Monday, January 21, 2019


Love, love, and love this little devotional.
Uniqueness seems to be happening all around us. But the uniqueness we need to be concerned about is how God sees and His willingness to use it for His glory. All we need to do is get out of His way and br the willing vessel He needs to reach a lost and dying world.
Let us be that vessel.
God Bless.
You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body and knit me together in my mothers womb." (NLT) - (Psalm 139:13)
The Psalm of David, which explains God's perfect knowledge of man. From the embryonic stages God uniquely developed your inner parts: organs, cells, tissue your DNA. No one else comes close to your prototype and they never will. Think about it, the intricacies, and attributes, preferences that you have as a woman was intricately woven and orchestrated by God, making you unique. Embrace and celebrate who you are because it is God who has fashioned you, and He knows everything about you. Nothing is hidden from Him He cares about you. From the womb to the tomb He'll be there for you.
Proverbs 31 Devotional

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