Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Words of Our Mouth

For the past drew years and probably my who life, I have the need to study and hurts from words. Words that haven't been so kind to me but I have a choice to either shape up and become the mature one and never allow what has caused me pain to spread to others that I live and those who are around  me. 

So with my study on God's Creative Power for Healing, I have found some scriptures in the first chapter that has spoken to me and I wanted to share with you with the hope they might find you blessed and willing to dive deeper with me:

Whoso keepeth his mouth and his tongue keepeth his soul from troubles. Proverbs 21:23

The mouth of a righteous man is a well of life. Proverbs 10:11

The tongue of the wise is health. Proverbs 12:18

He that keepeth his mouth keepeth his life. Proverbs13:3

A gentle tongue (with its healing power) is a tree of life, but willful contrariness in it breaks down the spirit.  Proverbs 15:4

Pleasant words are as an honeycomb, sweet o the soul, and health o the bones. Proverbs 16:24

My wish is by the end, we are closer to being completely healed and whole!

God Bless. 

Friday, September 20, 2013

Blood Moon

Would highly recommend this YouTube video!

Have a great weekend and life up your eyes for our redemption drawth nigh!

Thursday, September 19, 2013

God's Creative Power for Healing (Chapter One)

Building Blocks of Life and Death cont.

Are you convinced that your own words can change your immune system for better or worse? Do you believe the words you speak are vital to your health and well-being? Do you believe there are some diseases that will never be cured unless people learn to speak the language of health that your body understands? Do you believe God's word along with your mouth is a language of health to your body?

You have to wonder about people who have an image of themselves bring in poor health will still continue to talk to others about being in poor health. They seem to live out the reality of the image they have of themselves even though they are in good health,

Proverbs 18:21 states: Death and life are in the power of the tongue. Wouldn't you agree? What you believe and speak effects your immune system and your body which makes your word either a blessing or a you and those around you.

However, a constant meditation and affirmation of God's word will build your (our) immune system that just may be anointed enough of eliminating sickness and disease! 

So lets meditation, concentrate, and put into faith God's word and let us arise and be healed depending on God's medical plan instead of man's.

God Bless. 

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

God's Creative Power for Healing (Chapter One)

Building Blocks of Life and Death

Here are some of my thoughts on a little booklet I was given a long time ago. Like a lot of things in my life, I have let things fall to the way side because of family issues these last past months, even years. 

I have no excuses. I take full responsibility for my lack of action so my hope is to put down in words what I see and feel. So lets begin: 

Our words are building blocks in which we construct our lives and future. Amen. If there is anything I have learn is that words can either help you or harm you. Depending where you are at in life, words will  have played a solid impact in where you are now and in what you believe in. 

So it's time that we as humans whether your a Christian or not, child or adult, married or single get it tougher and start taking responsibility for what we say to others, to those in authority, and to what we say to ourselves. 

It's time to realize that words really do hurt, they have a lasting effect on our confidence and most of the time words set the cornerstones of our lives and we live within the confines of those word. 

Situations, life conditions, and circumstances may or may not change, but your words can establish our lives forever. So my hope and challenge would be is that we stand up, and speak only what we need to in a loving, caring, needful, insightful way remembering your either building up or tearing down.

God Bless.

Friday, September 13, 2013

One Pair of Hands

     Recently I ran across a song on the internet sung by the King himself. No, not Jesus but Elvis Presley. I love to hear him sing. I don't think anyone could sing any better than he could. What a set of pipes! Yet, he choose to sing for the world be in the heavens, he sings for the King and I cant wait until I hear him in concert
     But I digest, this article isn’t about the king of rock 'n roll but about the King of Kings and Lord of Lords and what He could do with just one pair of hands, His hands. Have you ever thought about what His hands can do? 
     His hands were the hands of a carpenter and according to the dictionary, the definition of a carpenter is: a woodworker who makes or repair mostly with wooden objects. That’s a physical picture but I want to see things from a spiritual aspect and these hands that I call my King has done great and mighty things. His hands formed the mountains, the seas, the sun, the moon, and the stars. Wow!  Its mind blowing and amazing all in itself.
     But according to Elvis and the findings of the bible study group I am in, His hands have done so much more than what we could even thinking or imagine. We are on a quest to see Jesus in every book every chapter, every verse, and every thing in between. We want to know about the pair of hands that formed the earth, as well as the hands who was willing to hang on a tree for you and for me.
     Great and mighty are these hands and they are worthy of recognition, honor, and the respect that is due to them for without them, I would be lost, dying, in a dry and thirsty land going around the same mountain over and over again crying out for someone to hear me. Thankfully, I have put my life in a pair of hands that promise to never leave me or forsake me and no matter where your at in life you can trust in these pair of hands to pick you up and set you on a path that will ever change your life while putting a song in your heart, a smile on your lips, and trust and faith in a pair of hands will become a second nature. And if your like me who is walking along the path He has set out for me, then join me in singing and thanking Him for one pair of hands.

One pair of hands formed the mountains,
One pair of hands formed the sea
And one pair of hands made the sun and the moon,
Every bird, every flower, every tree
One pair of hands formed the valleys,
The ocean, the rivers and the sand
Those hands are so strong, so when life goes wrong
Put your faith into one pair of hands

One pair of hands healed the sick,
One pair of hands raised the dead
One pair of hands calmed the raging storm
And thousands of people were fed

One pair of hands said I love you
And those hands were nailed to a tree
Those hands are so strong, so when life goes wrong
Put your faith into one pair of hands.

Those hands are so strong, so when life goes wrong
Put your faith into one pair of hands
Put your faith into one pair of h

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Finding Jesus

Do you realize that you can find Jesus in Genesis? Have you ever thought about where else you might find Him? 

I am on a quest to find Him throughout the bible. While searching, I found this and I wanted to share it with you:

In the Old Testament:

- In Genesis, He is the Creator God.

- In Exodus, He is the Redeemer.

- In Leviticus, He is your sanctification.

- In Numbers, He is your guide.

- In Deuteronomy, He is your teacher.

- In Joshua, He is the mighty conqueror.

- In Judges, He gives victory over enemies.

- In Ruth, He is your kinsman, your lover, your redeemer.

- In I Samuel, He is the root of Jesse.

- In 2 Samuel, He is the Son of David.

- In 1 Kings and 2 Kings, He is King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

- In 1st and 2nd Chronicles, He is your intercessor and High Priest.

- In Ezra, He is your temple, your house of worship.

- In Nehemiah, He is your mighty wall, protecting you from your enemies.

- In Esther, He stands in the gap to deliver you from your enemies.

- In Job, He is the arbitrator who not only understands your struggles, but has the power to do something about them.

- In Psalms, He is your song–and your reason to sing.

- In Proverbs, He is your wisdom, helping you make sense of life and live it successfully.

- In Ecclesiastes, He is your purpose, delivering you from vanity..

- In the Song of Solomon, He is your lover, your Rose of Sharon.

- In Isaiah, He is the mighty counselor, the prince of peace, the everlasting father, and more. He’s everything you need.

- In Jeremiah, He is your balm of Gilead, the soothing salve for your sin-sick soul.

- In Lamentations, He is the ever-faithful one upon whom you can depend.

- In Ezekiel, He is your wheel in the middle of a wheel–the one who assures that dry, dead bones will come alive again.

- In Daniel, He is the ancient of days, the ever- lasting God who never runs out of time.

- In Hosea, He is your faithful lover, always beckoning you to come back–even when you have abandoned Him.

- In Joel, He is your refuge, keeping you safe in times of trouble.

- In Amos, He is the husbandman, the one you can depend on to stay by your side.

- In Obadiah, He is Lord of the Kingdom.

- In Jonah, He is your salvation, bringing you back within His will.

- In Micah, He is judge of the nation.

- In Nahum, He is the jealous God.

- In Habakkuk, He is the Holy One.

- In Zephaniah, He is the witness.

- In Haggai, He overthrows the enemies.

- In Zechariah, He is Lord of Hosts.

- In Malachi, He is the messenger of the covenant.

In the New Testament:

- In Matthew, He is king of the Jews.

- In Mark, He is the servant.

- In Luke, He is the Son of Man, feeling what you feel.

- In John, He is the Son of God.

- In Acts, He is Savior of the world.

- In Romans, He is the righteousness of God.

- In I Corinthians, He is the rock that followed Israel.

- In II Corinthians, He the triumphant one, giving victory.

- In Galatians, He is your liberty; He sets you free.

- In Ephesians, He is head of the Church.

- In Philippians, He is your joy.

- In Colossians, He is your completeness.

- In I Thessalonians, He is your hope.

- In II Thessalonians, He is your glory.

- In I Timothy, He is your faith.

- In II Timothy, He is your stability.

- In Titus He is your reason for serving.

- In Philemon, He is your benefactor.

- In Hebrews, He is your perfection.

- In James, He is the power behind your faith.

- In I Peter, He is your example.

- In II Peter, He is your purity.

- In I John, He is your life.

- In II John, He is your pattern.

- In III John, He is your motivation.

- In Jude, He is the foundation of your faith.

- In Revelation, He is your coming King.

May this start a journey where every word, every story, and everything in between you will see the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.