Thursday, October 4, 2018

Created Equal

If you ever need clarification on where God stand's on equality, then this little devotional is for you.
Now a day's ther is a whole lot of definitions of what it means to be equal but the only one we need to be focused on is what God has to say about it and it just might surprise people.
Maybe it's time we take the focus off the sin and start focusing on the people and then step back and watch what God will do.
God Bless.

Created Equal
"There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free man, there is neither male nor female: for you are all one in Christ Jesus." (Galatians 3:28)
This verse does not mean that gender has no value to God or that there is no difference in the ministries of male and female. Rather, it means that there is no difference in the spiritual value or capacity of either. Regardless of our nationality, background, economic status, or gender, Jesus equally saves us, equally offers fellowship, knowledge, and virtue to everyone. Although women were created as helpmates they are not inferior. Their virtue, knowledge, salvation, and fellowship with God are equal to that of their male counterparts. God intended women to be appreciated the way He created them.
Pslam 31 App

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