Wednesday, August 2, 2023

Meditate On His Love

Wisdom and encouragement written below.  

Stay encouraged. 

God Bless.

Meditate On His Love
Today : Meditate On His Love

“O God, we meditate on your unfailing love as we worship in your Temple.” Psalms 48:9 (NLT)

There are many things that vie for our attention. Multiple situations face us at any given moment. Our minds move from issue to issue at blinding speeds. Feeling, observing, assessing and predicting is often done in seconds as we multitask our way through the day. This is why it is so important to renew our mind every day. We need to make a conscious effort to slow down and meditate on God’s unfailing love. Paul knew this. He writes, “That is why we never give up. Though our bodies are dying, our spirits are being renewed every day.” But how, how did he renew his mind? He continues, “We don’t look at the troubles we can see now; rather, we fix our gaze on things that cannot be seen.” This “gaze” or focus is what the Psalmist refers to as meditating. It is putting deliberate focused attention on a particular issue. It is the personal consideration of what the thoughts mean and their personal application that make meditating so enriching. Today, don’t just read God’s word; stop and meditate on it and let it effect you in deep and meaningful ways. 

Father, I am so thankful for Your love. You are so real, so relevant to my life. Help me to stop all the madness and slow down long enough to mediate on who You are. Today, as I spend time with You, renew my mind I pray. In Jesus’ name.

I renew my mind by meditating on God’s love for me
The Psalmist said that He meditated on God’s love as he worshipped in the temple. Why not now, just bow your head and take a moment to tell God how much you love Him. Thank Him for His love. Stop and think of all that He has done for you. Think of His forgiveness and grace in your life. Let your mind be renewed as you meditate on His love for you.

-Author Unknown 

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