Thursday, September 9, 2021

Do You Know The Holy Spirit

Love this...and besides, there isn't a better time than in these day's to get to know the Holy Spirit. We need Him and we need Him to move.

It's now or never for a more meaningful relationship with the Holy Spirit.

God Bless.

Do You Know the Holy Spirit Who Breathes New Life and Gives Great Power?

The Holy Spirit will breathe life and power into each person who will surrender and listen to Him. He is a powerful life-giving Spirit who will guide you into all truth as you listen and obey His promptings. He will speak to your heart in a way that will give you a deep understanding of the Word of God. His life-giving power helps you apply the Word to your life. As you activate His power, you will see a remarkable difference in the way you see people and problems. He gives you inner joy and peace that will set your heart on fire with freedom and hope like never before. Are you ready to be filled with the Holy Spirit? Look up, listen to His voice, believe, obey, and receive all that is yours in Christ Jesus!


ACTS 10:44

Dear Lord,

I believe that You, Lord, have empowered me with life and freedom as I live in the heartbeat of the Holy Spirit. I have heard the Word and I have believed. As I listened and surrendered to You, Your power came to life in me. I have not been the same since Your life-saving  power came alive  in me! My old self died and my new self was born in You the day I felt Your touch in me.! You are my friend who always guides, comforts, protects, cares, and teaches me the truth in love. Thank You for breathing new life into me and reviving my heart and soul!

In Jesus' name,


-Author Unknown

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