Tuesday, March 21, 2023

For You Created

You are special and more importantly you are loved. Be encouraged.

God Bless 

"For you created my inmost being you knit me together in my mothers womb." - (Psalm 139:13)

David talks about God's perfect knowledge of man whom He made. A masterpiece, work of art, wonder gem, feather in God's cap, wonder, prize you are. You can't be cloned, no one else is just like, your DNA is the only one there is. Every intricate detail about you was planned before your mother met your father. So regardless of what you've heard, what they've said about and to you, God made you SPECIAL. He plotted the course of your life and knew the path that you would choose, where you would be born, and the experiences you would have. You are fearfully and wonderfully made, live like it!

-Author Unknown 

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