Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Parental Accountability-God, the Honorable Judge in Charge now presiding.

We can't raise our children perfectly, but we subject ourselves to a constant cross-examination in the courtroom of parental accountability.

Whether you have children or not, there is something to be said in this one liner that marked my calendar for January 22.

This statement got me thinking. Maybe I should start to see this not only in thinking of my children but maybe start to see it through God's eyes. Maybe you will agree with me or maybe you will find something in it totally different. That is one thing I love, something might mean or say something totally different but whatever way, it just might be something that is needed to change a situation around. 

I digress, here is my thought on this one liner: God knows we won't be perfect, although that is what we should strive to be in Christ, He still wishes we would do our own accountability trail and not have to let Him conduct one. Maybe He wishes we would just look to His courtroom and His ruling and not let outside forces dictate our live's so much. 

It is when we look to others and to the world is when we get into trouble by taking our eyes off the the only Judge and Jury we need to please. We have to know without a shadow of a doubt that even thought He is our judge, He is full of mercy and is gentle and loving and He has an unbeatable court appointed attorney who is available day or night, in any given situation, and who can handle the truth because He is the way, the truth, and the light.  

So glad He is on my side. Won't you call on Him in times of trouble? His name is Jesus.

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