to do your part and help change the world?

God Bless.


Never let loyalty and kindness leave you! Tie them around your neck as a reminder. Write them deep within your heart. (NLT) -Proverbs 3:3

Kindness is what it looks like to to be a Christ follower.  You should stand out in your workplace and community as a kind person.  Kindness should color your every interaction, from checking out at the grocery store to how you address your spouse.  Let kindness define your actions today.  

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Wednesday, February 17, 2021

The Forgiveness Cycle

This is a good little devotional to help with subject matter of forgiveness. 

And if you struggle with the subject matter or are in the need to be strengthen, I offer this little devotional in hopes for encouragement to any and all.who May need it.

God Bless.

The Forgiveness Cycle

“And forgive us our sins, for we ourselves forgive everyone who is indebted to us. And lead us not into temptation.” (Luke 11:4)

Who forgives whom first?

On the one hand, Jesus says, “Forgive us our sins, for we ourselves forgive everyone who is indebted to us.” (Luke 11:4)

On the other hand, Paul says, “As the Lord has forgiven you, so you also must forgive.” (Colossians 3:13)

When Jesus teaches us to pray that God would forgive us, “for we ourselves forgive,” he is not saying that the first move in forgiveness was our move. Rather, it goes like this: God forgave us when we believed in Christ (Acts 10:43). Then, from this broken, joyful, grateful, hopeful experience of being forgiven, we offer forgiveness to others.

This forgiving spirit signifies that we have been savingly forgiven. That is, our forgiving others shows that we have faith; we are united to Christ; we are indwelt by the gracious, humbling Holy Spirit.

But we still sin (1 John 1:8, 10). So we still turn to God for fresh applications of the work of Christ on our behalf — fresh applications of forgiveness. We cannot do this with any confidence if we are harboring an unforgiving spirit. (Remember the parable of the unforgiving servant in Matthew 18:23–35. He refused to forgive his fellow servant who owed him ten dollars, though he claimed to be forgiven ten million. He showed by his unforgiving spirit that the king’s mercy had not changed him.)

Jesus protects us from this folly by teaching us to pray, “Forgive us our sins, for we ourselves forgive everyone who is indebted to us” (Luke 11:4). That’s why Jesus says we ask for forgiveness because we are forgiving. This is like saying, “Father, continue to extend to me the mercies purchased by Christ, because by these mercies I have been forgiven, and I forsake vengeance and extend to others what you have extended to me.”

May you know God’s forgiveness afresh today, and may that grace overflow in your heart in forgiveness toward others. And may that sweet experience of grace in your life give you added assurance that, when you go to God to experience fresh, blood-bought forgiveness, you will know that he sees you as his forgiven and forgiving child.

-Author Unknown 

Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Your Best Days Are Ahead

Hold On! Things are and will indeed change. 
There is light at the end of the tunnel and the best is yet to come.

God Bless.


Hope is the confident expectation that something good is going to happen. It’s closely related to our faith and what we believe.

When we receive bad news of any kind, the enemy wants us to fear the worst and be hope-less. He wants to convince us that our best days are behind us and nothing will ever turn out right.

But God wants us to be full of hope—believing, expecting, and anticipating great things from Him. In fact, the Bible says He is the “God of hope,” full of mercy and new beginnings.

Joyce Meyer Ministries 

Monday, February 15, 2021

Red Sea Moments

Ever had a red Sea moment? Well if your a Christian, you may have had several. God never promised life would be rainbows and unicorns. 

Whatever your red Sea moment is, remember God will provide and will help you to the other side.

God Bless.

Read Sea Moments Hoofbeats pounded thunderously in the distance, and chariot wheels squealed as Pharaoh’s army closed in on the Israelites at the edge of the Red Sea. Panic gripped the masses surrounding Moses when they saw their former captors drawing near. 

Pandemonium ensued as the Egyptian army grew closer and Israel’s hope of freedom seemed to blow away in the desert wind. As he stood firm in the midst of this chaos, a supernatural calm covered Moses. He was not swept up in the frenzy of fear like others around him; instead, he fixed his eyes upon the great I AM. 

Enveloped in the majesty and power of the Almighty, Moses chose to stand. Slip on Moses’s sandals for a moment. What would you have done with an army behind you, a sea before you, and nowhere to hide? Would you have dug a hole in the sand to hide or thrown yourself into the sea to swim for safety? 

When faced with threats or fears, most of us are hardwired to choose between two things: fight or flight. But there is a supernatural third option for the faithful. Although the vast majority of us will never find ourselves with an army breathing down our backs and certain death before us, we will surely face scenarios where our faith is put to the test. I know I’ve experienced my own Red Sea moments: those times when everything in the natural realm told me to doubt God, when I was tempted to take matters into my hands, or when I caved in to ungodly emotions. 

Whether it is a season of unemployment or a family relationship in shambles or an unexpected health crisis, there will be points in our journeys with God when He calls us to stand and see. To stand is to put feet to our faith. This is far more than an intellectual set of beliefs; this is a confidence in the Lord that overrides all voices of fear. It means trusting in God even when our circumstances scream for us to do otherwise. These Red Sea moments are when all our Bible studies, Scripture memorization, and singing of worship songs must be more than just words. At the Red Sea, faith is no longer a theory but a living, breathing reality. From the couple struggling with infertility to the Christian businessperson belittled for holding to biblical values to the single person beset with loneliness to the couple fighting for their marriage, there will be days when we feel backed into a corner and desperate for deliverance. For some of you, it may come in the form of waves of doubt crashing against you or persecution tempting you to buckle your knees. But these are the moments that require us to stand. They are varied and unique to our stories, but the one thing consistent in each of our experiences is that faith is a choice. In our Red Sea moments, we must take what we know about God and stand upon His truths. To believe God even when facing heartbreak, to obey God even when the world mocks our values, to maintain peace in the midst of a storm—that is what it means to stand. That split second when Moses believed God and chose to stand changed the destiny of an entire nation. He could have bowed down to Pharaoh, begged for mercy, or run in fear, but he chose to stand. That was the moment that made the man. He planted his feet on the promises of God, fixed his gaze on the presence of the Lord, and adjusted his physical posture to reflect the faith of his heart.

-Author Unknown 

Sunday, February 14, 2021

You Shall Not Take The Name Of The Lord

Amen. This is small in length but powerful in words. 

God Bless.

"You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain for the Lord will not hold him unpunished who takes His name in vain." (Exodus 20:7)

The way that we use or say a name says a lot about how we feel about a person. For instance, when women value a relationship with an individual they often use pet names. However, when the relationship is strained, they tend to revert to a first name or title basis with the individual. Therefore, when and how it is used speaks to the true nature of the relationship. Likewise, if we use God's name dishonorably instead of speaking to or about Him directly, it is an indication that the relationship is strained. His Holy name requires reverence.

-Author Unknown 

Thursday, February 11, 2021

God Created

This is a good insight as to why you were created. Maybe we should stop seeking the why and start giving God the glory that He thinks so highly of us and just maybe our paths will become clear for not only for us but for the world to see.

God Bless.

God Created

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. (NLT) -Genesis 1:1

Many of us spend our days searching for answers that only the Bible can give us.  We can observe a bird fly but outside of acknowledging God’s power as our Creator God, we will never know why. So many mysteries of this world only can be answered when we take a step of faith.  Why do we love? Why do we mourn? Why do we search?  The answer lies in the plain fact that God created us that way. 

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Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Quote Of The Day - If You Want To Keep A Problem

Good insight as well as words to live by.

God Bless.

Quote of the Day -Joyce Meyer

“If you want to keep a problem you have, then just keep talking about it. But if you want to get rid of it, then talk about the answer as if you expect it to manifest at any moment.” 

-Joyce Meyer, Change Your Words, Change Your Life: Understanding 

Tuesday, February 9, 2021

God Is Just

Do you think God is a just God or are you like me and struggle with the mind battle that he is just let alone good? 

For me, I struggle but yet, I am getting better and when I come across little devotionals like the one below, it keeps me in the fight of faith.

So, I wanted to share the wealth.

God Bless.

God Is Just

We have no shortages of being hurt, failed, and scorned in life. The question to ponder is who do we trust to rescue us in our time of need? Who do we turn to and lean on when we are unsure which direction we are being pulled? Who can we rely on to serve justice when we desperately want to do so ourselves?

Psalm 75 describes God as the ultimate judge — righteous, holy, fair, and equitable in all things. God is the only one capable of righting every wrong, the only one we can trust to always do the right thing.

God is powerful, mighty, and capable of all things. But He doesn’t wield his might carelessly. One day, His Son, Jesus, will return to earth to deliver judgment and bring Christians to His heavenly home where we will dwell with Him forever.

We can praise God in good times and bad times, through successes and disappointments, because we know that He will set things right. One day, God will “cut off the horns of all the wicked, but the horns of the righteous will be lifted up” (Psalm 75.10).

We must rely on the mercy of the only One who is able to turn all that is upside down right side up.   

Our response to betrayal and hurt should be to run to the Lord, the only One able to calm our fears and provide assurance and promises us hope for redemption.  When the going gets tough, we must rely on the mercy of the only One who is able to turn all that is upside down right side up.   


Does viewing God as just and holy change the way you handle hurt and betrayal? How can you move forward knowing God will take all that is wrong and make it right?
How does viewing God as fair and righteous change the way you interact with others?

-Author Unknown 

Monday, February 8, 2021

Trust In The Lord

Trusting is not for the weak. But if you love the Lord, it's a requirement and the best display of affection we can give back to the God who has given us all in the name of love.

God Bless.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not unto your own understanding. In all your ways submit to Him, and He will make your paths straight. (Proverbs 3: 5-6) 

Pastor Dennis noticed a sad-faced Aubrey shuffling down the aisle aftr church. “What’s wrong, Aubrey?” asked the pastor. “I don’t feel good,” Aubrey explained. “My throat hurts, I got some fever, and I got a runny nose.” “I’m really sorry about that,” the pastor responded. “Would you like me to pray for you?” “Yes, sir,” Aubrey replied. Sitting down with the boy on the first pew, Pastor Dennis took Aubrey by the hand and prayed an eloquent prayer for his recovery. When they opened their eyes, both were silent for a moment. Then the little fellow looked his pastor squarely in the eye and flatly stated, “I don’t feel NO BETTER!” (True story from KidSpiration: Out of the Mouths of Babes, authored by Judy Denson and me.) We pray like that, don’t we? “Hurry up, God! I need it now! I want it yesterday!” We live our lives in fast gear, and we get cranky when others don’t meet our time requirements. We lay those same expectations on God. It often doesn’t work that way. If everything was granted swiftly, no faith would be required. The development of faith is learning to see in your spirit what your physical eyes have not yet viewed. Faith is choosing to believe in Loving God, even when your circumstances are way less than ideal. Faith is seeing a divine principle in God’s Word, believing it, and acting on it – wherever you are right now. You’ve not yet witnessed the manifestation of the answer to your prayers, but you know that you will in time. A first cousin to faith is trust. In my experience, trust requires a step even beyond faith. 

Trust does not necessarily involve a belief in a certain circumstantial outcome. You trust a PERSON, and that Person is God. Even when you’ve done all you know to do to do the right thing, and it still doesn’t work out. Even when what was never supposed to happen, happens. Even though a human you trusted betrays you. Even when things happen that you just don’t understand. YET you trust GOD, and you know deep down in your knower that He will bring you through. He will always be there for you. No, all the answers don’t come quickly. But God’s Presence is always within the believer, instantly ready to impart strength not your own, breath for the next moment, and wisdom for this day. Live in that assurance today, knowing in faith that there’s hope for tomorrow. God, I trust You. Despite how it looks right now, I trust You. I know that You are at work, and that one day I will see the answers. Right now I don’t, but I trust in You.   

-Author Unknown 

A Prayer For 2021

Amen and God Bless.