Thursday, January 19, 2023


This little devotional gives off some serious food for thought vibes.

Hope you find something meaningful in the word's written below.

God Bless.


The Bible is a big book. And even when we try to read it daily, it’s easy to get distracted and forget what we’ve read. How vital it is that we invite the Holy Spirit to guide our study so that the word can be meaningful for us, and weave itself into the desires of our hearts and the thoughts of our minds.


Lord, thank You for Your word. As I read, please reveal Yourself to me through the words You’ve provided. Use Your word to conform the desires of my heart to Your love and compassion. And grant me wisdom through Your words so that my thoughts may dwell more richly on Your truth and the knowledge of hope that I have in You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

-Author Unknown 

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