Thursday, September 22, 2022

When You Are Believing For A Child

For encouragement for all those waiting, believing, and praying for something special.

God Bless.

When you are believing for a child.

“The lord is near to those who have a broken heart, and saves such as have a contrite spirit.” Psalm 34:18

My husband and I have been wanting to get pregnant for well over a year. This season has not been easy, to say the least. We have experienced loss and heartbreak, and just when I think I cannot handle this trial anymore, God reminds me He is near.

He comforts me in saying, “Daughter, I am with you. I will never leave or forsake you. I am near to you, and My promises are true. I sympathize with your weaknesses. I see your tears. I am right there with you as you are down to lift you up. Trust and believe in Me and My ways. Don’t lean on your understanding. Press into Me, and allow Me to comfort you. I will heal you, I will bind up your wounds. Let Me be your comfort, and your strength. Keep your hope in me, I will renew you, I will lift you up like wings on eagles. I am everything you need. My grace is enough for this.

 Daughters of the King Daily Devotionals. All Rights Reserved.

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