Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Lord, Give Me More

Some food for thought as we end the year.

God Bless.

Lord, Give Me More
Today : Lord, Give Me More

May God give you more and more grace and peace as you grow in your knowledge of God and Jesus our Lord. II Peter 1:2 (NLT)

Life is a learning curve. The more you try something, the more challenging it becomes. Rock climbing a small wall takes little skill and strength but as you attempt more challenging climbs, your need for skill and strength increases. Likewise in our Christian walk, the longer we live, the more relationships we have with all their complexities. The more responsibilities we have with their ever increasing demands. The more challenging life becomes, the more grace and peace we need. The more we need spiritual knowledge about God. Today ask God for more. Ask Him for more grace. Ask Him for more peace. Ask Him to increase your knowledge and understanding of who He is. Might your prayer be, “More Lord, give me more.”

Father, I need more. I need more of Your grace. I need more of Your peace. I need more knowledge of who You are and what Your will is for me. Help me, Lord, as I earnestly seek You. I desire more.

I want more of God’s grace and peace
Picture God giving you peace. You are sitting alone sensing His presence and His peace fills your heart. But as you sit there, God says, “I have more for you.” Feel your unbelief. Sense your hesitancy. But then you say, “Yes, Lord, give me more. Give me more of Your grace and more of Your peace. And He does. Sit and imagine how much peace and grace God can give you. Bask in the anticipation of what that peace and grace would be. When you have thought about it say, “Yes, Lord, I want more of God’s grace and peace.”

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