Wednesday, May 2, 2012

I just want you

There are songs you hear that has an ever lasting effect on you and the song I Just Want You by Vickie Yokie is one of those for me.
I Just want You
I Just want You
I just want to live
in Your presence every day
I lay down my will
and every selfish desire
Whatever it takes
Father that's what I'll do
Cause I just want You
It is my desire to be in His presence every day but I fall short every day. I don't even come close.
It makes me feel disgusted with myself and I feel like a failure. I get down on myself and I'm a bear to live with.
I take out all my frustration on my family and strife enters my home. It takes weeks to gain the ground back.
If I would just do and believe what the chorus say, then I would be so much further in my walk with God.
So what is the answer? Be determined to do whatever it takes and have a fresh encounter with the trinity every day and one day I'll just have Him if I stay committed and hungry enough.
God Bless.

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