Love this one. I just feel this little devotional was written for such a time as this.
His name is above every name and every thing that goes against His kingdom.
So, the problem, we see, isn't with His name, but with the lack of being used in any given time or circumstances.
Come on saints, arise and begin to declare the glory of His name for there is power that goes forth when we do.
God Bless.
"When I say Jesus, the very mention shatters the darkness and calms my soul."
When we call upon Jesus, we’re not just stringing together words or names. There is true power in the name of Jesus.
In the name of Jesus, we find salvation. We are told to pray in the name of Jesus because it is through Him that we have a relationship with God. The Apostle Paul says in his letter to the church in Philippi that “at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth.”
If the forces of evil in the world must bow at the mere mention of His name, then when we, as followers of the living God, call upon His name our very fears, anxieties, addictions, and sicknesses must bow to Him. There is freedom in the name of Jesus.
-Author Unknown
Tuesday, June 30, 2020
Monday, June 29, 2020
God Hears Your Prayers
Thank God, He likes the sound of our voices and we should start using them and begin a real conversation with Him about anything and everything, He longs for it.
God Bless.
God loves the sound of your voice—always! God never places you on hold or tells you to call again later. He doesn’t hide when you call. He hears your prayers. For that reason “be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God” (Philippians 4:6).
With this verse the apostle calls us to take action against anxiety. We tell God exactly what we want. We pray the particulars of our problems. What Jesus said to the blind man, he says to us: “What do you want me to do for you” (Luke 18:41)? One would think the answer would be obvious. When a sightless man requests Jesus’ help, isn’t it apparent what he needs? Yet Jesus wanted to hear the man articulate his specific requests. He wants the same from us. “Let your requests be made known to God!”
-Max Lucado Devotional
God Bless.
God loves the sound of your voice—always! God never places you on hold or tells you to call again later. He doesn’t hide when you call. He hears your prayers. For that reason “be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God” (Philippians 4:6).
With this verse the apostle calls us to take action against anxiety. We tell God exactly what we want. We pray the particulars of our problems. What Jesus said to the blind man, he says to us: “What do you want me to do for you” (Luke 18:41)? One would think the answer would be obvious. When a sightless man requests Jesus’ help, isn’t it apparent what he needs? Yet Jesus wanted to hear the man articulate his specific requests. He wants the same from us. “Let your requests be made known to God!”
-Max Lucado Devotional
Friday, June 26, 2020
A New Way To Look
A new way of looking at the greatest man to ever walk the earth, then died, then rose from the dead.
Enjoy and be encouraged while putting your hopes in the One who will never leave you or forsake you.
God Bless.
There are a trillion ways that Jesus is not like us. The Nicene Creed, the old Christian confession from the fourth century, is only a sketch of what this looks like. There are vast, glorious truths of Jesus that make him so unique. We can hardly put them in words.
Jesus Is Different
Jesus is the Lord. From everlasting to everlasting, he is God — very God of very God. He is the second person of the holy Trinity, whose person is never blended into the Godhead and whose essence is never divided from it. He is irrevocably sovereign, utterly independent, forever sourceless and satisfied. We’ll never know what that’s like for ourselves.
Jesus has eternally existed; he was not made. He dwelled eyes wide open in the Father’s unapproachable light before time. Through him came everything that exists. Everything. He is the uncreated Creator, and we are what he spoke into reality. He said it, and it came to be. Only he can do that.
And more, Jesus came down from heaven for our salvation. He is the definitive showcase of God’s eternal purpose in the universe, and of God’s love for this people. All of God’s intentions to glorify his name by creating humans, saving them, and living in fellowship with them forever, is all centered on Jesus. From the very beginning, before there was a beginning, Jesus has been the one.
Still more, Jesus is the King of the nations, the king who owns the ends of the earth, whose dominion explodes our best metrics. He’s kind enough to warn all rulers of his power, fierce enough to kindle wrath in an instance, and good enough to be a refuge for those who hope in him. His enemies will be his footstool. He will judge the living and the dead. He has all authority in heaven and on earth, and his kingdom will never end. Without doubt, he is the King of kings. In a trillion ways, Jesus is different.
Jesus Became Like Us
Jesus is indissolubly, inconceivably, unquantifiably different, until the King of kings laid thus in lowly manger — until the fullness of time had come and he was born of a woman, born under the law, until he became a great high priest who can sympathize with our weaknesses, a friend in our trials, a redeemer who understands. Jesus came to earth as a human like us. He breathed the same air we do. His feet touched the same ground as ours and he walked the same paths. He was tempted like us in every way. In every way that sin has crouched at our door, in every way that iniquity has whispered bad promises in our ear, Jesus knows all about it. He experienced it. He was there — yet he never sinned. Jesus knows our need, our weakness is no stranger.
And this is how he died for us, knowing all about us. The wrath he suffered in our place was for sins he resisted in perfect faithfulness. He felt the Father’s fury against him for transgressions that he found repulsive, transgression he himself never committed. Not only did Jesus become like us, but he took our place and bore our sins as if they were his. Of all the ways that Jesus is different from us, it’s here, when he became most like us, that the greatest love in the world was revealed.
Our Grateful Chorus
This is what Christmas is all about. Jesus, incomparably glorious and so different from us, became like us to the uttermost. And what can we do but sweet hymns of joy raise? Let all within us praise his holy name. Christ is the Lord!
His power and glory evermore proclaim! His power and glory evermore proclaim!
-Author Unknown
Thursday, June 25, 2020
We all those secret sins that creep into our lives and begin to effect other parts of it and the one day your life goes haywire and you wonder how you got to this point.
And when you start to look back over past events you can tie everything to that secret sin you allowed in and never confessed and that makes you feel even worse.
We have all had those moments, and if you say you haven't well, add lying to the list of sins, but the good news is, if your breathing, it's not to late for you to take back control of your life and put it in the hands of the Man who created it.
Sin bad...Jesus good...
God Bless.
It’s a slimy feeling in your gut that no matter how hard you try, you can’t get rid of. It’s always there, just under the surface of your skin, keeping you from feeling pure, from having a clear conscience.
It’s a severe mercy of God called conviction of sin. While it may be uncomfortable at times, conviction of sin is a kindness of the Holy Spirit—leading us back to God in repentance and faith, reminding us that God is not finished with us yet. He has plans for our future, and they are good. There is only one way to get rid of that feeling, of that grossness: confession.
What are we told to do in order to be forgiven?
The Greek word for confess in 1 John 1:9 means to declare openly, acknowledging and agreeing with God that what you are doing or what you did was wrong.
1 God says if we confess our sins and turn from them, He’ll forgive us and bring us back into right relationship with Him. We confess in order to be right with God.
Sometimes God also tells us to confess to one another.
When we confess before the Lord, whom our sins are always primarily against, He forgives us and cleanses us. When we confess to one another, we are healed. And that word “healed” carries a meaning of being made whole. How? How does confessing to someone cause healing and wholeness? This passage in James refers to the power of intercessory prayer in accountability as we love one another enough to fight for the holiness of our brothers and sisters and the intimacy of their relationships with Christ. As scholar Ralph P. Martin says, “The author [of this passage] is showing that the prayer, not the person, ... is the channel through which God’s power to heal is conveyed.”2 In confession of sin to one another, we bring our brothers and sisters before God in prayer, asking Him to heal them.
The grossness only goes away when we confess and choose to walk in the light, no matter how scary, no matter the consequences. Nothing, no hidden sin or fear of exposure or awful outcome, is worth compromising the freedom you have when your conscience is clear and your heart is pure before the Lord.
1. “Homologeo,” Strong’s G3670, Blue Letter Bible. Available at
2. Ralph P. Martin, James, Word Biblical Commentary 48 (Dallas: Word, 1990), 211.
Wednesday, June 24, 2020
Seek Your City's Good
People are worth it. The are in which you live is worth saving. You were born for such a time as this for the place in which you live.
Hopefully this little devotional will give you some insight in just that. Take back your town, take back your city, take back your country for it will be worth it when people being to see the glory of who He is!
God Bless.
“Thus says the Lord of hosts, the God of Israel, to all the exiles whom I have sent into exile from Jerusalem to Babylon: Build houses and live in them; plant gardens and eat their produce. . . . But seek the welfare of the city where I have sent you into exile, and pray to the Lord on its behalf, for in its welfare you will find your welfare.” (Jeremiah 29:4–5, 7)
If that was true for God’s exiles in Babylon, it would seem to be even more true for Christian exiles in this very “Babylon-like” world. What, then, shall we do?
We should do the ordinary things that need to be done: build houses; live in them; plant gardens. This does not contaminate you if you do it all for the real King and not just for eye service as men-pleasers.
Seek the welfare of the place where God has sent you. Think of yourself as sent there by God for his glory. Because you are.
Pray to the Lord on behalf of your city. Ask for great and good things to happen for the city. Ask that they happen by God’s power and for his glory. Never lose sight of the ultimate good that the city needs a thousand times more than it needs material prosperity. Christians care about all suffering — especially eternal suffering. That’s the greatest danger every city faces.
But neither God nor his people are indifferent to the health and safety and prosperity and freedom of the city. We all want these things, and Jesus said, “You shall love your neighbor as yourself” (Matthew 22:39). In fact, the Lord says in Jeremiah that loving your city is a way of loving yourself: “In its welfare you will find your welfare.”
This does not mean we give up our exile orientation. Peter says that Christians are “sojourners and exiles” (1 Peter 2:11) and Paul says “our citizenship is in heaven” (Philippians 3:20). In fact, we will do most good for this world by keeping a steadfast freedom from its beguiling attractions. We will serve our city best by getting our values from “the city that is to come” (Hebrews 13:14). We will do our city most good by calling as many of its citizens as we can to be citizens of “the Jerusalem above” (Galatians 4:26).
So, let’s live — let’s do so much good (1 Peter 2:12) — that the natives will want to meet our King.
-John Piper Devotional
Tuesday, June 23, 2020
True Freedom
There is nothing like freedom. How we choose to live and walk in it is where the true issue lies.
We cannot allow are freedom to go to the wayside so rise up and fight the good fight for not only for your self but for those around you but mostly fight for His glory to be seen throughout the nation and spill into this world.
God Bless.
What is true freedom? Are you free?
Here are four things that need to be true if we are going to be fully free.
If you don’t have the desire to do a thing, you are not fully free to do it. Oh, you may muster the willpower to do what you don’t want to do, but nobody calls that full freedom. It’s not the way we want to live. There is a constraint and pressure on us that we don’t want.
And if you have the desire to do something, but no ability to do it, you are not free to do it.
And if you have the desire and the ability to do something, but no opportunity to do it, you are not free to do it.
And if you have the desire to do something, and the ability to do it, and the opportunity to do it, but it destroys you in the end, you are not fully free — not free indeed — when you do it.
To be fully free, we must have the desire, the ability, and the opportunity to do what will make us happy forever. No regrets. And only Jesus, the Son of God who died and rose for us, can make that possible.
If the Son shall set you free, you shall be free indeed (John 8:36).
-Aufhor Unknown
Monday, June 22, 2020
Quote Of The Day - Because God Is With You
Quote of the Day -Joyce Meyer
Nothing is to big for you.and Your God! Start believing it, then live it, so that others might see and do it too!
God Bless
Quote of the Day -Joyce Meyer
“Because God is with you, that makes you greater than any problem you have.”
-Joyce Meyer, Love Out Loud: 365 Devotions for Loving God, Loving Yourself and Others
Friday, June 19, 2020
Check Your Affections
This is a much meeded little devotional.
May you find peace, comfort, and encouragement after carefully reading through this little devotional.
God Bless.
by Gloria Copeland
“If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God. Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth.” Colossians 3:1-2
Separating yourself from the ways of the world doesn’t always mean just leaving destructive activities behind. It often means simply getting rid of those things that don’t build you up spiritually.
Hebrews 12:1 says as we run the race that is set before us, we are to lay aside weights. You may have weights in your life that are slowing you down spiritually. They may not be bad things in themselves, yet they are draining you of spiritual power. You may be so wrapped up in your occupation, for instance, that you spend all your time thinking and talking about it. Or you may have a hobby that has become the center of your attention.
The problem with things like that is not that they are sinful, it’s that they’ve captured your affection. It’s time to check your affections. The Bible says in Colossians 3 that we’re to set our affection on things above, not on things on the earth.
God wants you to set the affection of your heart on Him. Why? So that He can pour out His affection on you!
You can’t give anything to God without His giving you much more in return. When you set your affection on Him, He will bless you, and bless you, and bless you!
Speak the Word
“I seek those things which are above. I set my affection on things above, not on things on earth.” —Colossians 3:1-2
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Thursday, June 18, 2020
To Receive The Kingdom We Must Put Jesus First
I know now is not the time to think about anything other what is going on how that is going to affect you and your family.
One thing we need to remember without Jesus, we don't stand a chance in this world. And what we need to do is listen for His voice and obeying it no matter what is going on around us.
Easier said than done, I know but remember Jesus is the real deal and He won't leave us now matter what we do and what is going on.
So, let us keep our eyes on Him and put His kingdom first for it will be worth it,ALWAYS.
God Bless.
Jesus must either be first of all, or nothing at all.
I’ve sometimes been all excited about business opportunities that promise to make me a millionaire. And then my excitement has been totally deflated when the reality hasn’t lived up to the promises.
Jesus offers us the best deal ever: eternal life in the Kingdom of Heaven. In the Bible there’s a story about a rich young man who got all excited about this and ran up to Jesus, fell on his knees, and asked, “What must I do to inherit eternal
life?” (Mark 10:17).
When Jesus told him to sell everything he had and to give it to the poor, the man went away sad, his excitement completely deflated. His attitude towards money stood in the way of the blessings that Jesus could give him.
Jesus wasn’t telling us that every one of us has to go and sell everything and give it to the poor. Instead, he was talking about what the attitude of our hearts must be if we want eternal life.
We must absolutely put Jesus and the priorities
of his Kingdom first.
If there is anything in our lives or in our hearts that is standing in the way of our relationship with him and his Kingdom agenda, we must give it up. Jesus must either be first of all, or nothing at all.
Consider your attitude to money and possessions. I encourage you to make a prayerful gift to a worthy charity or Christian ministry. Challenge your heart by making the gift of such a size that it hurts.
(Note: If you or your family have personal and pressing needs, you should make sure you can meet these first).
By Dr Eliezer Gonzalez
Wednesday, June 17, 2020
Quote Of The Day - Happiness
The most needed emotion needed today is happiness. This world has enough sadness and yuckiness in it and for me, I can hardly take one day of it. And truth be told, I was sinking deep into the abyss of it all.
Thank God, I came across this quote from Joyce Meyer. God is sending us encouragement everyday and it is our job to find it and then live by it.
God Bless.
“There are many emotions we have to resist, but happiness is not one of them! So go ahead and be as happy as you can possibly be.”
-Joyce Meyer, Living Beyond Your Feelings: Controlling Emotions So They Don’t Control You
Tuesday, June 16, 2020
Five Reasons To Be Fearless
This is an awesome, insightful little devotional.
May fear no longer have a place in our lives.
God Bless.
“Fear not, little flock, for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom.” (Luke 12:32)
The reason God wants us not to be afraid concerning money or other things of the world is because that fearlessness — that freedom from anxiety — will magnify five great things about him.
First, not being afraid shows that we treasure God as our Shepherd. “Fear not, little flock.” We are his flock and he is our Shepherd. And if he is our Shepherd, then Psalm 23:1 applies: “The Lord is my Shepherd; I shall not want” — that is, I shall not lack anything I truly need.
Second, not being afraid shows that we treasure God as our Father. “It is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom.” We are not only his little flock; we are also his children, and he is our Father. He really cares and really knows what you need and will work for you to be sure that you have what you need.
Third, not being anxious shows that we treasure God as King. “Fear not, little flock, for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom.” He can give us the “kingdom” because he is the King. This adds a tremendous element of power to the one who provides for us. “Shepherd” connotes protection and provision. “Father” connotes love and tenderness and authority and provision and guidance. “King” connotes power and sovereignty and wealth.
Fourth, not being afraid shows how free and generous God is. Notice, he gives the kingdom. “Fear not, little flock, for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom.” He doesn’t sell the kingdom or rent the kingdom or lease the kingdom. He is infinitely wealthy and does not need our payments. So, God is generous and free with his bounty. And this is what we magnify about him when we are not afraid, but trust him with our needs.
Finally, not being afraid — not being anxious — shows that we trust that God really wants to do this. “Fear not, little flock, for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom.” It delights him. He is not begrudging. It makes him glad to give us the kingdom. Not all of us had fathers like this, who were made happy by giving instead of getting. But that sorrow is not the main thing any more, because now you can have such a Father, and Shepherd, and King.
So, the point of this verse is that we should treasure God as our Shepherd and Father and King who is generous and happy to give us the kingdom of God — to give us heaven, to give us eternal life and joy, and everything we need to get there.
If we treasure God in this way, we will be fearless and God will be worshiped.
-John Piper Devotional
Monday, June 15, 2020
Quote Of The Day - You Are Not Alone
Good stuff at a much needed time.
Be encouraged my friend, you are not alone today, tomorrow, or in the day's to come.
God Bless.
Quote of the day by Joyce Meyer -“You Are Not Alone Because he …
Quote of the Day -Joyce Meyer
“You Are Not Alone Because he has set his love upon Me, therefore will I deliver him; I will set him on high, because he . . . [has a personal knowledge of My mercy, love, and kindness—trusts and relies on Me, knowing I will never forsake him]. PSALM 91:14 God wants you to know you are not alone. Satan wants you to believe you are all alone, but you are not. He wants you to believe no one understands how you feel, but that is not true. In addition to God being with you, many believers know how you feel and understand what you are experiencing mentally and emotionally. As God’s child, you can claim His wonderful promises. No matter what you are facing or how lonely you may feel, know that you are not alone. As you meditate on God tonight, draw strength and encouragement from knowing He is always faithful and He will never forsake you.”
-Joyce Meyer, Ending Your Day Right: Devotions for Every Evening of the Year
Friday, June 12, 2020
You Said
It's about time we degree and declare and ask for the nations!!
God Bless.
You said, "ask and you will receive
Whatever you need"
You said, "pray and I'll hear from heaven,
And I'll heal your land"
Whatever you need"
You said, "pray and I'll hear from heaven,
And I'll heal your land"
You said Your glory will fill the earth
Like water the sea
You said, "lift up your eyes;
The harvest is here, the kingdom is near"
Like water the sea
You said, "lift up your eyes;
The harvest is here, the kingdom is near"
You said, "ask and I'll give the nations to you"
Oh Lord, that's the cry of my heart
Distant shores and the islands will see
Your light, as it rises on us
Oh Lord, that's the cry of my heart
Distant shores and the islands will see
Your light, as it rises on us
, You said, Your glory will fill the earth
Like water the sea (you said)
You said, "Lift up your eyes
The harvest is here, the Kingdom is near"
Like water the sea (you said)
You said, "Lift up your eyes
The harvest is here, the Kingdom is near"
You said, "Ask and I'll give the nations to you"
Oh, Lord, that's the cry of my heart
Distant shores and the islands will see
Your light, as it rises on us
Oh, Lord, that's the cry of my heart
Distant shores and the islands will see
Your light, as it rises on us
You said, "Ask and I'll give the nations to you"
Oh, Lord, that's the cry of my heart
Distant shores and the islands will see
Your light, as it rises on us
Oh, Lord, that's the cry of my heart
Distant shores and the islands will see
Your light, as it rises on us
You said, "Ask and I'll give the nations to you"
Oh, Lord, that's the cry of my heart
Distant shores and the islands will see
Your light, as it rises on us
You said that we believe
Oh, Lord, that's the cry of my heart
Distant shores and the islands will see
Your light, as it rises on us
You said that we believe
Oh, Lord, I ask for the nation
Oh, Lord, I ask for the nation
Even though you was there Lord
Oh, Lord, I ask for the nation
Oh, Lord, I ask for the nation
Oh, Lord, I ask for the nation
Even though you was there Lord
Oh, Lord, I ask for the nation
Oh, Lord, I ask for the nation
Source: LyricFind
Songwriters: Reuben Morgan
You Said lyrics © Capitol Christian Music Group
Thursday, June 11, 2020
Quote Of The Day - Invest
There is never been a better time to invest in something but better yet invest in your life.
And for what it is worth, I am giving you the okay and encouragment to get started and move ahead for there are better day's that lie ahead.
God Bless.
Quote of the Day -Joyce Meyer
“You will invest in something as you live your life, so make sure it is something that will pay dividends you will enjoy.”
-Joyce Meyer, Living Beyond Your Feelings: Controlling Emotions So They Don’t Control You
Wednesday, June 10, 2020
God Of Creation
Don't you think its high time we begin to appreciate the wonder around us provided by the one who created it?
In the times we are living in when our "normal has been turned upside down, maybe the Creator himself, is using what is going on to His advantage to force people to stop and take a breath and realize, He has this and your life in His hands and to prove it He shows us the sun still shines and the moon still rises.
So, let us take advantage of our surroundings and appreciate the one who put it there in the first place.
God Bless.
God Of Creation • Devotional
Prayer: Father, you are the creator of the earth and everything around it. My heart is weak but you are strong. Give me the desire and passion to search your truth so I may know and love you better!
Incredible Creator
Have you ever been stopped in your tracks because you were in awe of the sky? Were you ever filled with amazement and wonder by how something could even exist? If you scroll Instagram and Facebook around sunset you will find so many pictures of the sunset because people find it undeniably beautiful. And as followers of Jesus Christ, we know we have a personal relationship with the Artist behind that beauty!
God is the creator of the heavens and the earth. He is the most magnificent artist, and the sky is just one of His canvases where He displays His beauty. From sunup to sundown, we can see His creativity and greatness.
In Scripture, we see God reveal His immensity by tilting up the heads His people to look up. The heavens, sky, and stars reveal God’s glory. It is so easy to forget and doubt how great and beautiful our God is, because we are to focused on what is directly in front of us. God gives us hope through creation, but we have to remember to pause, look, and capture the moment.
Abraham could not fathom how a child, let alone a nation, would be fathered by him. He could not picture what he could not see. He was honest with God and told Him how he doubted the promise. God gave Abraham hope by pointing him to the stars to remind him that God is great, and will do more than we could even imagine.
Questions to Ask Yourself:
Incredible Creator
Have you ever been stopped in your tracks because you were in awe of the sky? Were you ever filled with amazement and wonder by how something could even exist? If you scroll Instagram and Facebook around sunset you will find so many pictures of the sunset because people find it undeniably beautiful. And as followers of Jesus Christ, we know we have a personal relationship with the Artist behind that beauty!
God is the creator of the heavens and the earth. He is the most magnificent artist, and the sky is just one of His canvases where He displays His beauty. From sunup to sundown, we can see His creativity and greatness.
In Scripture, we see God reveal His immensity by tilting up the heads His people to look up. The heavens, sky, and stars reveal God’s glory. It is so easy to forget and doubt how great and beautiful our God is, because we are to focused on what is directly in front of us. God gives us hope through creation, but we have to remember to pause, look, and capture the moment.
Abraham could not fathom how a child, let alone a nation, would be fathered by him. He could not picture what he could not see. He was honest with God and told Him how he doubted the promise. God gave Abraham hope by pointing him to the stars to remind him that God is great, and will do more than we could even imagine.
Questions to Ask Yourself:
- How often do you pause, look around, and praise God for His creation?
- What are some doubts or fears that you are not admitting to God?
- Pick an evening this week when you can sit alone with God under the sky. Share with Him your fears and doubts. Let Him reveal Himself to you through prayer, His word, and His world.
Tuesday, June 9, 2020
A Fresh New Day
Just as there is new mercies given, so to is how we approach the fresh new day we are given.
May this little devotional help but things in perspective and give you a hope for the future for whether you see one or not, there is hope and you can find that hope in Christ and Christ alone.
God Bless.
A Fresh, New Day
Adapted from the resource Wake Up to the Word - by Joyce Meyer
One of the fastest ways to a stagnant life is to find something wrong with everything and everybody, including yourself. On the other hand, those who make progress are usually intentionally thankful, happy people who look for the good in life.
Thank God for always being with you, and for the fact that all things are possible with Him. Thank Him for your life, your job, your family, your friends… whatever comes to your mind as you’re praying. As you cultivate thankfulness in your life, you’ll experience more and more of His presence (see 1 Thessalonians 5:18; Psalm 100:4).
God never changes, but everything else is subject to change. You’re not at a dead end; you are not stuck in a place you cannot escape. No matter how long you’ve been waiting, God has something fresh and new for you, and today is the day to start enjoying it (see Isaiah 43:18-19; John 10:10).
Prayer Starter: Father, please help me to be intentionally thankful, and to watch for the fresh, new blessings You put in my path today. Thank You for making all things new, and for the work You’re doing in me. In Jesus’ Name, amen.
Monday, June 8, 2020
Passionate Caring
This little devotional is something we should sink our teeth into and passionately, fervently, and willingly do for there are people dying from lack of knowledge of the Great I Am.
It's time church to arise and take back this world for the glory of God.
God Bless.
As Jesus approached the city on the last week before his crucifixion, he wept over Jerusalem because they had the chance to recognize truth and didn't take it. For three years everything there was to be seen as right in front of them. They'd listened and watched, but it hadn't made any difference to their hard hearts. No wonder he cried. Do you have tears for your city and country?
Prayer: Dear God, give me a passion and love for my city and country. May I see the hearts and lives of people here as you do - not just numbers, concrete, glass, malls or traffic. Give me opportunities today to share your love, compassion, and healing with those I interact with. Soften our hearts. In Jesus' name, Amen.
-Author Unknown
Friday, June 5, 2020
The Seeds Of Bad Thinking
This little devotional could be a game changer if we really allow the words to take hold do a work in our hearts.
It is time we ro get rid of the negativity and replace it with thoughts and the knowledge of who God is and what He says about us and begin to live again.
God Bless.
The Seeds of Bad Thinking
To sow seeds of bad thinking or unrighteousness almost always reaps a harvest of bad consequences: distance from God, hatred toward oneself, frustration at life, irritation at a lack of growth. Looking back, I can see how this has played out time and time again in my life.
So often . . .
I sowed the thought: I can’t do it.
I reaped: An identity of a failure.
I sowed the thought: [Insert name] is thinking [XYZ] about me. They must [hate, not like, think poorly of, not want, be judging] me.
I reaped: Insecurity that blinds me to the needs of others.
I sowed the thought: I exist to just “get by.”
I reaped: Continual anxiety and fear of being exposed as a fraud.
I sowed the thought: I am so stupid.
I reaped: A paralyzed life. My self-restricting words trained my mind not to move forward with opportunities, risks, and dreams.
I sowed the thought: I can’t trust people (or God); they hurt me.
I reaped: Shame. I can’t mess up or ever do bad things because I’ll be the embarrassed fool.
I sowed the thought: People will never like me for who I am.
I reaped: Lies about who I really was.
I sowed the thought: Life’s unfair to me and always will be.
I reaped: A crisis-mode life where God doesn’t show up.
Amazingly, because of the chemical makeup of our brain, our mind deciphers no difference between perception and reality. What we think instructs our mind. Repeated negative statements, sowed day after day, tell our mind, “Hey, that right there is my truth!” Then our mind acts on it—whether we like it or not.
Thoughts sowed reap habits. Habits create your life.
Be careful, little mind, what you think. Your thoughts can either push you ahead or draw you back, restrict you or re-create you, antagonize you or harmonize you with God’s peace.
What do you sow? What do you reap? What are you seeing in your life?
“Blessed . . . are those who hear the word of God and obey it” (Luke 11:28). Sow a hearing of real truth, reap obedience, and see God’s blessing.
When has a negative thought you had affected your life in a negative way?
-Battle Field Ready Devotional
It is time we ro get rid of the negativity and replace it with thoughts and the knowledge of who God is and what He says about us and begin to live again.
God Bless.
The Seeds of Bad Thinking
To sow seeds of bad thinking or unrighteousness almost always reaps a harvest of bad consequences: distance from God, hatred toward oneself, frustration at life, irritation at a lack of growth. Looking back, I can see how this has played out time and time again in my life.
So often . . .
I sowed the thought: I can’t do it.
I reaped: An identity of a failure.
I sowed the thought: [Insert name] is thinking [XYZ] about me. They must [hate, not like, think poorly of, not want, be judging] me.
I reaped: Insecurity that blinds me to the needs of others.
I sowed the thought: I exist to just “get by.”
I reaped: Continual anxiety and fear of being exposed as a fraud.
I sowed the thought: I am so stupid.
I reaped: A paralyzed life. My self-restricting words trained my mind not to move forward with opportunities, risks, and dreams.
I sowed the thought: I can’t trust people (or God); they hurt me.
I reaped: Shame. I can’t mess up or ever do bad things because I’ll be the embarrassed fool.
I sowed the thought: People will never like me for who I am.
I reaped: Lies about who I really was.
I sowed the thought: Life’s unfair to me and always will be.
I reaped: A crisis-mode life where God doesn’t show up.
Amazingly, because of the chemical makeup of our brain, our mind deciphers no difference between perception and reality. What we think instructs our mind. Repeated negative statements, sowed day after day, tell our mind, “Hey, that right there is my truth!” Then our mind acts on it—whether we like it or not.
Thoughts sowed reap habits. Habits create your life.
Be careful, little mind, what you think. Your thoughts can either push you ahead or draw you back, restrict you or re-create you, antagonize you or harmonize you with God’s peace.
What do you sow? What do you reap? What are you seeing in your life?
“Blessed . . . are those who hear the word of God and obey it” (Luke 11:28). Sow a hearing of real truth, reap obedience, and see God’s blessing.
When has a negative thought you had affected your life in a negative way?
-Battle Field Ready Devotional
Thursday, June 4, 2020
A Prayer For The Financiallay Hurting
Amen and Keep holding on!
God Bless.
A Prayer for the
God, You know what we’re going through. And we’re thankful You can take the hardest circumstances and turn them around for our good and Your glory. You can restore all things—so we’re asking You to restore lost jobs, finances, relationships, resources, and hopes. Show anyone struggling financially that You hold them close, and surround them with people who will help them through this time. Please meet their immediate needs as they trust You for long-term solutions. Turn fear into faith as Your good plans for them unfold. As they wait on You, renew their hope and give them the courage to dream again. Remind them of their value, and fill them with peace. Our God, come and do what only You can do. In Jesus’ Name, Amen. -YouVerson Prayer |
Wednesday, June 3, 2020
I Pray We Don't Go Back To Normal
Amen to this one. We need some major changes in this world and I believe this virus was just one of the wakeup calls we need to get our butts back in line with the word of God.
Arise, my Lord and may we never go back to the way it was before but keep pushing forward to the high calling You have for us.
God Bless.
-Author Unknown
Tuesday, June 2, 2020
There Is Power In The Blood
There is power, power, wonder working power in the precious blood of the Lamb.
May we spread it like wildfire on everything and everyone.
God Bless
The blood of Jesus is a powerful weapon against the enemy, and it is something he does not want believers to learn how to appropriate in their lives or to learn about. What is it about the precious blood of Christ that is so powerful? What about it causes the kingdom of darkness to tremble in terror? It is through the blood of Jesus that our sins have been washed away and we are placed in right standing with the Father. It is through the blood of Jesus that we have freedom to live and authority to trample over the enemy.
Whenever you hear believers say, “I plead the blood of Jesus!” What does that mean? To “plead” is a legal term (see 1 Samuel 24:15 and Psalms 43:1). If you were to imagine yourself in a court room and the evidence against you were mounting high, but in the middle while the Accuser, which is Satan, is making his case and is saying what you deserve because of your sin, you find the courage to say, “I plead the blood of Jesus!” It would change everything! Why? Because it is through the blood of Jesus that we have been set free from sin, completely forgiven and washed. Through the blood of Jesus, we are made holy as if we never sinned a day in our lives. Through His precious blood, we are free to be free and stay free, and are given power to walk in authority over the enemy!
The precious blood of Jesus has not lost its power and it never will!
Prayer: Thank you Father for the blood of Jesus! I choose to plead of Jesus right now over my life, over my family and friends! Through the precious of Jesus I am forgiven and no longer hiding in shame, guilt or condemnation. The same precious blood that redeemed me and set me free, also empowers me to live and to go and win others to you LORD. It protects me and gives me authority and boldness when dealing with the enemy. Thank you LORD! You are deepening my understanding and knowledge of the blood of Jesus and what it means. Help me to stay reminded of it’s power and to see my life and everything around me through the lens of the precious blood of Jesus! In Jesus name, Amen.
For more understanding, study Hebrews 8:6-7; Hebrews 9:11-28; Hebrews 12:24; James 4:7; 1 John 3:8; Luke 10:19
-Daughter Of The King Devotional
Monday, June 1, 2020
Today is Precious
Make the day count no matter what the circumstances. See the beauty in it and rise up and become the person you were meant to be for you are beautiful, needed, and much loved by the King of King and Lord of Lord's.
God Bless.
Praise the Lord; praise God our savior! For each day he carries us in his arms. (NLT) -Psalm 68:19
Today is a precious day. Take joy in knowing that you were gifted with today. The Lord carries us with His grace and mercy through each day we are alive. It is such an amazing blessing for His love to cover over our shortcomings when we don't deserve it. Learn to value each day.
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