Monday, August 9, 2021

My Specific Place

Love encouraged.

God Bless.

I am a member of the body of Christ.
Jesus said that if we have “faith as a mustard seed,” we can
move a mountain. (See Matthew 17:20.) It is not the
quantity of your faith, but rather the quality, that matters.
Faith is given to those who are realistic and humble.
Why does God give you a specific measure of faith?
(See Romans 12:3.) Because He has a specific place for you
in the body of Christ. He has ordained you to serve a
specific function as a specific member of the body of
Christ. The faith He has given you is designed for your
position in the body. If God wants you to be a hand, He will
give you “hand” faith. If He wants you to be an ear, He will
give you “ear” faith. If He wants you to be a toe, He will
give you “toe” faith. But if you are a toe and you are trying
to be a nose, there will be a complete imbalance between
what you are trying to do and the faith that you have. The
reason is not that you do not have enough faith, but that you
are trying to use your faith for something for which it was
not meant to be used. It was given for the specific job and
place you have in the body of believers.
My hand does a wonderful job as a hand. It opens my
Bible, turning the pages. It does most everything I ask of it.
But if should I try to do those jobs with my foot, I would be
in trouble.
If you are always struggling for faith, you are probably
trying to do the wrong job. You are a hand trying to be a
foot, or a foot trying to be a hand. This is God’s way of
guiding you into your place.
Thank You, Jesus, for making me a part of Your
body. I proclaim that God is guiding me into my
specific place, for I am a member of the body of
Christ. Amen.

Derek Prince Ministries 

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