Thursday, January 31, 2019

A Positive Perspective

Perspective. Everyone has one. It is what we do with our perspective that concerns God.
So before we make one we need to get some understanding, wisdom, and knowledge before we do or say something that we have no business of saying or doing.
This little devotional can and will be a guide to help in the area of perspective. It's not a matter of when we will have one, it's about the aftermath of how we see things.
So see wisely my friends and may God Bless.
A Positive Perspective
A spiritual wilderness does not have to be a negative time if we are eager to obey God. I know this sounds counterintuitive, but the desert’s purpose is quite positive: to train, purify, strengthen, and prepare us for a new move of God’s Spirit, resulting in us becoming more fruitful.  Unknowingly, when entering the wilderness, many people panic and behave unwisely. Without understanding, they search for and do the wrong things. An example might be a radical change in career or changing from one church to another—any drastic move in their life that they think will bring instant happiness or restore what was normal. For a single person, it might be leaping toward a new relationship after the hurt of a painful breakup. 
If you search for an escape route before understanding why God has you in a particularly dry situation, you unwittingly prolong your wilderness time. This may cause more hardship, frustration, and even defeat, because you don’t understand the season or the place to which God has led you.  This was the case with the children of Israel during their forty years in the wilderness. What was to be a one-year wilderness journey became a lifetime experience. Ouch! A lack of understanding of what was happening to them caused an entire generation to be unfit to inherit the Promised Land.  God’s purpose in leading the children of Israel into the wilderness was to test, train, and prepare them to be mighty warriors able to capture and occupy their divine promise—a new homeland. But instead, the children of Israel erroneously perceived the wilderness as punishment, so they murmured, complained, and lusted constantly. 
How tragic! If we can learn to recognize when we have entered a wilderness experience, we can avoid complaining and be thankful that beyond this place is a “Promised Land” of new maturity, power, blessing, opportunity, and fulfilled promise.  How have you viewed your wilderness season?
-Author Unknown

Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Quote Of The Day - The Holy Spirit Knows

Some great advise here. The only thing left to say is let's start living it.
God Bless.
Quote of the Day
-Joyce Meyer
“The Holy Spirit knows precisely the right timing in our lives. I always say, “Only the Holy Spirit knows when you are ready for what.” In other words, the Spirit of the Lord is the only One Who knows what it will take to help you, and when you are ready to receive help.” 
-Joyce Meyer, Beauty for Ashes: Receiving Emotional Healing

Tuesday, January 29, 2019

After You Have Suffered A Little While

Okay, let's be honest, I am not nor was I keen of the title when I first came across this little devotional.
In fact, after reading the title, I was just about to move on from it and not even given it  a second glance.
However, a little prickling in my stomach wouldn't let me get away from this devotional.
And once I read, I am so glad I didn't pass over it. There is a lot of wisdom written below along with a much needed truth. We can't afford to give up anytime during the suffering part of our walk.
We all have to suffer depending on any given situation happening in our lives, it's how we respond to the suffering that makes a lifetime impression.
So be the impression someone needs to see and may God Bless you during your suffering as well as in the day's after.

After you have suffered a little while, the God of all grace, who has called you to his eternal glory in Christ, will himself restore, confirm, strengthen, and establish you. (1 Peter 5:10)
Sometimes in the midst of the afflictions and ordinary stresses of daily life, we may cry out, “How long, O Lord? I can’t see beyond today’s pain. What will tomorrow bring? Will you be there for that affliction too?” This question is utterly urgent, because Jesus said, “The one who endures to the end will be saved” (Mark 13:13). We tremble at the thought of being among “those who shrink back and are destroyed” (Hebrews 10:39). We are not playing games. Suffering is a horrible threat to faith in God’s future grace.
Therefore it is a wonderful thing to hear Peter promise the afflicted and weary Christians, “After you have suffered a little while, the God of all grace, who has called you to his eternal glory in Christ, will himself restore, confirm, strengthen, and establish you” (1 Peter 5:10). The assurance that he will not delay beyond what we can endure, and that he will abolish the flaws we bemoan, and that he will establish forever what has tottered so long — that assurance comes from the God of “all grace.” God is not the God of some grace — like bygone grace. He is “the God of all grace” — including the infinite, inexhaustible stores of future grace, that we need to endure to the end.
Faith in that future grace, strengthened by the memory of past grace, is the key to enduring on the narrow and hard road that leads to life.
-Author Unknown

Monday, January 28, 2019

My Times Are In Your Hands

I came across this word on the King's Daughter Devotional, well at least I believe it was and the words just popped out at me.
I can't be the only one wondering if God even knows I am alive so when I read these words below, I became encouraged to keep putting one foot in front of the other.
And who am I to keep these words to myself? So be encouraged, God knows everything about you!
God Bless.
“My times are in Your hands…” Psalm 31:15, Berean Study Bible.
“Your times and seasons are in My hand. Your times and seasons change according to My plan. I know where you are and I know where I’m taking you.
Every season is important. In every season you are learning more and more about Me and who you are in Me. Don’t rush through the seasons of your life. In the Winter, draw near to Me and receive My warmth. In the Spring, watch how I make everything new for you. In the Summer, the heat will not scorch you. I will protect you. You will not thirst if you drink from My well that never runs dry. In the Fall, things are shaken and fall away, but you will not be moved. You have received a kingdom that can never be shaken or moved.
As long as you are in Me, you will be immovable like a tree. You have been planted on a firm foundation in Me and though seasons change in your life, I never change and nor will you. No matter the changing seasons, your faith in Me shall remain. Your spirit shall remain. Your hope in Me shall remain unchanging. Says the Spirit of the Lord.”
(Scripture References Psalms 1:1-3; Ecclesiastes 3:1; Hebrews 12:28)
Kings Daughter Devotional

Friday, January 25, 2019

Jehovah- Rapha

You wanted a little insight on the God that heals? Than this little devotional is for you!
Need a healing of any kind? Than this little devotional is for you.
Need encouragement about a God who you seem to think has left you? Than this little devotional is for you.
God is love and He loves to show off His name and He will meet you at your need anytime, anywhere, I promise He will be there.
God Bless.
The Lord Who Heals
When we think of healings in the Bible, we tend to think of all those jaw-dropping physical restorations: lepers made whole, the blind healed, the lame suddenly leaping through the air. Without question, these are marvelous demonstrations of God’s power. Yet His power far transcends the physical realm. God created us in His own image, which means that He gave each of us a mind, a will, and emotions, and He enabled us to have relationships. We are complex beings, and our brokenness due to sin is complex as well. Sometimes our deepest hurts cannot be seen on an X-ray or through the results of a blood test. If you’ve wallowed in guilt and shame, felt the heartbreak of a broken relationship, agonized over a wayward family member, felt grief over a lost loved one, or been disappointed by an unfulfilled dream, you know that spiritual, emotional, and relational hurts can sometimes be more painful than physical maladies.
The good news is that God is able to heal more than just the physical—much more. In fact, he can meet our greatest need: spiritual healing. When Jesus was on earth, He healed many. But none of these healings was ever an end in itself. Each compassionate healing was a sign of things to come. These physical healings pointed people toward the kingdom of God that was coming, toward a new heaven and restored earth, where there will be no more pain, no more suffering, and no more tears (see Revelation 21:4). Today, when God heals—a broken bone, a broken heart, a broken relationship—He is giving us a foretaste of what is to come.

God is Jehovah-Rapha, our healer. God alone saves from spiritual death. He only can give eternal life. In what specific aspect of your life do you need to experience God’s healing?
Prayer Lord, thank You for caring about every part of me. You desire that I find healing—physically, emotionally, and most of all, spiritually. Thank You for providing me with a way to be healed of my sin. Amen.
-Author Unknown

Thursday, January 24, 2019

Jesus Our Health Insurance

We recently got medical insurance after not having it for about a year. So when I came across this little devotional, the title popped out at me.
No one likes to be sick but more importantly, no one likes not having the money to pay for being treated if need be.
But thank heavens we know someone who has the answers to all our questions and is the best doctor to have in your corner.
Jesus is indeed the only thing we need.
God Bless.

Jesus Our Health Insurance
In 1931, Dr. Warburg received the Nobel Prize for Medicine. His study showed that oxygen deficiency is the root cause of cancer. Acidity increases as the levels of oxygen decrease. He also found that cancer cells are anaerobic (do not breathe oxygen) and cannot thrive in aerobic conditions, that is, with oxygen. What state are we in today?
Surplus of oxygen, which is the basis for ‘life’, or the lack of it which leads to acidity, cancer, and death? Our true ‘oxygen’ is Jesus and depletion of Him will cause all of the above problems. Eating, drinking and breathing Him does not just give us eternal life, but helps us live a wonderful life here on the earth- physically and spiritually as well. In our Christian life, we face disappointments and discouragements. Keeping our eyes on Jesus and literally living off Him is the only thing that will fill us with ‘oxygen’ (life) constantly. Jesus said, “I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing” (John 15:5). If we don’t eat from God’s Word, and draw from the godly people He has placed around us (good fellowship), we will grow acidic. We have to constantly allow His ‘oxygen’ (the Holy Spirit) to reign in us to keep our bodies cancer free. A healthy relationship with the Holy Spirit will help us live the ‘life in abundance’ which Jesus paid for, by dying for us.
Prayer Lord, this day please rid me of all the acidity I may have toward You, Your people and anything in my life that is not from You. I need ‘Your oxygen’ in my life to keep it cancer free always. Amen.
-Author Unknown

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Never Be Lacking In Zeal

The following devotional uses ants as an example of how much zeal we should have in our lives.
Although, I am not fond of ants, I can however, appreciate their determination and the fact they rarely let anything detour them from their calling.
So yes, after reading this little devotional, I have a new found respect for ants but that doesn't necessarily mean, I would have that same zeal to do everything in my power to get them out of my home when I find one.
So in the end, it's all about the zeal and how that effects your daily life and the lives around you.
God Bless.
Scripture Reading: Proverbs 6:6-11; Romans 12:3-18 Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord. - Romans 12:11
You can’t stop ants from doing their work. No matter how many times you sweep away the sand they’ve muscled through the cracks in your driveway, you can do it again tomorrow, and the next day, and the next. Ants are vocationally fulfilled; like the birds of the air, they do not have a care in the world. God cares for them; all they care about is doing what God made them to do.
But God cares for us even more than the ants and the birds. And he equips us, like them, to give our all to do diligently what he has created us to do—to love him above all and our neighbor as ourselves. With God’s help, we can love sincerely, as Paul instructs. We can “hate what is evil; cling to what is good.” We can “be devoted to one another in love” and “honor one another” above ourselves. “Never be lacking in zeal,” says Paul, “but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord.” Hospitality, patience, sharing with others, living in harmony, and other positive traits are listed as important to a Christian who is trying to serve the Lord.
We are also called to live at peace with everyone. This is a challenging task. It is fulltime work. But God’s gifts will simply overwhelm spiritual carelessness because, like the ant, we’ll have enough to do from morning till night. And we can do it again the next day, and the next.
Prayer: Thank you, Lord for equipping us to do your good will all day long, and every day, in Christ’s name. Amen. Arie C. Leder

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Unique - Part 2

You are unique, my friend, just as am I. So if you've ever wondered about yourself and where and what God sees of you, well , this little devotional is for you.
And by the time your done reading this little devotional, I know you will come to the same conclusion as I did, it's a great thing to own your uniqueness.
God Bless.

You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body and knit me together in my mothers womb. (NLT) - (Psalm 139:13)
Verse Commentary
We cannot see God, but he can see us. The psalmist did not desire to go from the Lord. Whither can I go? In the most distant corners of the world, in heaven, or in hell, I cannot go out of thy reach. No veil can hide us from God not the thickest darkness. No disguise can save any person or action from being seen in the true light by him. Secret haunts of sin are as open before God as the most open villanies. On the other hand, the believer cannot be removed from the supporting, comforting presence of his Almighty Friend. Should the persecutor take his life, his soul will the sooner ascend to heaven. The grave cannot separate his body from the love of his Saviour, who will raise it a glorious body. No outward circumstances can separate him from his Lord. While in the path of duty, he may be happy in any situation, by the exercise of faith, hope, and prayer.
Proverbs 31 Devotional

Monday, January 21, 2019


Love, love, and love this little devotional.
Uniqueness seems to be happening all around us. But the uniqueness we need to be concerned about is how God sees and His willingness to use it for His glory. All we need to do is get out of His way and br the willing vessel He needs to reach a lost and dying world.
Let us be that vessel.
God Bless.
You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body and knit me together in my mothers womb." (NLT) - (Psalm 139:13)
The Psalm of David, which explains God's perfect knowledge of man. From the embryonic stages God uniquely developed your inner parts: organs, cells, tissue your DNA. No one else comes close to your prototype and they never will. Think about it, the intricacies, and attributes, preferences that you have as a woman was intricately woven and orchestrated by God, making you unique. Embrace and celebrate who you are because it is God who has fashioned you, and He knows everything about you. Nothing is hidden from Him He cares about you. From the womb to the tomb He'll be there for you.
Proverbs 31 Devotional

Friday, January 18, 2019

When God's People Are In Need

Love this little devotional. Be inspired my friends to show hospitality and love to everyone you meet for you just don't know the other side of a story.
And that side could be the very one you need to hear and experience to make sure you are living your best life.
God Bless.
When God's people are in need, be ready to help them. Always be eager to practice hospitality. (NLT) -Romans 12:13
What would it look like for you to be eager to be hospitable? Hospitality is both a mindset and preparation. A lot of times we talk ourselves out of hosting a gathering because our home isn't ready. In actuality we don't want to extend ourselves. Other times, we are willing and able, but aren't prepared with clean sheets or a meal in the freezer. Don't let things stand in your way of practicing hospitality, be ready.
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Thursday, January 17, 2019

You Have Seen The Wrong They Have Done

Here is some good advice if you are hurting in the area of someone done me wrong.
Even if your nowhere need that song, but are singing a different tune, this is still some good advise to get ya through.
God Bless.
You have seen the wrong they have done to me, Lord. Be my judge, and prove me right. (NLT) -Lamentations 3:59
When someone treats us badly or takes what is rightfully ours, we want revenge. Often times we secretly hope bad things come their way. But is that really how we should react? Don't they still deserve our love? When we take charge and take revenge it's because we believe we can do a better job than God. Take heart in knowing God, the supreme judge, who reigns in Heaven also reigns on Earth.
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Wednesday, January 16, 2019

If We Are Thrown Into The Blazing Furnace

Here is some much needed truth bomb right here in the words written below.
If I just knew the outcome before a test started than I think I would be more inclined to say, "Have your way, Lord."
You feel me, right? I can't be the only one who thinks like this. Just hand me the crystal ball then let's get to it.
But unfortunately, life doesn't, rather God doesn't work like that. Most of the time, He doesn't give you any kind of warning that a fire is brewing. It's like you walked yourself right into a trail.
But be encouraged, there is someone who may not give you the outcome like you want, but He is willing to go with you into the blazing furnace. Just remember, this is a small step into the rest of your life and the fire and trials will make you the person you were called to be.
God Bless.
"If we are thrown into the blazing furnace, the God whom we serve is able to save us. He will rescue us from your power, Your Majesty. But even if he doesn't, we want to make it clear to you, You Majesty, that we will never serve your gods or worship the gold statue you have set up." (NLT) -Daniel 3:17-18
A lot of times we have our faith backwards. If God does XYZ, then I will believe. But these men had a powerful faith. Even if God didn't save them from death, they still stood their ground. Why must we have conditions met before we will stick our neck out for God? It comes down to trust. Will you still trust in God even if it appears God didn't come through?
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Tuesday, January 15, 2019

He Paid For Your Freedom

As 2019 gets into full swing, I can't help but think this needs to be posted again even though I posted it within the last few weeks. 

It can't hurt to remember what Jesus has done for us.
And this little devotional does just that. Read, remember, and be encouraged. But most of all, be blessed by the Savior who gave it all.
God Bless.

He Paid for Your Freedom
I remember how important it was for me to be validated by other people. I would crave compliments and when I didn’t receive them, I would get upset and it would affect me for days. Worrying about what other people thought about me became a habit and slowly, it began to steal my joy. A year ago, God spoke to me clearly through this verse. I was becoming a slave to the words of others and allowing their expectations to control me. God sent His perfect Son, Jesus, to the world to die for us on the cross. His death guaranteed us freedom from all sorts of bondage's (John 8:32). The price He paid wasn’t trivial; He hung on a cross with nails pierced into His hands and feet, and a crown of thorns pierced into His head. Before that, He was whipped 39 times with a cat o’ nine tails, His beard was plucked and He was mocked and made fun of and stripped naked. Jesus willingly paid this price to set us free. When I let the thoughts and words of others affect me, I had reduced this great price to something powerless. God’s promise is freedom. Do not let yourself become a slave to people around you who wish to negatively speak over your life. Let people only speak love and life over you.

Prayer Father, I am so grateful to You for sending Your Son to die for me on the cross. Thank You for the price that He paid for me. Thank You that because of that price, I am now set free. No person or thing has a hold over my life anymore. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
-Author Unknown

Monday, January 14, 2019

Quote Of The Day - God Is For You

Let's start this New Year off believing GOD IS FOR US and HE HAS A GREAT PLAN FOR US!
God Bless.
Quote of the Day
-Joyce Meyer
“God is for you and has a great plan for your life.” 
-Joyce Meyer, Get Your Hopes Up!: Expect Something Good to Happen to You Every Day

Friday, January 11, 2019

Invest In Your Most Important Relationships

This is such great advise and I'm going to try and make the word's in this little devotional my resolution.
And I just wanted to share the wealth of the wisdom in the written words below.
God Bless.

“A man of too many friends comes to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.” Proverbs 18:24 (NASB)
You may have many acquaintances that you enjoy talking with, but when it comes to those real, genuine, we-bring-out-the-best-in-each other, and are always-there-for-eachother friendships, you will only have a few. These days people collect friendships like they collect designer shoes. Each week, they have a new best friend. The moment something doesn’t go their way they’re on to the next friendship. But a quality and lasting relationship is not something you collect like shoes. It’s someone that God brings into your life to help you become all that He created you to be. They may not be a perfect person, but they are a perfect gift from God that you are to care for, invest quality time in and preserve. Here’s a challenge for you…
Make a list of the five most important relationships in your life, from greatest to least. This can include your spouse, your mother, your grandmother, your sister, your bestfriend, etc. Next, look to see if whether you are investing the majority of your quality time in the relationships that you listed as most important to you. Maybe you are spending more time with those who live near you because it’s more convenient. But in order for any relationship to thrive and become all that God intended, you must invest quality time and attention to it. In the long-run, you will be much happier if you take the time to invest in the most meaningful relationships in your life.
Prayer: Father God, thank you for Your wisdom. I receive it. Thank You for every relationship You have blessed me with. Help me never take them for granted. Help me bring out the best in the people in my life and help them bring out the best in me. Help these relationships thrive and be all that You purposed for them to be. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
-Author Unknown

Thursday, January 10, 2019

How Believers Will Be Judge

If you are like me, I am always wondering what it is going to be like when this life on earth is over and when I came across this little devotional, it makes me feel at ease.
Because who doesn't need some reassurance of what is going to take place in the hereafter.
And if your like me, knowledge is your power to help ya get through the rough day's.
God Bless.

I saw the dead, great and small, standing before the throne, and books were opened. Then another book was opened, which is the book of life. And the dead were judged by what was written in the books, according to what they had done. (Revelation 20:12)
What about the last judgment? Will our sins be remembered? Will they be revealed? Anthony Hoekema puts it wisely like this: “The failures and shortcomings of . . . believers . . . will enter into the picture on the Day of Judgment. But — and this is the important point — the sins and shortcomings of believers will be revealed in the judgment as forgiven sins, whose guilt has been totally covered by the blood of Jesus Christ.” Picture it like this. God has a file on every person (the “books” of Revelation 20:12). All you’ve ever done or said (Matthew 12:36) is recorded there with a grade (from “A” to “F”). When you stand before “the judgment seat of Christ” (2 Corinthians 5:10) to be judged “for what [you have] done in the body, whether good or evil,” God will open the file and lay out the tests with their grades.
He will pull out all the “F’s” and put them in a pile. Then he will take all the “D’s” and “C’s” and pull the good parts of the test out and place them with the “A’s”, then put the bad with the “F’s.” Then he will take all the “B’s” and “A’s” and pull the bad parts out of them and put them in the “F” pile, and put all the good parts in the “A” pile. Then he will open another file (“the book of life”) and find your name, because you are in Christ through faith. Behind your name will be a wood-stick match made from the cross of Jesus. He will take the match, light it, and set the “F” pile, with all your failures and deficiencies, on fire and burn them up. They will not condemn you, and they will not reward you. Then he will take from your “book of life” file a sealed envelope marked “free and gracious bonus: life!” and put it on the “A” pile (see Mark 4:24 and Luke 6:38).
Then he will hold up the entire pile and declare: “By this your life bears witness to the grace of my Father, the worth of my blood, and the fruit of my Spirit. These bear witness that your life is eternal. And according to these you will have your rewards. Enter into the everlasting joy of your Master.”
-Author Unknown

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Confidence In God

Going into 2019, who doesn't need more confidence in God, especially with the world getting crazier and crazier.
So with everything going on, this little devotional seems timely and needful. So, be encouraged, my friend, and let's go into 2019 more bolder in the knowledge of whom we serve.
God Bless.
Abraham’s confidence in light of his impending task testifies to a deeper confidence — his profound confidence in God. Not only had God asked him to do this startling task, but Abraham was certain that God would provide a means of deliverance. He told his servants to wait while he and Isaac, his son, went to worship God on the mountain. Knowing that God commanded him to sacrifice his son, Abraham told the servants that he and the boy would come back soon. “We will worship and then we will come back to you,” he said. He knew that God had promised to create a great nation through Isaac (Ge 12:1 – 3; 13:14 – 16; 15:1 – 21; 17:1 – 22; 18:1 – 15).
For this reason, Abraham knew that God would either deliver Isaac from death or resurrect him following his death (Heb 11:19). Either way, God would keep his word. Jesus also trusted God in the face of impending death. The ultimate son of the promise, Jesus asked that God take away the cup of his suffering (Lk 22:42). Yet Jesus knew that God would be faithful — either by providing deliverance from death or through his subsequent, victorious resurrection. Unlike Isaac, Jesus would willingly and confidently walk not only to the brink of death but through death itself and once again demonstrate the faithfulness of God to his promises. Jesus, sometimes I am not as confident as I should be. Forgive me. Help me to always obey you, even when I don’t understand your commands. Amen.  
-Author Unknown

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Endure All Things

Enduring seems to be the term of 2019. In fact, maybe the term of the century depending on your own individual circumstances.
Enduring is just a part of a Christian's walk and getting help anywhere you can, like the following little devotional, makes enduring a little bit more bearable.
God Bless.
“Therefore I endure all things for the elect’s sakes, that they may also obtain the salvation which is in Christ Jesus with eternal glory.” 2 Timothy 2:10
To endure means to bear; to sustain; to support without breaking or yielding to force or pressure. As with metals, it endures a certain degree of heat without melting.
There are six areas that God’s word instructs us to endure:
Endure Hardship “Thou therefore endure hardness, as a good soldier of Jesus Christ.” 2 Timothy 2:3
Endure God’s Discipline “If ye endure chastening, God dealeth with you as with sons; for what son is he whom the father chasteneth not?” Hebrews 12:7 Endure Affliction “But watch thou in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, make full proof of thy ministry.” 2 Timothy 4:5
Endure Temptation “Blessed is the man that endureth temptation: for when he is tried, he shall receive the crown of life, which the Lord hath promised to them that love him.” James 1:12
Endure Grief “For this is thankworthy, if a man for conscience toward God endure grief, suffering wrongfully.” 1 Peter 2:19
Endure Persecutions and Tribulations “So that we ourselves glory in you in the churches of God for your patience and faith in all your persecutions and tribulations that ye endure:” 2 Thessalonians 1:4 You may ask, for how long? How long are we to endure these things? God says, “…he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved.” (Matthew 24:13).
Prayer: Father God, it’s hard, but for you I will go through the storm. For you, I will endure the pain. For the people you’ve called me to reach, I’ll go through it, and with your help, I won’t break. Thank you for strengthening me to endure hardship, endure your discipline, endure afflictions, temptations, grief, persecutions and tribulations. I trust you even when it hurts. I trust you even when I don’t understand. I trust you when I feel tired beyond belief. I receive your strength right now to bear this patiently as you work on my behalf. Thank you for the crown of life that’s waiting for me. Thank you God that you are my rock and my anchor. You are my salvation and I trust you. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Kings Daughter Devotional

Monday, January 7, 2019

His Devine Power

Here is some great insight as we start this year. When we are knowledgeable about the areas of God, there stands a good chance we will be tested.
But be encouraged, because once we pass the test, then we are likely to be more than a conqueror in that subject matter and oh, not to mention how many more nails we will put into Satan's coffin getting closer to shutting him out of our lives for good.
God Bless.
His divine power has granted to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of him who called us to his own glory and excellence. (2 Peter 1:3)
I am amazed at the power that the Bible gives to knowledge. Consider 2 Peter 1:3: “[God’s] divine power has granted . . . all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of him who called us to his own glory and excellence.” Literally, all the power available from God to live and be godly comes through knowledge! Amazing! What a premium we should put on doctrine and instruction in the Scriptures! Life and godliness are at stake. Not that knowing guarantees godliness. It doesn’t. But it seems that ignorance guarantees ungodliness. Because, Peter says, the divine power that leads to godliness is given through the knowledge of God. Here are three implications, a warning, and a promise.
1. Read! Read! Read! But beware of wasting your time on theological foam and suds. Read rich doctrinal books about the one “who called [you] to his own glory and excellence.”
2. Ponder! Ponder! Slow down. Take time to think about the Bible. Ask questions. Keep a journal. Let yourself be humbly troubled by puzzling things. The deepest insights come from trying to see the unifying root of two apparently antagonistic branches. 3. Discuss. Discuss. Be a part of a small group that cares passionately about the truth. Not a group that just likes to talk and raise problems. But a group that believes there are biblical answers to biblical problems. Warning: “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge” (Hosea 4:6).“They have a zeal for God, but not according to knowledge” (Romans 10:2).

Promise: “They shall not teach, each one his neighbor and each one his brother, saying, ‘Know the Lord,’ for they shall all know me, from the least of them to the greatest. For I will be merciful toward their iniquities, and I will remember their sins no more” (Hebrews 8:11–12).
-Author Unknown

Friday, January 4, 2019

He Paid For Your Freedom

He did it all. There is nothing left to be done or said. Then only thing we can do now is believe and show others the hope that lives within us.
And as the New Year is upon us, may we intensify our evangelism by showing His love.
God Bless.
He Paid for Your Freedom
I remember how important it was for me to be validated by other people. I would crave compliments and when I didn’t receive them, I would get upset and it would affect me for days. Worrying about what other people thought about me became a habit and slowly, it began to steal my joy. A year ago, God spoke to me clearly through this verse. I was becoming a slave to the words of others and allowing their expectations to control me. God sent His perfect Son, Jesus, to the world to die for us on the cross. His death guaranteed us freedom from all sorts of bondage's (John 8:32).
The price He paid wasn’t trivial; He hung on a cross with nails pierced into His hands and feet, and a crown of thorns pierced into His head. Before that, He was whipped 39 times with a cat o’ nine tails, His beard was plucked and He was mocked and made fun of and stripped naked. Jesus willingly paid this price to set us free. When I let the thoughts and words of others affect me, I had reduced this great price to something powerless. God’s promise is freedom. Do not let yourself become a slave to people around you who wish to negatively speak over your life. Let people only speak love and life over you. Prayer Father, I am so grateful to You for sending Your Son to die for me on the cross.
Thank You for the price that He paid for me. Thank You that because of that price, I am now set free. No person or thing has a hold over my life anymore. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
-Author Unknown

Thursday, January 3, 2019

Those Who Know Your Name Trust In You

Good stuff to believe in for this year.
Trust in Him! It will be well worth it!
Those who know your name trust in you, for you, O LORD, do not abandon those who search for you. (NLT) -Psalm 9:10
When you walk with God, He will provide at just the right moment. When you take things into your own hands and push God out of your plans you prevent Him from having the opportunity to provide for you. In what areas have you stopped looking to God for direction?
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Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Quote Of The Day - Don't Spend Your Time Chasing

Amen! And may God Bless each and every one of us.
Quote of the Day
-Joyce Meyer
“Don’t spend your time chasing blessings. Chase God, and the blessings will chase you.” 
-Joyce Meyer, Knowing God Intimately: Being as Close to Him as You Want to Be

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Paul's Epistle To The Galations

As the new year is upon us, may we learn to share the burdens of others without judgement.
I can't help but think if we leave out the our judgement of others what might happen in the lives of those we think better of....maybe, just maybe a move of God of epic proportion reaching to the utter most parts of the world.
God Bless.
Paul's epistle to the Galatians verse 10 speaks to how we should bear and share burdens, do good to all.We all know people who are in need we ourselves are also in need at different times in our lives. Fulfilling a need, is an opportunity to do good to as many people as we are able to and when we can. Needs are everywhere, look along the street you live, the community, the church you attend, the office where you work, on the bus you take, on the route you drive to work. Do good with every opportunity you get!
-Author Unknown