Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Infinite Wisdom

This is just part of a devotional and I love the words, the concept, and everything in between.

This is encouragement at its finest.

God Bless.

We have a Father in heaven with infinite wisdom. He knew we would be sick beyond recovery from sin, from giving in to “evil desires,” so at great cost he gave us a Savior, “Christ, a lamb without blemish,” chosen “before the creation of the world.” 

Jesus came to pay for our sin by giving his own life on a cross so that we can live now in faith, free of any worries about the outcome of our life. Because of Jesus, our “faith and hope are in God.”


Father, forgive us if we try to be independent from your wise counsel and care. We are blessed by your love for us from before the creation of the world. In Jesus, Amen.

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