Thursday, September 30, 2021

He Fills My Life With Good Thing's

Read and meditate, then walk on in the knowledge God sees and knows all and won't let you fall.

God Bless.

“He fills my life with good things. My youth is renewed like the eagle’s!” Psalms 103:5, NLT

“For every tear you’ve cried, I am giving you double the joy. For every time you’ve felt you couldn’t go on, I am giving you double the strength. For every time you’ve called out to Me to help you, I am giving you double the power and force. I am filling your life with good things that can only come from a good Father. For all of your shame, My daughter, you will receive double. For all of the time lost, double restoration is coming to you right now. My favor is upon your life. You will look around and see My love for you and your youth will be made new. You will laugh again with laughter that only comes from experiencing Me and My goodness. Don’t you see? I have only good things in store for you. My thoughts towards you are of peace, not of evil. I am giving you double for all of your trouble. For all of the trouble in your life, for all of the trouble in your mind, in your heart and soul, you will receive double!”

(Scripture references: Isaiah 61:7; Jeremiah 29:11-13; Psalm 126)

-Author Unknown

Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Quote Of The Day - Today Is A Brand New Day

Encouragement overload.

God Bless.

Quote of the Day -Joyce Meyer

“Today is a brand new beginning for me!” 

– Joyce Meyer

Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Fear Not

We can't let fear win. Stand strong and let God be God.

God Bless.

Fear Not

Today : Fear Not

“Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name; you are mine. When you pass through the waters, I will be with you;” Isaiah 43:1-2 (NIV)

It is easy to get overwhelmed with life’s struggles. We begin to worry and lose our focus. We become overwhelmed and reach out in inappropriate ways to relieve the stress we have built up in our mind. Anxiety and worry is like that. Even though the majority of what we worry about will never happen, we obsess on the negative and soon are out of control with fear. But God has a better way. Isaiah tells us to “fear not” because God has redeemed us and summoned us by name. We do not need to fear because God offers us a deep personal relationship with Him. He promises us that when we “pass through the waters,” He will be with us. Likewise, God told Joshua, “As I was with Moses, so I will be with you; I will never leave you nor forsake you.” So today when we start to worry, when we start to feel things are out of control, remember that God has not left you. He has not forsaken you. When you feel the pressures of the day build up stress and you are tempted to give up, remember He knows you by name, you are His. He has promised that when you go through difficulties, He will be with you.

Father, help me not to fear. Help me not to worry. Instead, help me to remember that You will never leave me or forsake me. Thank You that You know me by name and that no matter what I go through today, You will be with me.

I trust God with all my fears
Picture yourself in a turbulent storm. It is dark, windy, lightening strikes and fear starts to grip your heart. It is ominous, but then you see Jesus. He is walking toward you and says, “Fear not.” Even though it still storming, you sense a peace come over you. God’s word is powerful, His presence is real, His love secure. Take a deep breath and as you sense His presence, give Him all your fears.

-Author Unknown

Monday, September 27, 2021

The First Thing

Can I get an amen?!

God Bless. 

The first thing that we should do any time we have a problem or an enemy coming against us is to seek God!

-Joyce Meyer Ministries 

Sunday, September 26, 2021

Quote Of The Day - Our Words Are Seeds


God Bless.

Quote of the Day -Joyce Meyer

“Our Words Are Seeds” 

-Joyce Meyer, Power Thoughts Devotional: 365 Daily Inspirations for Winning the Battle of the Mind

Thursday, September 23, 2021

Worry Is No Good

Isn't this about the truth. There is a lot to be worried about these day's and I need all the encouragement I can get. 

God Bless.

Worry Is No Good

Adapted from the resource Power Thoughts Devo - by Joyce Meyer

Worrying does us absolutely no good. It doesn't change anything, and we waste time by being upset over things we can't do anything about. The Bible says we can't even add one inch to our height by worrying. Yet we often worry, worry, worry, which gets us nowhere. 

Every time we get upset, it takes a lot of emotional energy, tires us out, can harm our health, steals our joy, and still doesn't change one thing. We need to stop trying to fix things only God can fix. 

Jesus essentially tells us to calm down (see John 14:27) and cheer up (see John 16:33). I believe these two things combined serve as a one-two knockout punch to the devil. When you realize you can't fix everything, you calm down; and when you know God can, you cheer up! 

Refuse to worry; worrying doesn't change a thing.

Prayer Starter: Lord, please help me to give everything to You that I’m worried about! In Jesus’ name, amen.

Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Prayer For Difficult Times

Amen,  Be encouraged for He is with you, and most of all,

God Bless.

Prayer for Difficult Times

"God, I need your help. I’m really struggling with [say what’s on your heart] and I know I can’t figure out a solution on my own. I pray that You will show me what to do. I’m listening, Lord. Help me to be receptive to Your answer and to trust that You have all my best interests at heart. Lord, help me to be a blessing even in my time of need, so that I can bring You honor. And help me remember that I’m not alone. You’ve got me in the palm of Your hand and that’s the best place to be. In Jesus' name, Amen."

-Author Unknown

Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Lack Of Spiritual Passion

This is a little interesting devotional to make you stop and think about what is happening on your life. May you find encouragement written in the word's below.

God Bless.

Attack Symptom 1 - Lack of Spiritual Passion

There are two easily identifiable signs to watch for that signal a spiritual attack is under way.

Waning tenacity: This is signaled by a decreasing level of tenacity for the things of God. When Satan's minions are coming against you, your prayer life will seem to be stalled. It feels as though it is almost impossible to touch God in the same way you so easily did in a previous season. This is one of the enemy's tactics.

Dulled purpose and passion: A highlight of our spiritual lives is discovering a sense of purpose. An inward passion ignites as destiny is unfolded and vision released. But under the dark cloud of a spiritual attack the senses grow dull, and the passion turns into apathy. If you remain in this condition, it is possible you will head down a road of deception and away from the call that is on your life.

You must lift up your voice and command the enemy to take his hands off you! You break the attack with your words. Words are keys that open and close spiritual doors. You use words of strength to tell Satan, “No!” A general does not ask the troops to advance. He commands them. In the same way you command the attack to be broken in the name of Jesus.

-Author Unknown

Monday, September 20, 2021

Quote Of The Day - God Is Faithful

Add another reminder and keep the faith.

God Bless.

Quote of the Day -Joyce Meyer

“Power Thought: God is faithful; my hope in Him is unwavering.” 

-Joyce Meyer, Power Thoughts Devotional: 365 Daily Inspirations for Winning the Battle of the Mind

Sunday, September 19, 2021

Pray About Everything

Couldn't agree more.

God Bless.

Pray about everything. Let prayer be like breathing. Open that door to give God an opportunity to work in your life!

-Author Unknown

Thursday, September 16, 2021

Prayer For Confidence

Leaving it right here.

Prayer for Confidence

"God, I want to be more confident. I’ve been struggling with self-doubt and ask You to forgive me for not focusing on You. I pray that whenever fear-based feelings rise up within me, You would help me reject them through the power of Your Word. I am capable of all things in Christ. And I choose today to believe I can do all You’re calling me to do, including [say what’s on your mind]. Lord, thank You for loving me unconditionally, and for guiding me to pursue Your amazing plans for me. I am powerful when I put my trust in You. In Jesus' name, Amen."

-Author Unknown

Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Don't Call Everything Spiritual Warfare

Thought provoking word's below. Stay encouraged but most of all,

God Bless.


We will all face hardship in this life. Even as believers, we will face hardships—sometimes even because of our faith! Jesus promised this, and the Church has always experienced this reality.

Not every hardship in life is spiritual warfare. As they say, "don't look for a demon under every rock." Hardship is often just a normal reality of life. Sometimes we bring hardship on ourself through our own sin or failure. Sometimes God may be disciplining or testing us. 

These being said, we should also recognize that sometimes there's a spiritual reality behind what we are facing.

 How do you recognize spiritual warfare? Here is what it often looks like:

• Spiritual warfare most often happens right before or after God uses us for powerful ministry impact, or right before or after God moves in our own spiritual lives in a significant way.

• Spiritual warfare often comes in an attempt to steal our happiness in God and His work in our lives. 

Don’t call everything spiritual warfare, but recognize that sometimes there might be a spiritual battle behind what you are going through.

-Author Unknown

Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Words That Do Not Give

This indeed is the truth written below. No matter what, you can always find a way of speaking life into someone even if your going through the shadow of death.

God Bless.

Words that do not give the light of Christ increase the darkness.

– Mother Teresa

Monday, September 13, 2021

Quote Of The Day - Expect Good Thing's To Happen.

Amen! It truly is a mindset and the mind indeed is the battleground.. Armor up and get back in there.

God Bless.

Quote of the Day -Joyce Meyer

“Power Thought: I expect good things to happen in my life today.” 

-Joyce Meyer, Power Thoughts Devotional: 365 Daily Inspirations for Winning the Battle of the Mind

Sunday, September 12, 2021

Never Speak

There is no truer words than this. Set a reminder and guard our mouths.

Amen and God Bless.

Thursday, September 9, 2021

Do You Know The Holy Spirit

Love this...and besides, there isn't a better time than in these day's to get to know the Holy Spirit. We need Him and we need Him to move.

It's now or never for a more meaningful relationship with the Holy Spirit.

God Bless.

Do You Know the Holy Spirit Who Breathes New Life and Gives Great Power?

The Holy Spirit will breathe life and power into each person who will surrender and listen to Him. He is a powerful life-giving Spirit who will guide you into all truth as you listen and obey His promptings. He will speak to your heart in a way that will give you a deep understanding of the Word of God. His life-giving power helps you apply the Word to your life. As you activate His power, you will see a remarkable difference in the way you see people and problems. He gives you inner joy and peace that will set your heart on fire with freedom and hope like never before. Are you ready to be filled with the Holy Spirit? Look up, listen to His voice, believe, obey, and receive all that is yours in Christ Jesus!


ACTS 10:44

Dear Lord,

I believe that You, Lord, have empowered me with life and freedom as I live in the heartbeat of the Holy Spirit. I have heard the Word and I have believed. As I listened and surrendered to You, Your power came to life in me. I have not been the same since Your life-saving  power came alive  in me! My old self died and my new self was born in You the day I felt Your touch in me.! You are my friend who always guides, comforts, protects, cares, and teaches me the truth in love. Thank You for breathing new life into me and reviving my heart and soul!

In Jesus' name,


-Author Unknown

Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Quote Of The Day - Every Time You Smile

This...a real truth bomb from mother Teresa.

God Bless.

Quote of the Day – Mother Teresa

every time you smile at someone, it is an action of love, a gift to that person, a beautiful thing

– Mother Teresa, The Joy in Loving

Monday, September 6, 2021

Do You Want To Be Healed

This little devotional right here...

We can be healed. We must rise up and take the Masters hand.

God Bless.

Do You Want to Be Healed?

Jesus Christ will heal you. He wants to make you whole. Ask Him for healing and believe that He will heal you. Take his hand and let Him strengthen you. He has put His Spirit within you as you have believed. He will heal your body, mind, and soul completely as you let go and let Him work in you. Wait on Him and see His power work mightily in you for His glory! Are you praying for healing? Have you reached out to Jesus and waited patiently for His healing? He wants you to trust Him. He knows what you are going through and what you need. Believe in the healing power of Jesus Christ and rise and walk victoriously!


ACTS 9:34

Dear Lord,

I believe that you heal and I will keep praying for Your healing for myself and many others on my heart. I know that you will heal in Your will and Your timing for Your glory! I  have seen miracles as You have healed so many people, Lord and I thank You for each answered prayer! We need more healing, Lord. You have touched the hearts of the heartbroken with Your healing hands. You have given new life to those who were dead in spirit. You have brought hope to our nation as we have prayed together now more than ever for healing and unity. I know You will heal us and our nation as we pray, repent, pray more, turn our hearts towards You, and pray again and again. We will keep faithfully praying for healing in the name of Jesus Christ! We will rise up together, healed and whole, through the power of Jesus Christ!

In Jesus' name,


-Author Unknown

Sunday, September 5, 2021

The Sovereign Lord

Let's not sugar coat it...we need to cry out to the Lord more. We need to seek His face. We need to know He won't leave or forsake us. We need the Sovereign Lord in our lives more than ever.

God Bless.

Habakkuk 3:19
The Sovereign Lord is my strength; he makes my feet like the feet of a deer, he enables me to tread on the heights.

If you need strength today, cry out to God.  There is no other source that has what you need.  As you pray and seek God for strength, he may provide it through another person in your life, or you may hear a still small voice as you pray.  God is not limited by the boundaries of how we communicate – He will speak to you in some way, reinforce and strengthen your faith.  He is truly our strong tower and our refuge.  When you are hit hard, fall into the love of Christ that is always there to catch you and raise you up to persevere and live in victory through everything!

Verse/Commentary courtesy of 'Verse-A-Day' android app.

Thursday, September 2, 2021

Slow Is Good

Wisdom, pure and simple below. Soak it up but more importantly,

God Bless.

Slow Is Good

Adapted from the resource Power Thoughts Devo - by Joyce Meyer

God is telling us to listen more than we talk. Think about it: If God wanted us to be quick to speak and slow to listen, He would have created us with two mouths and only one ear.

God is also telling us not to easily get offended or angry. If you have a quick temper, start listening more and talking less. Slow is good. Read everything you can get your hands on about managing anger. Repeat over and over in your mind: I am quick to listen and slow to speak, slow to anger, and quick to forgive. Trust God to help you manage the feelings of anger. It is vitally necessary for you to be able to control this emotion if you want to enjoy the life God has in mind for you.

Prayer Starter: Father, please help me to be quick to listen, slow to speak, slow in anger and quick to forgive. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Not That I Speak

Even though the author is talking about women, I still feel as if this little devotional could be for everyone. 

Everyone needs encouragement from time to time and these word's fit the bill right here.

God Bless.

“Not that I speak in regard to need, for I have learned in whatever state I am, to be content” Philippians 4:11. NKJV.

Father God, I pray for my sister reading this now. You didn’t give her a spirit of fear; you gave her a spirit of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. Help her know everything’s going to be alright. You’re not going to let anything happen to her. She’s in a new place in you now, and it is time she begins to operate by faith and not fear. Help her, Lord. Thank you for growing her up and helping her to mature in Christ. Thank you for showing her what it means to be content and trust you with all her heart. You are in control and you love her with .a love that lasts forever. Help her learn to operate by faith and not fear. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

(Read 2 Timothy 1:7)

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