Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Jesus Makes Us Spotless

He is everything!

God Bless.

Jesus makes us spotless and blameless through his own body and blood. We are no longer stained, sinful, and bitter. We are new people, remade with holy ingredients. Once we are reconciled with God, we learn to forgive as the Lord has forgiven us (Colossians 3:13). 

It is no longer the old sinner who comes forward to bind up the ruptures we have with others. It is a new person, who is holy and without blame or blemish. Once we are made new in Christ, we can respond to others as Jesus responded to them. And they can see us not as the blameworthy people who harmed them, but through the eyes of Christ, who accepts us all. Anyone who is reconstituted in Jesus can and should accept another.

God, thank you for reconciling us to yourself through the death of Jesus. Help us to be reconciled with others through Jesus as well. Amen.

-Author Unknown 

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