Sunday, October 24, 2021

A Word From The Lord

When things are going wrong or your struggling to find purpose for your day, read the word's written below and find encouragement.

God Bless

A Word From The Lord

“When your faith is gone, I will strengthen you. When you’ve lost all hope, I will strengthen you. When you are barely hanging on, I will strengthen you. Yes, I will strengthen you according to My Word and My promises. I will minister strength to your mind, to your heart, to your emotions, and will strengthen you in your inner man. I will take your weakness. I will take your hopelessness. I will take your heaviness, and I will give you My strength. My word will be food for your soul. Let My Word be bread for you that helps you to stand. Let My word give you the strength you need to fight the good fight of faith. In My presence is the fullness of joy and My joy is your strength. You can rest in Me. You can recline in Me. I will never, never, not once, fail you. Let Me strengthen You and give you what you need for your journey. Alone you can do nothing. But in Me, nothing is impossible. I will strengthen you as I strengthened David. I will not let you down. Eat of My living bread, and let it sustain you. I will sustain you, says the Lord, you have no need to worry. I am your strength. Breathe in My words and they will give you life. You have no need to be discouraged. I am your strength. Breathe in My words and they will give you life. I am your strength.”

(Scripture References: Psalms 31:24; Psalms 119:28; Isaiah 55:1-11; 1 Peter 5:10; 1 Timothy 6:12; Psalms 16:11; Nehemiah 8:10; Proverbs 18:10)

Daughter Of The King Devotional l

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