Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Resisting The Temptation To Worry

Wisdom for such a time as this.

God Bless.

Resisting the Temptation to Worry

Adapted from the resource Starting Your Day Right - by Joyce Meyer

It is a learning process to keep the devil from stealing your joy, because he constantly tempts you in new ways to lose your peace. If Satan gets your peace, then he will get your joy. Be strong and resist his temptation to make you worry.

God never intended for you to worry! In fact, when the circumstances of life begin to overwhelm you or when feelings of dread attack your mind, the Lord wants you to pray and release your burdens to Him.

Spend time studying the Word. It’s literally full of ways to help you fight the temptation to worry.

Prayer Starter: God, thank You for your Word and for all the ways that You give me peace and help me fight the devil. Amen.

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