Friday, November 7, 2014

Don't Worry About Tomorrow

Okay, I have never been able to get this scripture mastered. Have you seen what is going on in the world today? 

Gee's it's hard not to be worried. You just don't know what is waiting for you around the corner amore. 

You just get one test done and over with and bam! Your hit with another one, sometimes a little more harder than the last one.

So today I make the decision not to worry and let God be God.

God Bless.

So don't worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today's trouble is enough for today. (NLT) -Matthew 6:34 At the very root of worry is fear. Fear of the unknowns or what if's can erode away the security we find in God. 

Don't let this fear overtake you and allow the worry to creep in your thoughts. Place your confidence in Jesus that He will provide and comfort you. Then pray. 

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