Thursday, May 3, 2012

It takes a hunger

To live for Christ is an adventure of epic proportion. It's a ride like no other. Yet there are times it gets demanding.

Test after test or at least that is what it seems like you find yourself asking why God why? Here is a clue: Do you have a hunger for the things of God more than you want food? Do you want to see miracles and to do more things than what Christ did? Do you want God to breathe on you more than you want to take your next breath? Have you asked God for something that goes beyond the average Christian?

If you have then you have a hunger. A hunger for God and His ways. You want see the true God not some water down version of Him. You want His power not some some kind of fly by night demonstration. You want to see His glory and to see the salvation of a world gone mad.

If this is the case, then you have been touched by Him before and nothing else will satisfy you from then on. Your soul cries out. At times you feel like your going to die if God doesn't show up.

It's hunger my friend and you must keep pressing on no matter what. Obey Him, talk with Him, be willing to drop every thing for Him but more importantly, you must keep a desire for Him and be willing to protect your hunger above all else.

If you do these things your hunger will be satisfied and you will see Him in all His glory and power.

God Bless.

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