Tuesday, June 9, 2020

A Fresh New Day

Just as there is new mercies given, so to is how we approach the fresh new day we are given.

May this little devotional help but things in perspective and give you a hope for the future for whether you see one or not, there is hope and you can find that hope in Christ and Christ alone.

God Bless.

A Fresh, New Day

Adapted from the resource Wake Up to the Word - by Joyce Meyer

One of the fastest ways to a stagnant life is to find something wrong with everything and everybody, including yourself. On the other hand, those who make progress are usually intentionally thankful, happy people who look for the good in life.
Thank God for always being with you, and for the fact that all things are possible with Him. Thank Him for your life, your job, your family, your friends… whatever comes to your mind as you’re praying. As you cultivate thankfulness in your life, you’ll experience more and more of His presence (see 1 Thessalonians 5:18; Psalm 100:4).
God never changes, but everything else is subject to change. You’re not at a dead end; you are not stuck in a place you cannot escape. No matter how long you’ve been waiting, God has something fresh and new for you, and today is the day to start enjoying it (see Isaiah 43:18-19; John 10:10).
Prayer Starter: Father, please help me to be intentionally thankful, and to watch for the fresh, new blessings You put in my path today. Thank You for making all things new, and for the work You’re doing in me. In Jesus’ Name, amen.

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