Thursday, March 23, 2023

See God's Hand

Granted this little devotional starts out with my sister, but I feel as this little devotional can be for any one.

In this day and age, we need to grab encouragement wherever we can find it. So let's stay encouraged.

God Bless.

My sister, see God’s hand in your delays. I know you feel bummed when nothing is working out like you hoped, but that’s your sign to stop, not push ahead stubbornly trying to make something happen on your own. Stop, Sis, and ask God what He is wanting you to see that you’re not seeing in the moment. Delays are a sign that God has something far better in mind that will save you time and money. Delays help you take the time to see what you really want and need. Delays are God’s blessings in disguise.


Daughter Of The King Devotional 

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