Friday, January 17, 2014

A New Way

It's time we went back to the basics. Get back to the foundations of the living word. It's time to go back when we first began seeking Christ, the Savior of the world.

It's time we take a new direction on a very worn path that others so bravely traveled and cleared before us. It is time to seek Him like never before. It is time just to sit and wait on His voice letting us know what are next step should be.

It's time we picked up the weapons He has given us and put them in motion. There are dying people everywhere who need to be led to their Lord and Savior.

 A lot of people don't even realize they are in need. They are going around claiming they are Christians and the fruit of their lives are no where near where they should be. There are tons of good people going to hell in a hand basket because they don't know any better. 

So what do I think needs to happen? Notice I said I and not thus says The Lord. I believe that we must quit shoving our religion down people's throat. Instead of focusing on the sin, maybe it's time we started focusing on the person. We need to look at them with love in our eyes and God's word in our mouth transferring what we have hidden in our hearts into the darkness of the ones we are witnessing to.

Instead of going out with our guns a blazing from some gun smoke movie, why don't we drop to our knees and begin to hit the book again. The living book that can change lives and will lead us to path we need to travel. What we need to do is keep in mind, we have our own paths we must travel yet we walk together in Christ. So, what one might get isn't necessary what everyone else should do. 

However together, we can begin by helping close the doors where the enemy has gained entranced and begin praying the scriptures then wait in God's presence. Praying the scriptures is a unique way of getting the scripture put into motion so they can do their jobs they were designed to do.  

Soon you will find yourself being a doer of the word. You will begin to meditate, speak out, and build up not only your faith but the faith of others all the while Jesus and the Holy Spirit is freed to move about calling out for others to join in the greatest religion of the world. The religion where the Great I Am reigns supreme.

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