Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Give All Your Worries

Pride is never a good thing yet I find encouragement in the word's written below.

God Bless

Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you. (NLT) -1 Peter 5:7 

Pride can be a dangerous attribute because it holds you back from reaching out for help and admitting you need Him. God loves you and wants the best for you but He wants you to invite Him in by sharing what's on your mind. Are you having a hard time finding work, feeling the burden of caregiving for a loved one, or walking through a rough patch with your spouse? God wants you to put aside your pride and come to Him in prayer. 

Download this app to get your daily devotions: http://bit.ly/16uZrQ5

Monday, May 30, 2022

Therefore This Is What

In a crazy world we live in, we need to be standing on the Rock. He is the only one who can save us.

God Bless.

Therefore, this is what the Sovereign LORD says: "Look! I am placing a foundation stone in Jerusalem, a firm and tested stone. It is a precious cornerstone that is safe to build on. Whoever believes need never be shaken. (NLT) -Isaiah 28:16 

Where do you find your security? Does it lie in your success? What about your finances? Or are you counting on family? When one of these crumbles, our sense of security is shaken. There is a stronger rock to stand on that will withstand any quake. That firm and tested stone is Jesus. If you get down or depressed because of bad news, your foundation may depend on something other than the hope found in Jesus. 

Download this app to get your daily devotions: http://bit.ly/16uZrQ5

Sunday, May 29, 2022

Names Of God

There is so much food for thought in the word's written below. May you find some as well. 

God Bless.

Names of God

The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want
- Psalm 23:1

Often the impression that people have of God in the Old Testament is that he is all fire and brimstone, judgment and holiness; but here we see a hint of his humility, condescension, and intimacy. The Lord is my shepherd.

Embedded in this pastoral imagery are two clear lessons regarding, first, the predicament of the sheep and, second, the provision of the shepherd. The very statement "I shall not want because the Lord is my shepherd" implies a cavernous need without the shepherd. Indeed, all sheep are quite helpless without their protector and provider close by.

In comparing us to sheep, the psalmist suggests the danger that we are in (sheep have no claws or other natural defenses), the understanding we lack (sheep are stupid animals), the direction we need (sheep can't hunt or find their own way), and the frailty we show (sheep are relatively fragile creatures). We need a shepherd to provide for us, direct us, help us, feed us.

Remember this is your condition, dear reader, without your Shepherd. We are sheep in our understanding, vulnerability, and weakness. Therefore, when you least understand God's will -- when it frustrates you the most, when it seems the most contrary to all that you desire -- know this... it is at that moment that you are most wrong about what is good for you. Do not try to go your own way: follow your Shepherd and trust in his wisdom.

The good shepherd is watchful, he is faithful, he is tender; he knows his sheep intimately, and he is willing to sacrifice for them (remember how David risked his life to save one sheep from a lion and a bear?). Our good Shepherd provides for every need of each of his sheep, and he is intimately acquainted with our condition. He tenderly follows and embraces us when we go astray.

Can you say today, "the Lord is my shepherd?" If so, then rest assured: you shall not want.


Thursday, May 26, 2022


Therefore, this is what the Sovereign LORD says: 
Your identity will only be found in Him. May this little devotional help in seeking who you are in Him.

God Bless.


I am placing a foundation stone in Jerusalem, a firm and tested stone. It is a precious cornerstone that is safe to build on. Whoever believes need never be shaken. (NLT) -Isaiah 28:16 

How can you identify where you put your security? The answer lies in knowing what it is you fear. A job loss, death of a family member, or your loss of independence, perhaps. Each of these events can chip away at your security when it is placed on a vulnerable place other than the Lord. Begin to place your hopes and dreams by orienting your life more towards Jesus with a relationship.

Download this app to get your daily devotions: http://bit.ly/16uZrQ5

Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Get Alone With God

Interesting and truth bomb in this little devotional.

Be encouraged.

God Bless.

Get Alone With God

by Joyce Meyer - 

But when you pray, go into your [most] private room, and, closing the door, pray to your Father, Who is in secret; and your Father, Who sees in secret, will reward you in the open. 
—Matthew 6:6

Jesus rose early to be alone with God, but Peter pursued Him to let Him know that everyone was looking for Him (see Mark 1:35-36). When you get alone to pray, it may seem that everybody tries to hunt you down. But Jesus sought time alone with God so He could focus on His purpose.

We see the scenario of Jesus praying alone and then meeting the needs of others again and again. Jesus went throughout Galilee preaching and driving out demons. When a leper begged to be clean, Jesus touched him, and the leprosy completely left him (see Mark 1:39-42). If Jesus needed to be alone with the Father before He ministered to others, so do we.

From the book Starting Your Day Right by Joyce Meyer. Copyright © 2003 by Joyce Meyer. Published by FaithWords. All rights reserved.

Tuesday, May 24, 2022

His Commission To Us

Some food for thought along with much needed encouragement. Hope in Him is the only way to go.

God Bless.

His Commission To Us

This is love in the making. The love of God is not created—it is His nature. When we receive the life of Christ through the Holy Spirit, He unites us with God so that His love is demonstrated in us. The goal of the indwelling Holy Spirit is not just to unite us with God, but to do it in such a way that we will be one with the Father in exactly the same way Jesus was. And what kind of oneness did Jesus Christ have with the Father? He had such a oneness with the Father that He was obedient when His Father sent Him down here to be poured out for us. And He says to us, “As the Father has sent Me, I also send you” (John 20:21).

Peter now realizes that he does love Him, due to the revelation that came with the Lord’s piercing question. The Lord’s next point is—“Pour yourself out. Don’t testify about how much you love Me and don’t talk about the wonderful revelation you have had, just ‘Feed My sheep.’” Jesus has some extraordinarily peculiar sheep: some that are unkempt and dirty, some that are awkward or pushy, and some that have gone astray! But it is impossible to exhaust God’s love, and it is impossible to exhaust my love if it flows from the Spirit of God within me. The love of God pays no attention to my prejudices caused by my natural individuality. If I love my Lord, I have no business being guided by natural emotions—I have to feed His sheep. We will not be delivered or released from His commission to us. Beware of counterfeiting the love of God by following your own natural human emotions, sympathies, or understandings. That will only serve to revile and abuse the true love of God.

I would, O Lord, have all my thoughts and emotions and words redolent with love, perfect love to You, and through that to others.

-Author Unknown

Pad And Pencil

I found this interesting and I wanted to share the wealth.

God Bless.

Try what I call the pad and pencil method. This method is very simple and consists of getting on your knees with your Bible, a pad of paper and a pencil. Read the Bible and then write down what is wrong with you. The only way to remain spiritual is to keep after yourself. The pad and pencil method is good. Read, for example, the Sermon on the Mount. When the Holy Spirit says, "You are that person," write it down. Read on. When the Holy Spirit says you are wrong here or there, write it down. Then set your Bible aside and go over your list before God in confession with the promise that you will never be caught doing those things again. Commune with your own heart, be still and question yourself like a doctor with your open Bible before you. You will find that this will bring sunshine to your life, and you will have springtime in your heart. When you get before God realizing that there has been a bit of snow on the ground and that the happy song of the birds is not heard in the land and that the sweet smell of the flowers is not within you, begin to question yourself before God with the open Bible. The symptoms you already know, but try to get at the causes. If you are evasive with God, then there will be no help. If you are evasive with yourself, if you rationalize your weaknesses, you will get no help.

-Author Unknown 

Monday, May 23, 2022

The Real Thing

Leaving this right here. Food for thought and encouragement.

God Bless.

The Real Thing

by Joyce Meyer

You are the salt of the earth, but if salt has lost its taste (its strength, its quality), how can its saltiness be restored? . . . You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden. 
—Matthew 5:13-14

When people learn you’re a Christian, they want to know if you are “for real.” Many people have tried “religion” and had a bad experience. God uses us to reach the world. If you are to be effective salt, you must allow Jesus to shine through your life.

You probably know someone who just lights up a room. In the same way, Christians who let the light of Jesus shine can change the whole atmosphere around them. Unbelievers ought to feel as though the power has suddenly come on—even if they don’t understand why. When you arrive at your job in the morning, be salt and light so those around you know that your relationship with Jesus is the real thing.

From the book Ending Your Day Right by Joyce Meyer. Copyright © 2004 by Joyce Meyer. Published by FaithWords. All rights reserved.

Friday, May 20, 2022


Encouragement and truth.

God Bless.


The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much
- James 5:16

After pondering the perfect sovereignty of God, many have asked the question "Why should I even bother praying then? If God is always going to do his will, and his will is always perfect, then why should we ever pray?"

The answer, it is important to recognize, comes from the same God who tells us that he "works all things after the counsel of his own will." This very same God informs us that effectual, fervent prayer on the part of his people avails -- not just a little bit, or for a little while, but much!

How can this be? How can an immutable, all-knowing, eternal God listen to our prayers and allow them to influence the outcome of events great and small? Frankly, we may never know or understand. But this we do know: God tells us that our prayers make a tremendous impact.

So then, how should you respond to temptation or trial? Pray. What should you do on behalf of sick, or wayward, or feeble loved ones? Pray. What is your responsibility toward those that have authority over you? Pray for them. How can you make a difference in the world around you? Pray.

The hard work of sincere and fervent prayer gains much ground, does great good, God says. Do you believe him? Do you pray like it makes a difference?


Thursday, May 19, 2022

Patience And Hope

Food for thought.

God Bless.

Patience and Hope

Wait on the Lord: be of good courage, and he shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the Lord
- Psalm 27:14

The reason that we many times do not see or feel the Lord is that we are not waiting on the Lord. We are still on our own timetable and we are still running madly ahead of God and hoping he will catch up to our plans. But that is not how God works. He doesn't change just because we are fickle and he does not hurry just because we are impatient.

Believer, I do not doubt that your trial is real, that your burden is heavy, or that your discouragement is deep. But put your eyes upon this promise, wrap your mind around this word: when we wait courageously on the Lord, he will strengthen our hearts. God is never late and he is never insufficient.

What will the future bring? Wait on the Lord. When will this sorrow end? Wait on the Lord. How can I survive this ordeal? Wait on the Lord. How should I handle this decision? Wait on the Lord. The answer echoes through the tunnel of time and from the soundboard of millions of satisfied saints. Wait, I say, on the Lord.

The trial may not go away tomorrow, but neither will the strength that God has promised to give you. The pain may not diminish, but neither will his grace.


Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Retire From Self Care

Be encouraged 

God Bless.

Retire from Self-Care

by Joyce Meyer -

. . . Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ [give yourself up to Him, take yourself out of your own keeping and entrust yourself into His keeping] and you will be saved. 
—Acts 16:31

God wants to take care of you, and He can do a much better job of it if you will avoid a problem called independence, which is really self-care.

The desire to take care of yourself is based on fear. You are afraid of what might happen if you entrust yourself totally to God and He doesn't come through for you. The root problem of independence is, you trust yourself more than you trust God.

People love to have a backup plan. You may ask God to get involved in your life, but if He doesn't respond as quickly as you'd like, you take control back into your own hands.

But God has a plan for you—and His plan is much better than yours. So give yourself to Him and see what happens.

From the book Ending Your Day Right by Joyce Meyer. Copyright © 2004 by Joyce Meyer. Published by FaithWords. All rights reserved.

Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Offer Yourself Freely

Be encouraged and find your happiness in the One who made you.

God Bless.

Offer Yourself Freely

by Joyce Meyer

We are the sweet fragrance of Christ [which exhales] unto God. 
—2 Corinthians 2:15

The Bible says that every morning God’s people brought freewill offerings to Him. They all had various sacrifices such as animals, grains, and cereals (See Exodus 35). God wants us to offer our lives in dedicated service to him.

The Bible says that God is pleased with our sacrifice of praise (See Hebrews 13:15), and that our prayers go up before God as a sweet-smelling sacrifice. He wants us to bring ourselves to Him every morning and say, “God, here I am; I want to be a living sacrifice.”

From the book Starting Your Day Right by Joyce Meyer. Copyright © 2003 by Joyce Meyer. Published by FaithWords. All rights reserved.

Sunday, May 15, 2022

Teach Me New Ways To Seek You

Some food for thought written in the word's below.

We must never allow ourselves to become complacent but seek wisdom to help us through this thing called life.

God Bless.

Verse of the Day

For the LORD is good. His unfailing love continues forever, and his faithfulness continues to each generation.- Psalm 100:5 (NLT) |


Our Heavenly Father, I come to you in the precious name of Jesus Christ.. Father, thank You for Your good and precious promises to me! I choose to receive Your goodness by faith and sing a song of praise to You. I commit the day to You and make praising You a priority. Thank You for working on my behalf. Help me to forgive and release the past. Heal my heart and restore my soul. Show me the good plan You have for my future as I keep my mind stayed on You. Gracious Father, thank You for choosing me and accepting me beyond my mistakes. Thank You that the blood of Jesus cleanses me and makes me new. I invite You to have Your way as I submit every area of my life to You

Teach me new ways to seek You, Lord. Grant me special dedication to study Your word, spend time with You in prayer, and grow in the community of faith and fellowship which is available to me. Lord God, help me to bear in mind that to step aside and safeguard the mind in contemplation is a safe guard to the soul. Thank you Lord, for your compassionate care on me and all your people. Help me, I pray, to be like you, to feel compassion for those in need and to act with generosity and justice. May I use well the authority and influence you have given me, so that your goodness might be pressed into this world. Light my way, dear God, and keep me from stumbling down the wrong path. Keep me from my own folly.

Gracious Lord, today I choose to praise You. I choose to give You glory no matter what’s happening in the world around me. I know that You are good and faithful, so I give You all the praise and honor. Through Jesus, we ask this prayer. Amen

Bible Promise of the Day

I will tell you remarkable secrets. God promises that He will reveal remarkable secrets of future

This is what the LORD says-the LORD who made the earth, who formed and established it, whose name is the LORD: Ask me and I will tell you remarkable secrets you do not know about things to come.– Jeremiah 33:2-3 (NLT)

Prayer Quote of the day

In prayer we can approach God with complete assurance of His ability to answer us. There is no limit to what we can ask, if it is according to His will.

Author: John F. Walvoord

Thursday, May 12, 2022

God Is With Me In Everything

Some good knowledge and wisdom below. Be encouraged.

God Bless.

God is with me in everything.

When we pray, God’s presence grows and our problems seem smaller. Prayer is also a process that helps us determine God’s will for us and surrender our own agendas to Him—because He has a better plan. The fact is, God’s always with us. Once we understand that, we experience peace that surpasses all understanding.

-Author Unknown 

Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Do You Struggle

There is a lot of wisdom and guidance written below. Everyone struggles with something. The trick is to not let that struggle overwhelm you. 

Stay encouraged.

God Bless.

Do you struggle with feelings of worthlessness, sadness or disappointment? When you begin to feel unloved or alone, remember that God is with you and He loves you. Start memorizing and speaking out these scriptures—and let God’s Word minister to your spirit.                                                                                                               

1 Peter 5:7  2 Corinthians 10:5  Isaiah 54:10

-Author Unknown 

Tuesday, May 10, 2022

If Forgiveness Were A Drug

Love this.....thank God for not only His forgiveness but for us to have the ability to forgive although we have a hard time in completing the action.

Trust me, forgiveness is worth it and will change your life forever.

God Bless.

"If forgiveness were a drug, it would be considered a miracle cure because of all the amazing things it does for us." -Joyce

Monday, May 9, 2022

But Don't Begin Until You Count The Cost

Although this devotional emphasis is on women, I believe men can find encouragement as well.

May we always strive to keep discouragement at bay and our dreams alive while allowing God to speak to our hearts. 

God Bless.

“But don’t begin until you count the cost. For who would begin construction of a building without first calculating the cost to see if there is enough money to finish it?” Luke 14:28, NLT

My sister, you are full of dreams and desires. You want to go here, go there, do this and that. But have you counted the cost? And if you have, have you allowed the cost to discourage you from moving forward into it? If you’re going to do anything great for God, you must first sit down and determine what is required. Maybe you want to start a women’s ministry, open a coffee shop, take on a project at work, or travel thousands of miles for a missions opportunity. After you’ve determined that it is something God wants you to do, sit down and count the cost, and then trust God to provide.

Prayer: Father God, thank you for your wisdom and grace. Help me to learn how to count the cost. Help me not be discouraged by the cost, but trust you to provide all that I need. Lead me by your wisdom and show me how to possess what you’ve put in me to do. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

(Read Luke 14:27-29; Philippians 4:13)

-Author Unknown 

Sunday, May 8, 2022

Quote Of The Day - I Challenge You

Now here is a challenge to sink your teeth into

God Bless.

Quote of the Day -Joyce Meyer

“I challenge you to make up your mind right now to do something great for God.” 

-Joyce Meyer, The Confident Woman Devotional: 365 Daily Inspirations

Thursday, May 5, 2022

Are You Surrounding Yourself

Huh. Some food for thought.

God Bless.

Jesus replied, "My light will shine for you just a little longer. Walk in the light while you can, so the darkness will not overtake you. Those who walk in the darkness cannot see where they are going." (NLT) -John 12:35 

Are you surrounding yourself with darkness or light? What kinds of influences do you open yourself up to? Even small decisions such as tv shows, music, and the language out of our mouths bring about either darkness or light. Shine light into your life so that you don't stumble along the way. 

Download this app to get your daily devotions: http://bit.ly/16uZrQ5

Wednesday, May 4, 2022

King Of King's

Enough said....

God Bless.

King of kings and Lord of lords, You are mighty and glorious.

-Author Unknown 

Tuesday, May 3, 2022

Start Confessing Who You Are

Amen, start confessing, and the start living.

 God Bless.

Start confessing who you are in Christ – “God loves me. I’m His special child. I’m the apple of His eye. I am God’s favorite.”

-Author Unknown 

Monday, May 2, 2022

Quote Of The Day - Don't Let Your Feelings

Good advise below.

Be encouraged.

God Bless.

Quote of the Day -Joyce Meyer

“Don’t let your feelings be a God to you.” 

– Joyce Meyer

Sunday, May 1, 2022

Quote Of The Day - If You're Too Busy

Whoa, who knew there could be so much truth in few amount of words.

Don't get discouraged but don't delay in starting your prayer life today.

God Bless.

Quote of the Day – Mother Teresa

If you’re too busy to pray…you’re too busy

– Mother Teresa