Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Dear God, Help Me

Dear God, Help Me Trust You In Everything

Jan Slocum

Trust: assured reliance on the ability, strength, of someone 2.) one in which confidence is placed.
Trust, it seems easy enough to do unless you live in the real world and your blind to the chaos and the dysfunction that is taking place. 

The word trust would not be the first word that comes to mind when navigating through the trials and tribulations this life is throwing at us. No sirree, it is not. The word’s failure and tired come to mind as trials and tribulation go to and fro seeking whom they can devour. These two are reeking havoc right now. They are not playing. In fact, these two are trying anything and everything they can to pick us off in any manner they deem fit.

And if you haven’t had the pleasure of dealing with trials and tribulations, well, good for you, let me know your secret. Between, covid, financial hardships, rising prices, wars, crime, depression, thoughts of walking towards the light at the end of the tunnel, and all those grinch’s out there who want to steal your joy and passion for life just to make themselves feel better about theirs, not mention all the issues that comes from the day-to-day living that is trying it’s best to suck the life right out of you is making it very hard to get out of bed and trust in the One to see you through these attacks.

And as I am dealing with the issues in my own life and the motivation to keep putting one foot in front of the other while keeping my tongue in check, I came across this piece of paper I have had tucked away for years. I know where the paper came from. A conference I attended when I was a teenager. These words spoke to the very depth of my soul and spirit. Enough for me to write them down and safely tuck it away in my bible. Now however, the word’s I had written down that day which were, Dear God, help me trust you in everything seems to be a figment of my imagination. I truly believe I had good intentions to follow through with them one day.

Yet, after reading them, I felt a stirring in my spirit. I knew I was no where near where I should be in trusting the Lord. I knew He was good and He has seen me through many a thing but trusting Him on a level I felt He wanted me to be was a whole different story. I knew after reading those words He wanted me to dig a little deeper, cultivate my heart, see there was indeed light at the end of the tunnel, water my soul and spirit, while growing in trusting Him and His ways so that one day I would bloom into the very being He had designed me to be.

Sounds good and easy, doesn’t it? I, however, had become complacent, and didn’t really want to rock the boat. Okay, not all. No rocking for me, thank you very much. For me, it was easier to just wake up, open the window, and tell the trials and tribulations who where anxiously waiting outside my door to come on in and have at it. I was honestly letting them have the lay of the land with no fight whatsoever. If they wanted to knock the wind from my sails, well then so be it. I bent to their will. I guarantee you, it was not a pretty picture.

Sure, I trusted God on a level that didn’t infringe on my believes of what I thought trusting was. I believed in God, knew His Son died on a cross for my sins, arose on the third day, and was not only a Savior but also a friend that would stick closer than a brother. I could quote bible versus. I read the bible on most day’s. Prayed when I started to see the storm arise but didn’t expect much to come from them. You know trust.

But in all honesty, I was doing Jesus and His sacrifices an injustice. I knew without being told, He wanted me to change my way of thinking. I was force to start looking at myself. Did I really truly trust Him in everything? In every season of my life? And the sad, hard truth was no, I did not, but a spark within me wanted to and knew if I did, something big and bright would be in my future.
I am learning to stand strong in putting my trust in Him. I am learning to honor Him in my words, deeds, and actions. I work really hard to look to Him first instead of the trials and tribulations. I am learning to shut the door of my heart, mind, mouth, body, and soul to their conning way’s. My trust meter is rising as I look to the Author and Finisher of my faith. My goal for this year is to trust my Father in everything no matter how big or small. Have I got the blueprint of trust down? Not by a long shot. There are things coming at me like never before. I am human. And there are times I just need a moment. A moment to work through my emotions and the heartache. But now, my eyes rarely leave His and I now know He understands the moments I need to take to rise above what is being thrown at me. The word’s failure and tired are slowly taking a back seat in the knowledge (at least I’m trying to know) of what He can bring me through. I try my very best to walk in the fact He’s got this and will never let me down.

A lifetime of struggle in the area of trusting? Maybe or maybe not. I don’t want there to be. I want to have so much trust and faith in God as Jesus did when He went forth from the garden of Gethsemane, to the whipping post, to the cross, and to the very last breath He took all those years ago. And with Easter season upon us, may this be the season, we look not so much to the events that took place, which should always be held in a place of awe and honor, but look to the one thing that seems to go under the radar: the amount of trust Jesus had to have in His Father, who has every situation the world would ever face in the palms of His hand along with the unmovable fact, that no matter what, Jesus knew His Father would not let Him and He would heard those word’s we all long to hear one day soon, well done.

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