Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Nothing is impossible

Nothing is impossible to You
My Lord and King
Nothing is impossible to You
Creator of all things
You formed the world out of nothing
And you formed it by your hand
Nothing is impossible
Nothing is impossible
Nothing is impossible
To you

These are lyrics from a song I've sung in revival for the last eight months. This song comes from Rodney Howard-Browne. Although I've never sat under his ministry personally, I have sat under his brother, Bazil.

While having revival, there was hardly a time when we didn't sing this song. This song has soaked itself deep within my soul. I find myself singing it at any given time during the day. I go to bed singing it and wake up with the song on my lips.

This song has brought me through some hard times. Its become a prayer of my soul. It is the cry of my heart. It is my hearts desire to make my soul and my heart believe that nothing is impossible with God.

So when I find myself in situations that threaten to overcome me and I need a song to help me through or if I need a reminder of what God can do, I know what song to refer back to and let my soul shout out: Nothing is impossible to You
My Lord and King

May you find the importance of the words and may your soul shout out like mine, nothing is impossible to our God.

God Bless.

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