Tuesday, September 24, 2024

A Precious Stone

He is worthy! 

Be encouraged. 

God Bless.

A Precious Stone

“Behold, I lay in Sion a Chief Corner Stone, … precious.” 1 Peter 2:6

How precious He is! The more we know about Him the more wonderful He becomes, and the more intimately we know Him the more precious He is. “To whom coming as unto a living stone, disallowed indeed of men, but chosen of God and precious.” Not precious to the world, for the world has no place, no use for Him; but “unto you who believe He is precious.” He is the Creator. He holds the world in the hollow of His hand as a dry leaf and could crush it. But He so loved you and me that He laid aside His royal robe, arrayed Himself in human flesh, and then poured out His precious blood for us. Should He not be precious to us?

Lord, we desire in our hearts to hold Thee precious. Holy Spirit, help us. Amen.

-Author Unknown 

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