Wednesday, January 11, 2023


Wow. This little devotional will make you think. 

And while you think, just keep in mind how worthy He truly thinks you are to leave Heaven and give Himself for your sins.

Your worthy of it all.

God Bless.


God has chosen you to leave a legacy of worthiness that can change peoples lives. At the core of who you are, believe that you are worthy! Keep fighting to leave this legacy. So that one day, you can hear, "Well done, good and faithful servant."

Through this Bible study, I hope that you are now beginning to live a worthy lifestyle, and for the first time, you can look at others and yourself as worthy. There are people throughout your life who will need this message of hope.

When these people come across your path, share your strength, hope, and experience with them.

To believe and behave in a worthy lifestyle is a gift, which the grace of God and your hard work has given to you. God has chosen you to leave a legacy of worthiness that can change peoples lives. 

At the core of who you are, believe that you are worthy! Keep fighting to leave this legacy so that one day you can hear, "Well done, good and faithful servant."

-Author Unknown 

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