Wednesday, June 5, 2024

First Love

He is and was and always will be our first love. 

Or at least He should and needs to be.

God Bless.

"We love him, because he first loved us." - (1 John 4:19)


John writes about God's love for us. First love, these words may bring back sweet or bitter memories. It's the kind of love you don't forget easily because it leaves a lasting impression and influences who you are. God loved you first, before you knew about Him, before you were born, before the beginning of time, before your grandparents met, He was the initiator, He loved you FIRST! That's the kind of love every woman desires. He made ALL the necessary provisions for you, He fights for you, He protects you, He delivers you, He favors you, your ultimate response should be to love Him in return. This first love is authentic, embrace it.

-Author Unknown 

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