Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Stillness Before God

Oh how much we need to put this little devotional into action!

There was a day I was still before God until I started falling asleep and letting circumstances run my life instead of letting God run mine.

I absolutely love this devotional and I want to be a doer of it, so join me!

God Bless.

Stillness Before God

One of the most important things we can learn in this day and hour is how to be still.

I believe that one of the significant reasons so many of us are burned out and stressed out is that we don't know how to be still. We don't really know God and do not acknowledge Him. And it's only by spending time getting to know Him that we learn to hear His still, small voice so that He can direct our paths.

We need to learn to be quiet on the inside and stay in that peaceful state so that we are always ready to hear the Lord's voice. Many people today run from one thing to the next. Because their minds don't know how to be still, they don't know how to be still in their heart.

If we'll just slow down and quiet our minds enough to hear His promptings, we can live in a place of peace, ready to respond obediently. It is easy to see that leading a peaceful, happy life, free from exhaustion and burnout, is not all that complicated, as long as we remain still before God.

Prayer Starter: Lord, I recognize that You alone are God. I know that stillness before You is important, so show me how to remain settled and peaceful inside, always ready to hear Your voice.

Joyce Meyer

Monday, June 29, 2015

Are You Distracted Or Determined

This is a great question! It makes me want to stop and take a good hard look at myself and answer this question honestly no matter how much it may hurt.

I am so thankful for these types of devotionals who can speak to the heart in my time of need. It just proves to me how much God loves me.

God Bless.

Are You Distracted or Determined?
by Joyce Meyer - posted June 29, 2015

“Few things are needed—or indeed only one. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her.”
Luke10:42 NIV

In order to enjoy the present moment and the gifts it contains, we need to have balanced attitudes toward work. Luke 10:38–42 tells the story of Jesus’ visit to the home of two sisters, Mary and Martha.
Martha was overly occupied and too busy (see Luke 10:40). But Mary sat down at Jesus’ feet and listened to what He had to say. Martha was distracted with much serving; Mary was thankful Jesus was there and was determined not to miss the beauty of the present moment. And Jesus said that Mary made a better choice than Martha did.

Jesus did not tell Martha not to work; He told her not to be frustrated and have a bad attitude while she worked. Jesus wants us to work hard, but He also wants us to be wise enough to realize when we should stop all activity and not miss the miracle of the moment.

Prayer of Thanks Thank You, Father, for the way You teach me to live my life in balance. Help me to do the work You have given me to do without letting it become a distraction to my relationship with You. Thank 
You that I can enjoy moments at Your feet each day.

From the book The Power of Being Thankful by Joyce Meyer. Copyright © 2014 by Joyce Meyer. Published by FaithWords. All rights reserved.
Copyright © 2015 

Friday, June 26, 2015

Walk With Boldness

Do you walk in boldness? Yeah, me neither.

Or at least I can in some circumstances. But when it comes to knowing who I am in Christ and walking this Christian walk, I find myself falling from time to time.

When I came across this little devotional, I knew I had to take it to heart and become a stronger soldier for the cause of Christ and I wanted to share this good news with you.

God Bless.

Walk with Boldness

Some people exude boldness, while others struggle with living boldly as a loved child of God. I had that problem until God showed me some important keys that helped me live boldly, and I want to share them with you.

1. Refuse to live in fear. Fear is an epidemic in our society. The Bible instructs us in Hebrews 10:38 to live by faith and not draw back in fear.

2. Put setbacks behind you. You are not a failure because you try new things and they don't work out. You fail only when you stop trying. Don't be afraid to make mistakes, and if you do, recover quickly and press on.

3. Don't draw comparisons. Boldness will be impossible as long as you compare yourself to others. Boldness comes from accepting who you are and being the best you can be.

4. Be willing to take action. Search your heart and ask yourself what you believe God wants you to do, and then do it.

Pray over these four keys, and ask the Holy Spirit to help you live them out. Hold up your head and be filled with boldness.

Prayer Starter: Holy Spirit, I want boldness to be one of my defining traits. Help me to live out these four keys by Your strength.

Joyce Meyer

Thursday, June 25, 2015

How To Develop Your Gifts

Any information that helps with this Christian walk is golden.

This little devotional is one of them. Hopefully you will find this helpful as much as I did.

God Bless.

How to Develop Your Gifts

People ask me all the time how to discover and develop the gifts God has given them. Here are a few helpful steps that I've discovered:

1. Focus on the strengths God gave you. Concentrating on your strengths will help you fulfill the calling God has put on your life.

2. Exercise your gift. Find something you like to do and that you do well, and do it over and over again. Want to know what will happen? You will feel better about yourself because you won't be constantly failing.

3. Have the courage to be different. Unhappiness comes when you try to be like everyone else rather than embracing the unique person that you are.

4. Learn to cope with criticism. Have enough confidence in who you are in Christ that you can listen to others and be open to change without feeling you have to agree with their viewpoint or attain their approval.
God has planted greatness in you. Let today be the beginning of a great adventure as you step into the gifts He's given you.

Prayer Starter: God, I want to cultivate and develop the gifts You've given me. Give me the courage to follow You and develop the gifts and abilities You've put inside me.

Joyce Meyer 

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Speak God's Word To The Mountain

With all the attacks happening that rocks our world, we need to start speaking the word instead of complying to the circumstances that are thrown at us.

And this little devotional gives us some encouragement to keep running our races set before us!

God Bless.

Speak God's Word to the Mountain

When Jesus said that we are to speak to the mountain, commanding it to be lifted up and thrown into the sea, He was making a radical statement.

See, we usually talk about the "mountains," or challenges, in our lives, but God's Word instructs us to talk to them. And when we do, we must respond to them with the Word of God.

In Luke 4, when Satan was trying to tempt Jesus in the wilderness, the Lord responded to every trial by speaking Scripture. He repeatedly quoted verses that met the lies and deceptions of the devil head-on.

We have a tendency to try this for awhile, but when we do not see quick results, we stop speaking the Word to our problems and begin once again to speak our feelings. Persistence is a vital link to obtaining victory.

Constantly speaking the Word is powerful and absolutely necessary in overcoming any problem or negative situation. Know what you believe and be determined to stick with it to the end.

Prayer Starter: Holy Spirit, remind me daily to speak the Word to the mountains in my life. Every time I give in to complaining or despair, fill me with Your peace and boldness and prompt me to speak Your will and move mountains!

Joyce Meyer Ministries

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Increase Your Self-Acceptance

This little devotional about self acceptance is something I needed to come across right now.

Self Acceptance is a weakness for me and one I've been working on for years and this little devotional will help me to continue my quest and my hope is that you will find strength and hope in this as much as I did.

God Bless.

Increase Your Self-Acceptance

You may not think highly of yourself, but God wants you to like who you are. Here are 5 practical tips to help increase your self-acceptance and improve your opinion of yourself:

1. Never speak negatively about yourself. The communication of your faith is made effectual by acknowledging every good thing in you through Christ Jesus, not by focusing on the wrong.

2. Avoid comparing yourself to others. Peter encountered this obstacle when he compared himself to another disciple. He said, "Lord, what about this man? Jesus replied, If I want him to stay (survive, live) until I come, what is that to you?..." (John 21:21-22 AMP). We are not called to compare, only to comply.

3. Let God determine your worth. Remember that you have already been accepted by God.

4. Keep your flaws in perspective. It's ok to see where you want to improve, but make sure you appreciate your progress.

5. Discover the true source of confidence. If you place your confidence in God, you can't help but have a healthy attitude. Do your best, and leave the results to Him.

Prayer Starter: God, thank You for accepting me even when I have trouble accepting myself. Help me to acknowledge the good qualities You've given me and keep my flaws in perspective as I find my confidence in You.

Joyce Meyer Ministries

Monday, June 22, 2015

Consistency In The Word Of God

Having consistency in my life would be great! But to have consistency in God's word is high on my priority list if not the number one goal.

To have consistency in God's word without condemning myself would be the greatest gift I could give not only to myself but to the people I care about because I would be so in sink with God's will for my life, my families lives, my neighbor's, my town, my state, and possibly to the world and shouldn't that be where our focus should be? I think so because God is waiting for people to step up, obtain God's heart, and go save a world who doesn't even understand the meaning of what consistency is and what is possible once you have it in one's life.

God Bless.

Consistency in the Word of God

"Do not conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.” Romans 12:2, NKJV

Early in my Christian walk I would read my Bible even when I didn’t feel like it, and even when I didn’t understand anything I read. I didn’t give up. I kept asking, seeking, and knocking on His door. I began noticing my way of thinking began to change, and the things I used to do, no longer interested me. I saw and thought differently. I made a decision to not allow the devil to steal one more day from me and now I am enjoying the blessing of having the mind of Christ.
God wants to transform you and bless your life. He wants you to receive the mind of Christ. If He did it for me, He will surely do it for you. Having and maintaining the mind of Christ doesn’t happen overnight. We spent a lot of time believing the lies of Satan and adjusting to the stereotypes and ways of this world. To see real change will take consistency. With consistent time spent with the Lord, in prayer and in reading the Bible, God begins to renew your mind and change your life.
Prayer: Father God, I praise You for sending Your Son Jesus to give His life so I can live with You forever. I come to You today seeking, knocking and asking for the mind of Christ. I want to think right, live right, respond right. I want to treat people right. Change me Lord and use me to help others. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.
(Read Ephesians 4:22-24; Colossians 1:21-22; Colossians 3:10; Philippians 2:5)

Friday, June 19, 2015

What It Means To Seek

Do you know what it mean to seek? To really seek?

Do you know who to seek after? Do you know why it matters?

I love this devotional. This devotional gives me an insight of what, who, and why I need to seek. 

I truly want to take the words in this devotional to heart and grow in my faith. Join me!

God Bless.

What it Means to Seek

    “Seek the Lord while you can find him. 
      Call on him now while he is near.” Isaiah 55:6, New Living Translation (NLT)
The Hebrew definition for the word “seek” is to tread or frequent; usually to follow (for pursuit or search); by implication to seek or ask; specifically to worship. In the English Dictionary, to seek is to attempt to find (something).
The reason there aren’t many seekers of the Lord is because we have the wrong perspective of what it means to seek. Our seeking is more than an attempt to find something. It is how we worship; it is a full persuasion that God is who He said He is, and He will do everything He promised He will do.
The truth is, every Christian isn’t seeking God. Just because you are praying doesn’t mean you are seeking God. To seek is to frequent God’s company and search His Word for wisdom and direction until you receive what He has promised you. It is constantly asking, “OK Lord, I did step one. Now, what is step two? OK, I’ve obeyed You here. Now, what do You want me to do next?” It is constantly checking in with Him to navigate you to the victory He’s promised you.
Prayer: Father God, thank You for Your divine insight. I ask that you give me the heart of a seeker. I don’t know everything and I can’t get to Your promises for my life without You directing me and instructing my heart. Help me to get this message in my heart and cause Your truth to produce visible results in my life. In Jesus name, Amen.
(Read Isaiah 45:19; 1Chronicles 28:9; 2Chronicles 19:3; Job 8:5; Psalms 14:2, Psalms 27:8)

Thursday, June 18, 2015

How Much God Wants To Bless You

When people said to me, "do you know how much God wants to bless you." 
God Bless.And this is usually doing a time when my life has been 
turned upside down 
and I have a hard time believing God wants to bless me 
and so when I came across this little devotional, 
it stirs hope in me and hope is what makes the world go around.
Don't be like me. Be better than me and believe how much God
wants to bless you!
God Bless.

 to Bless You

John Piper
The LORD will again take delight in prospering you. (Deuteronomy 30:9)
He does not bless us begrudgingly. There is a kind of eagerness about the beneficence of God. He does not wait for us to come to him. He seeks us out, because it is his pleasure to do us good. God is not waiting for us, he is pursuing us. That, in fact, is the literal translation of Psalm 23:6, “Surely goodness and mercy shall pursue me all the days of my life.”
God loves to show mercy. Let me say it again. God loves to show mercy. He is not hesitant or indecisive or tentative in his desires to do good to his people. His anger must be released by a stiff safety lock, but his mercy has a hair trigger. That’s what he meant when he came down on Mount Sinai and said to Moses, “The LORD, the LORD, a God merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love” (Exodus 34:6).
God is never irritable or edgy. His anger never has a short fuse. Instead he is infinitely energetic with absolutely unbounded andunending enthusiasm for the fulfillment of his delights.
This is hard for us to comprehend, because we have to sleep every day just to cope, not to mention thrive. We go up and down in our enjoyments. We get bored and discouraged one day and feel hopeful and excited another.
We are like little geysers that gurgle and sputter and pop erratically. But God is like a great Niagara — you look at it and think: surely this can’t keep going at this force for year after year after year.
That’s the way God is about doing us good. He never grows weary of it. It never gets boring to him.

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Our True Home

This world is not my home, I'm just a passing thru and I'm looking forward to the day I finally can retreat to my true home and never have to leave. 

This little devotional from Derek Prince gives me an insight of what to look forward to and I can't wait.

Sometimes I find myself saying, "come quickly, Lord. I want to go home." 

I can't imagine what heaven looks like but I know it's going to be good!

God Bless.


Our True Home

I am a child of God.

Once when I was really concerned about my own spiritual condition, I asked God to make heaven more real to me. I believe heaven is the home of every child of God.

I have never met a child who did not have a rather clear idea about his own home. A child might not know the street outside, but he knows his own home. I think one of the marks of us, as God’s children, is that we feel at home in relationship to heaven. This earth is beautiful; this life is exciting. But this world is not our final resting place.

The great saints of God were looking ahead, out of time and into eternity, and they had some glimpses of what was to come. Physical death was not going to be a jump into the unknown. They had some clear revelation of what they could expect. I am looking forward to the temple. I am looking forward to the angels. And I am looking forward to the four living creatures. There is so much that I am looking forward to. I think that the sea of glass mingled with crystal is going to be very exciting. (See, for example, Revelation 3:5; 4:6–8; 7:15.) There will be no dull moments in heaven.

Thank You, Jesus, that You have redeemed us. I proclaim that heaven is the home of every child of God—and that includes me, because I am a child of God. Amen.

Derick Prince Ministries

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Notice The Little Things

In this day and age truly the little things matter.

It is getting harder and harder to recognize the good guys from the bad guys. This world is crazy. Shooting's, banning flags, and everything in between. It's hard not to have a hard heart and say forget this and close myself inside my house and never come out again.

But I'd die if I did that so when I walk outside my door I make a choice to be a better person and go above and beyond not so much to make someone's day but to show there's a better way to live.

So truly the little things matter for there are lives who are counting on me to give them a reason there is hope for the future and who know's maybe it will start a rocket chain of events that might shake a nation.

God Bless.

Notice the Little Things

One day as I was going into an office building, a man standing nearby opened the door for me. I thanked him and smiled. "You're the fifth person I've held the door for," he said, "and you're the first one to smile and the second to thank me."

I thanked him a second time, with a smile on my face. Afterward, I thought how much we take others for granted, even in simple things, such as opening a door for a stranger.

We often commend people when they do big things for us, but how often do we appreciate the little things?

When a person does something nice for you and you thank them, it builds them up and encourages them. It means a lot to them, just like it did to the man at the office building.

Did your bus arrive on time today? If so, did you thank the driver? The last time you ate at a restaurant, did you thank the waiter for filling your coffee cup a second time without being asked? This is the point I want to make: Develop an attitude of gratitude toward the people in your life.

Prayer Starter: Lord, keep me aware so that I will notice the little, helpful things that people do for me. I don't want to be ungrateful. Instead, I want to thank them and build them up.

Joyce Meyer Ministries

Monday, June 15, 2015

Talking Net

This little devotional is going to help me with my mouth!

My mouth is one of the biggest problems I have and I'm always working and looking for helpful tips.

When I came across this little devotional, I knew this would help me with my problem and I wanted to share this one with you.

God Bless.

Talking Net

We all need to learn how to establish and maintain boundaries with our words. Proverbs 10:19 states, "When words are many, sin is not absent, but he who holds his tongue is wise" (NIV). In other words, people who talk a lot will often find themselves in trouble.

Because our words carry so much power, you and I need to learn to say only what needs to be said. I like to call it "talking net." When we get paid, most of us get a net paycheck, everything that needs to be taken out has already been removed from the gross.

You can apply this same principle to your speech.

You need to remove certain types of words from your speech before they ever come out of your mouth. These include negative statements, gossip, insincere flattery, sarcasm and coarse jesting, or being funny in a rude way.

Instead, you can choose to speak well of others, finding and focusing on good qualities in them. They will be appreciative and encouraged, and you won't find yourself in trouble!

Prayer Starter: Lord, I want to "talk net" and stay out of trouble. Strengthen and encourage me as I live by Your boundaries with my words.

Joyce Meyer Ministries 

Friday, June 12, 2015

These Commandments

Wow, after reading this devotional, if this doesn't want you to run and set up a home bible study with your love ones I'm not sure what will. 

I know it starts early as a parent to teach your child about God and if you don't have children it's still your responsibility to try and get the word out there to others. Without soldiers in the fight, the war is lost and believe you me, we are in a war for the souls of this nation as well as around the world.

So, let's go equip our love ones, neighbors, and anyone who will listen because whether you want to acknowledge it or not, the dying are your family as well. Family doesn't always mean blood relatives and we must start seeing people that way because I can tell you this, God sees everyone on this earth as being part of His family and we have been grafted in. 

Don't you want to go and graft others in as well before it's too late? It's never to early or to late to learn about your family that has gone before us!

Deuteronomy 6:6-7 

These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. 

The family unit is purposed to instruct every generation about God. Make no mistake – it is not only the responsibility of your church to educate and impart the knowledge and person of Jesus Christ to your children. 

It is first and foremost the responsibility of the family. If families fail at this task, future generations will gradually forget about God, and smaller becomes the opportunity for them to be saved. Remember the Lord, and what He has done! 

Verse/Commentary courtesy of 'Jesus Daily: Bible Devotional' android app. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.idelata.JesusDaily

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Fully His

I want to be fully His but to do that, I need to understand what all that entitles me to and I love this devotional from Derek Prince.

This devotional gives me a sense of who and what I want to be. Hopefully you will find strength in it as well as I did!

God Bless.

Fully His

I have been forgiven and set free from my sins.

There was a boy who lived in a town on the seaside. He was a skilled and clever carver, and he carved himself a little wooden boat. When he put sails on it, it really sailed. One day, he took it down to the shore and was sailing it at the edge of the sea, but the tide changed and carried his boat out to sea, and he could not recover it. So, he went home without his boat.

With the next change of the wind and tide, the boat came back again. A man walking along the seashore found the boat, picked it up, and saw it was a beautiful piece of work. He took it to a local shop and sold it. The shop owner cleaned it up and put it on display in his shop window with a price of thirty-five dollars.
Some while later, the boy walked past the shop, looked in the window, and saw his boat with a price of thirty-five dollars. He knew, however, that he had no way to prove that it was his boat. If he wanted his boat, there was only one thing he could do: buy it back.

He set to work, taking any job he could to earn the money to buy his boat. Once he earned the money, he walked into the shop and said, “I want to buy that boat.” He paid the money, and, when he got the boat in his hands, he walked outside and stopped on the sidewalk. He held the boat to his chest and said, “Now you’re mine. I made you and I bought you.” That is redemption. First, the Lord made us, but we were in Satan’s slave market. Then, He bought us. We are doubly His. Can you see how valuable you are to the Lord? Think of yourself as that boat for a moment. You may feel so inadequate, so worthless. You wonder whether God ever really cares. Just try to believe that you are that boat in the Lord’s arms and He is saying to you, “Now you’re Mine. I made you and I bought you. I own you; you’re fully Mine.”

 Thank You, Lord, for Your forgiveness. I proclaim that I am in the Lord’s arms, and He has declared that I am His. He made me and bought me; He loves me; I am fully His. I have been forgiven and set free from my sins. Amen.
Derek Prince Ministries

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Your Forgiveness

This is my scripture thought for today and I wanted to share! 

We are free! Thank You Lord!!!!

God Bless.

Thank You, Lord, for Your forgiveness. 
I am free from the devil’s efforts to bring me under condemnation, and there is no condemnation for me because I am in Christ Jesus. 
I have been forgiven and set free from my sins. 

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

No Condemnation

I don't need any one's help in condemning me, I can do that all on my own. And believe you me, this is one of the biggest problems I have if not the biggest.

I can kick myself for being so stupid. See, what did I tell ya! 

Oh how I love this little devotional! It' tells me I'm free! And being free is freeing indeed! Now all I have to do is bury the words deep within me so I can live my life I was meant to.

My hope is you will find yourself being freed indeed too!

God Bless.

“No Condemnation”

I have been forgiven and set free from my sins.
There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus....For what the law could not do in that it was weak through the flesh, God did by sending His own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh.
(Romans 8:1, 3)

There are two kinds of coffee: percolated and instant. Percolated coffee takes longer to make because it has to go through the brewing process. The book of Romans is like percolated coffee. We cannot get instant coffee out of Romans chapter 8. We must go through the preceding seven chapters. Those are the percolator. But the result is that much richer. 

Only when we have been through those chapters do we get to the “therefore.” The preceding chapters deal with the total sinfulness of all humanity, as well as with the failure of religion to change man’s sinful nature. Using the examples of Abraham and David (see chapter 4), with a comparison between Adam and Christ (see chapter 5), Paul moves on in chapter 6 to reveal God’s remedy for the old man: execution. God doesn’t patch up the old man. He doesn’t reform him. He executes him! The good news is that this execution took place when Jesus died on the cross.

Romans 7 deals with our relationship to the Law. I always used to think, Why come to the law after all that? But I have learned that the ultimate hurdle we have to get over, the last stage of this percolator, is how we relate to the Law. Without the percolator, we cannot live in Romans 8, because the essential condition is “no condemnation.” The moment in which we come under condemnation is the moment when we are out of the Spirit-controlled life of Romans 8. The devil’s main objective is to bring us under condemnation. The objective of God’s Word, especially in Romans, is to deliver us from condemnation. 

Thank You, Lord, for Your forgiveness. I am free from the devil’s efforts to bring me under condemnation, and there is no condemnation for me because I am in Christ Jesus. I have been forgiven and set free from my sins. Amen.

Declaring God's Word
Derek Pince Ministeries 
Daily Devotional  

Monday, June 8, 2015

Think First

Joyce get's me but more importantly, God get's me and He sends me these little devotionals to speak encouragement into my life. 

I often think I know better than God and usual get myself into trouble. So today's devotional has been ingrain in me and I'm ready for a new week and to let God be God in my life! He doesn't need my interference!

God Bless.

Think First

by Joyce Meyer

You ought to be quiet (keep yourselves in check) and to do nothing rashly. 
—Acts 19:36

Committing to do something without asking God about it and waiting for Him to speak to us is not wise; nor is it wise to jump into things without thinking first about what we are getting ready to do. We often obligate ourselves to too many things and end up weary and worn out. God certainly strengthens us through His Spirit, but He doesn’t strengthen us to do things that are outside of His will for us. He won’t strengthen us to be foolish! 

Once we commit to do something, God expects us to keep our word and be people of integrity, so His advice to us in the verse for today is to “think before we speak.” In our thinking, we ought to ask God what He thinks about the matter we have under consideration.

This is certainly a lesson I have had to learn. I used to allow enthusiasm to get the best of me and say yes to things without asking for God’s advice and then end up complaining about my schedule. God had to let me know that if I had sought Him first and followed His guidance, I could have avoided being frustrated and stressed. I am sure you have many opportunities to get involved in things you would enjoy or consider important. I simply encourage you today not to commit to anything without giving it serious thought and without seeking God’s guidance concerning whether or not He would have you do these things.

God’s word for you today: Think before you speak!

From the book Hearing from God Each Morning: 365 Daily Devotions by Joyce Meyer. Copyright © 2010 by Joyce Meyer. Published by FaithWords. All rights reserved.

Friday, June 5, 2015

Worry Is Selfishness In Desguise

There seems to be a theme developing in my week. If you haven't guessed it, I'm going through something and it's big in my life.

I can feel God's pull on my heart and life and as I sit here, tears are running down my cheeks because what I'm facing is propbably one of the biggest things ever!!

And these little devotionals are speaking to me and I just watned to put them out there for others.

I wanted to finish by saying, God I need you! Not my will but Yours!

God Bless.

Worry Is Selfishness in Disguise

Too often, people give in to worry without realizing how deadly it is. When you get to the root of it, worry is a sin. Worry certainly doesn't come out of faith, and Romans 14:23 (AMP) states that "whatever does not originate and proceed from faith is sin."

Most of the time, worry is based on one sin in particular: selfishness. Usually when we worry, we're concerned about how our selfish desires are not being fulfilled. The more selfish desires you have, the more you have to worry about, and the more complicated your life becomes.
God wants us to simply focus on serving Him.

It is God's will that we live our lives free from all anxiety and distressing care. He wants us to be free to serve Him without being 'drawn in diverging directions' (1 Corinthians 7:34 AMP). We must not allow the worries of this world to divert us from His purpose for our lives.

Seek to rid yourself of selfish desires. This will keep your life simple and give you less to worry about. Then you can wholeheartedly pursue God's great plan for your life.

Prayer Starter: Father God, thank You for showing me that worry is a sin. Help me to get rid of my selfish, ungodly desires so that I can simply pursue Your destiny for me.

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Learn To Take Life As It Comes

Yeah, taking life as it comes is easier said than done. Hopefully I am not the only one!

If I could have a crystal ball telling me what was going to happen and things were going to work out for me and how, I think I would feel better or at least be happier.

I say that now but I'm not that is true. I'm a crazed emotional person. However, I long to live a life as it comes. To me it would be a much freer life.

I thank God, He isn't done with me yet and He is bringing me along to so that kind of life is possible. I just got to get out of the way and let God be God. He's seemed to have done a better job than I could ever and He has blessed me beyond measure which I am eternity grateful.

God Bless.

Learn to Take Life As It Comes

Like most people, I resist things I don't like that I can't really do anything about. One day the Lord said to me, 'Joyce, learn to take life as it comes.'

I believe this is a lesson for all of us. What He was saying to me was that I needed to stop fighting the things I could do nothing about.

If we are traveling somewhere and suddenly find ourselves in heavy traffic due to an accident or bad weather, it doesn't do any good to resist it. Only time or God's supernatural intervention will change the situation. Why not relax and try to find some way to enjoy the time?

God has equipped us to handle life as it comes, which is why He tells us to only focus on today. He knows that if we spend time worrying about issues beyond our control, we will become tired and frustrated.

You don't need to waste time trying to change and control things outside your power. Set your mind to what God has placed in front of you and let Him take care of the rest.

Prayer Starter: Lord, I realize that I can't control everything, but I can trust You. Right now, I make a
decision do my best with what You've given me and leave the rest to You.

Joyce Meyer Ministers

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Why We Ask Why

I came across this little devotional from my folder on my computer and I knew this one was for  me today and most days.

If I ever stopped asking why this is happening to me than either I've finally grown up or the Lord has called me home. I would hope it would be the latter.

I am so weak and so unbelievably without faith when crisis hits. Yet after reading this, I know it's time for me to grow up and say enough is enough. And replace the why with I believe.

If I did that I wonder how happier I would be not to mention my family and others around me. I need to start seeing it's not always about me but about others who are watching me act like a fool with her head cut off. Just maybe if I could believe I could change a person's life and become a soul winner instead of a crazed freaked out lunatic who can't keep it together longer than five minutes.

So I'm declaring I believe today!

God Bless.

Why We Ask 'Why?'

Do you ever find yourself in a tragic situation and asked God, 'Why? Why is this happening to me?'

For one moment, let's imagine that God actually answered that question. Would His explanation change anything? The effects of the tragedy would still be with you, and the pain would be just as severe as it was
before. What would you have learned?

When we ask God that question, I think the real questions we're asking are: 'God, do You love me? Will You take care of me in my sorrow and pain? You won't leave me alone, will You?' Is it possible that, because we're afraid God doesn't truly care about us, we ask for explanations?

Instead, we must learn to say: 'Lord, I believe. I don't understand, and I'll probably never grasp all the reasons bad things happen, but I know for certain that You love me and are with me, always.'

I believe it often takes more faith to go through something victoriously than to be delivered from it. Put your
faith in God and you'll come out stronger on the other side.

Prayer Starter: God, I believe in You, even when circumstances try to fill my mind with doubt. Help me to remember Your love for me and to put my faith in You, no matter what happens.

Author Unknown 

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Selah's Press On Lyrics

Sometimes the right words can't be spoken or they can't be formed in a way you need them to be because of what you are going thru.

Sometimes, the very thing that needs to be said can only be said through a song and for me today, Selah song Press On is all the words I need to get me through the day.

We are going to make it so, let's press on.

God Bless.

Selah - Press On Lyrics

Press On Lyrics

"Press On" was written by Burgess, Dan.

When the valley is deep
When the mountain is steep
When the body is weary
When we stumble and fall
When the choices are hard
When we're battered and scarred
When we've spent our resources
When we've given our all
In Jesus' name, we press on
In Jesus' name, we press on
Dear Lord, with the prize clear before our eyes
We find the strength to press on
In Jesus' name, we press on
In Jesus' name, we press on
Dear Lord, with the prize clear before our eyes
We find the strength to press on
We find the strength to press on, to press on


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Read more: Selah - Press On Lyrics | MetroLyrics 

Monday, June 1, 2015

Appreciate Honesty From Other People

I can tell you from personal experience, I hate it when someone tells me what I am doing wrong in my life.

Automatically, my defenses goes up and a stubborn attitude emerges. Yet, after reading this little devotional, maybe it's time I did an attitude check on myself and not so much on others.

Maybe it's time I try to listen to what others are saying and use this mind set as a why of shifting through what people tell me. God uses people and sometimes, the words people use has a little bit of truth from God in them to help steer me into a new direction.

Yep, this one is for me today. Hopefully you will find it useful as well.

God Bless.

Appreciate Honesty from Other People

Everyone loves compliments, but very few know how to handle constructive criticism. No one likes to be wrong, which makes it hard when people are uncomfortably honest with us.

But we need to be thankful for honesty in other people. I once heard someone say, "Only two people will tell you the truth about yourself: someone who is angry with you and someone who loves you very much." God uses both types in our lives, but He especially uses the honesty of friends and loved ones.

When someone can, in love, honestly show you how you can improve, the results will be so much more valuable than empty, ego-stroking compliments. It's this kind of relationship that the Bible describes as 'iron sharpening iron.'

I urge you to be thankful for people who tell you the truth about yourself, even if it's not what you want to hear.

When you hear the truth, especially something you weren't aware of, you can change. Ultimately, their honesty will make you a better person.

Prayer Starter: Lord, thank You for placing truly honest people in my life. Their honesty may make me uncomfortable at times, but I know that when I listen to them, You can help me become a better person.

Devotional From Today published by ReFrame Media