Monday, September 29, 2014

Ultimate Deliverance

Lead me to the cross so I can get the ultimate gift of deliverance.

Sometimes I have to wonder if I truly understand what took place. My answer would be no but I want to. I long to. I strive to. And one day, I will come face to face with the it and my prayer is He will welcome me into the fold.

God Bless.

Ultimate Deliverance

Because of the Cross, there is nothing we struggle with that is without either a purpose or an end.

No struggle need ever again be pointless.

No suffering need ever again be unending.

We never face any assault of flesh, devil, circumstances, or personal weakness, but that God’s hand is present, mighty, and available to work through it all and beyond it all. This doesn’t mean God has planned every bad thing that happens to people. Evil things that are initiated by hell’s hatefulness or by human sin, failure, and rebellion create their own problems. But beyond them all, God’s ultimate deliverance is our promised inheritance.

How to Live Through a Bad Day

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