Monday, May 13, 2019

Your Crown

He is returning sooner than we know! Let us hold out so we can obtain something above and beyond what we can imagine.
God Bless.
"Behold, I come quickly: hold that fast which thou hast, that no man take thy crown." - (Revelation 3:11)
A portion of the letter to the church in Philadelphia. We have been hearing for a long, long time Jesus is coming back again, soon. Many laugh at the saying because soon has been a long time coming. As Christians we are promised many rewards, let us hold fast to the faith we have in Christ until He returns. Quickly is relative our understanding and interpretation is different from that of God's, so hold firm and you will receive your crown which is your just reward of endurance. Your relationship with Christ and your sacrifice for the body is worth holding on to guard it dearly so that no one takes your crown.
Psalm 31 Devotional

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