Friday, January 4, 2019

He Paid For Your Freedom

He did it all. There is nothing left to be done or said. Then only thing we can do now is believe and show others the hope that lives within us.
And as the New Year is upon us, may we intensify our evangelism by showing His love.
God Bless.
He Paid for Your Freedom
I remember how important it was for me to be validated by other people. I would crave compliments and when I didn’t receive them, I would get upset and it would affect me for days. Worrying about what other people thought about me became a habit and slowly, it began to steal my joy. A year ago, God spoke to me clearly through this verse. I was becoming a slave to the words of others and allowing their expectations to control me. God sent His perfect Son, Jesus, to the world to die for us on the cross. His death guaranteed us freedom from all sorts of bondage's (John 8:32).
The price He paid wasn’t trivial; He hung on a cross with nails pierced into His hands and feet, and a crown of thorns pierced into His head. Before that, He was whipped 39 times with a cat o’ nine tails, His beard was plucked and He was mocked and made fun of and stripped naked. Jesus willingly paid this price to set us free. When I let the thoughts and words of others affect me, I had reduced this great price to something powerless. God’s promise is freedom. Do not let yourself become a slave to people around you who wish to negatively speak over your life. Let people only speak love and life over you. Prayer Father, I am so grateful to You for sending Your Son to die for me on the cross.
Thank You for the price that He paid for me. Thank You that because of that price, I am now set free. No person or thing has a hold over my life anymore. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
-Author Unknown

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