Monday, June 8, 2020

Passionate Caring

This little devotional is something we should sink our teeth into and passionately, fervently, and willingly do for there are people dying from lack of knowledge of the Great I Am.

It's time church to arise and take back this world for the glory of God.

God Bless.

Passionate Caring

As Jesus approached the city on the last week before his crucifixion, he wept over Jerusalem because they had the chance to recognize truth and didn't take it. For three years everything there was to be seen as right in front of them. They'd listened and watched, but it hadn't made any difference to their hard hearts. No wonder he cried. Do you have tears for your city and country?

Prayer: Dear God, give me a passion and love for my city and country. May I see the hearts and lives of people here as you do - not just numbers, concrete, glass, malls or traffic. Give me opportunities today to share your love, compassion, and healing with those I interact with. Soften our hearts. In Jesus' name, Amen.

-Author Unknown

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