Sunday, November 9, 2014

Have You Forsaken Me, Lord?

Love this devotional. 

Sometimes I need a  reminder I am human and I get mad at God and the best part He's not in heaven ready to throw a lighting bolt down on my head because I get all caught up in life and take my eye off the prize.

He understands me and is anxiously awaiting for me to come back home where I belong.

God Bless.

"My God, my God, why have you abandoned me?" (NLT) -Matthew 27:46 

It's okay to be angry at God for a short time, but don't walk away from your relationship with Him. 

Don't allow your anger to become uncontrolled. Instead, work through the anger and emotions. 

Your relationship with Him will grow deeper and stronger. In time, you will look back on this time with a renewed spirit of the glories God can do. 

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