Wednesday, September 18, 2013

God's Creative Power for Healing (Chapter One)

Building Blocks of Life and Death

Here are some of my thoughts on a little booklet I was given a long time ago. Like a lot of things in my life, I have let things fall to the way side because of family issues these last past months, even years. 

I have no excuses. I take full responsibility for my lack of action so my hope is to put down in words what I see and feel. So lets begin: 

Our words are building blocks in which we construct our lives and future. Amen. If there is anything I have learn is that words can either help you or harm you. Depending where you are at in life, words will  have played a solid impact in where you are now and in what you believe in. 

So it's time that we as humans whether your a Christian or not, child or adult, married or single get it tougher and start taking responsibility for what we say to others, to those in authority, and to what we say to ourselves. 

It's time to realize that words really do hurt, they have a lasting effect on our confidence and most of the time words set the cornerstones of our lives and we live within the confines of those word. 

Situations, life conditions, and circumstances may or may not change, but your words can establish our lives forever. So my hope and challenge would be is that we stand up, and speak only what we need to in a loving, caring, needful, insightful way remembering your either building up or tearing down.

God Bless.

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