Monday, April 30, 2012

Second Hand Spiritually

Some of us have tried to have a daily  quiet time and have not been successful. Others of us have a hard time concentrating. And all of us are busy. So rather than spend time with God, listening for his voice, we'll let others spend time with him and then benefit from their experience. Let them tell us what God is saying. After all, isn't that why we pay preachers?

If that is your approach, if your spiritual experencies is secondhand and not firsthand, I'd like to challenge you with this thought: Do you do that with other parts of your life?

You don't do that with vacations...You don't do that with romance...You don't let someone eat on your behalf, do you? There are certain things no one can do for you.

And one of thoose is spending time with God.

This was taken from Max Lucado's Grace For The Moment Devotional book. I can't help but think how much it applies to our lives ever day.

God Bless.

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