Thursday, September 19, 2013

God's Creative Power for Healing (Chapter One)

Building Blocks of Life and Death cont.

Are you convinced that your own words can change your immune system for better or worse? Do you believe the words you speak are vital to your health and well-being? Do you believe there are some diseases that will never be cured unless people learn to speak the language of health that your body understands? Do you believe God's word along with your mouth is a language of health to your body?

You have to wonder about people who have an image of themselves bring in poor health will still continue to talk to others about being in poor health. They seem to live out the reality of the image they have of themselves even though they are in good health,

Proverbs 18:21 states: Death and life are in the power of the tongue. Wouldn't you agree? What you believe and speak effects your immune system and your body which makes your word either a blessing or a you and those around you.

However, a constant meditation and affirmation of God's word will build your (our) immune system that just may be anointed enough of eliminating sickness and disease! 

So lets meditation, concentrate, and put into faith God's word and let us arise and be healed depending on God's medical plan instead of man's.

God Bless. 

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